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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Id wait it out too, I wouldnt be happy thou....
  2. tb4me


    3 2 1 Ovie sucks, Ovie sucks, Ovie sucks...lol thought that was funny lastnight.. Who comes up with this stuff anyway..
  3. tb4me

    Trout fun

    Those are some of the best underwater pics I have seen..thanks for that!
  4. Yes be very carefull whith putting anything on the crank to start the machine..I wouldnt do it myself..
  5. Cool fishin, but I too had to kill it early due to music..
  6. ill be walleye fishing the trent..Will also be float fishing the big pike with large sucker minnows while I sit in a lawn chair sucking back beer at an abnormal rate..lol Have a long weekend before the long weekend! Sooo excited and cant dang wait...
  7. Nice shot Joey! What lens did you use? Lol if you look closely on the left side you can make out Roger Waters..Oh the Dark Side of the moon reference..Gotta love it!
  8. tb4me


    I always wondered the same thing with all documentaries..I guess it involves camera's everywhere and hours and hours of footage..just for 7 seconds of useable footage..Unreal the dedication involved eh...
  9. Yes Simon your 100% right..Take it deep and thank them for it....Do they offer lube with that?
  10. INCREDIBLE PREDATOR First sequence he catches half a dozen fish in one strike. Second sequence he plunges talons into deep water right to the bottom to grab his prey. Third sequence he captures a big old fat fish that looks as if it weighs more than he does! This is incredible to watch <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nA3LtXnNIto" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. Pm Henry Nguyen on here and as about a legend boat..They (lund) wouldnt get any of my business after pulling that crap stunt..Good luck no matter what you decide to do...
  12. Sorry to hear this Dave. Positive thoughts and prayers sent you way..
  13. Nice freakin boat! Love it
  14. Just wondering...Does not being a "weekend warrior" make you a better fisherman then the rest of us? Perhaps you have a higher knowledge of the sport then anyone else on here? I would love to catch a sucker on my ultralight gear anyday..To each their own my friend..
  15. Simon that dogs owner must be retired..lol
  16. I wish they would protest the price of fuel..They are the guys n gals that could actually do somthing...If the trucks stop so does EVERYTHING..
  17. Why is it that one dummy gets his truck stuck that 2 other dummys have to try it too?...lol
  18. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/316AzLYfAzw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Holy moly! How did I miss this report? Great job Mike and wow what a trip..Thanks for sharing your adventure!!!
  20. ok after some research I found that There are several species of redhorse, including the black, golden, river, shorthead, silver, and greater.. Im thinking this one pictured above is the Greater Redhorse..There I learn somthing new every day!!!
  21. Are you 100% sure thats a redhorse? We catch them here in the Grand river and they dont look anything like that..The redhorse suckers here in the grand have red tail and fins..That one is big so it could just be an old fish that lost much of its colour suppose..Either way good job!
  22. thanks everyone..up at 530 am to be there by 630 7 ish...
  23. well it would appear that my daughter still wants to go..Where can I grab some minnows in the am? Our local tackle shop is closed now..
  24. Ahhh crap, upon further review your 100% correct..Think I will stay away from that zoo..Any other ideas where we can get sum perch in that general area? fell free to PM if you dont wish to share on here..
  25. My wife works all day tomorrow..I was thinking of taking my daughter fishing..Question to the locals or anyone that may know are they being caught there yet? My daughter is young and has a short attention span if she is not catching fish..Thanks folks!
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