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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. We still need a #1 centre, sorry but Bozak is a 2nd or 3rd line centre at best..I like Bozak but he isint the go to guy on any other team...I say Phaneuf and Kadri for Getzlaf or the likes....
  2. Well I kind of thught it was staged some how. Being in fact staged, its an incredible expamle of performance.
  3. I dont pay attention to him..Lol I find it funny myself. Yes Reimer looks great out there. For the first time since his rookie year I dont cringe every time the other team brings the puck into our end. I actually cant wait to play the sens..Go Leafs go!
  4. Looks fantastic Lew..Congrats on a job well done my man!
  5. They are lucky to be alive thats for sure..
  6. http://www.wimp.com/keeprunway/ Wow the wing of the Plane almost hit the ground.. Whats wrong with people...lol
  7. Its gonna be a beauty! Mclearen is in the lineup watch out lucih and chara...lol Reimer starts too..Thank god the Scrivens esperiment is finally over..I cringe when I think of the points that experiment cost us leafers....3 games is 6 points....
  8. Yes he did let one soft one thru.. As long as he lets less then the other teams goalie I suppose he will be just fine. Other then that id be happy to say he has stolen both games from the Pens Sabers and the Caps. Go Leafs GO.
  9. Wow what a comeback! Way to gut it out Kuli and Kadri wow what effort on that rush..Reimer once again is Da MAN!!!
  10. What makes you ask that? lol I have no idea thou
  11. Good game so far..Nice goal by JVR.. Ovie looks asleep doesnt he..Will see how long this lasts
  12. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AvK6gvdTq1M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. I like this move..Muskymatt is ok we play you real soon..Your soon to see why we need the tough guys. Praise Alfie..lol Go Leafs Go!!!
  14. Couldnt have said it any better myself right here....
  15. Awesome, go learn..You will do good and enjoy it.. My instructor is also the local gun smith here in town. Very smart man and an exellent teacher..His name is Wayne Miller his comany name in shurefire gun repair here in Brantford for anyone looking to sign up around here
  16. Funny you should mention that Bill..There were 2 in my class that scared the hell out of me..One was a female Police officer here in town.. She was "Prove"ing a loaded 12 gauge stared right down the barrel..Also she couldn't figure out the safety on the lever action rifles without actually firing off the dummy round. I was surprised that a Police officer doesn't have to have their non restricted licences. Thank god for dummy rounds eh..The other guy couldn't learn to keep his finger off the trigger..He ironically enough was the only person to fail the course..
  17. Wow Fratten with 3 goals in 2 games .. Impressive Reimer had a great game..Cant stop em all..He beat Miller tonight..SO he has beaten Miller and Fleury this year Good game boys...
  18. I have enjoyed this game so far..Its to bad about loosing Brown tonight. He served Leaf Nation Well tonight. I also think Reimer is having a good game so far Jonas Siegel‏@jonasTSN1050 Mike Brown did not return for the third period, following second period fight with Mike Weber.
  19. /\ /\ /\ /\ Lol never a dull moment. Anyway I'm not going to bother with the restricted as I'm not a fan of hand guns.. Also promised the wife I wouldn't get into them. She wasn't a big fan of guns in the house to begin with. I had to promise that not only will trigger locks be used but all guns will be locked away in a safe and Ammo stored in a locked box separate from the guns. I have no problem with that what so ever. I take the federal minimum as a just that , a minimum. One can never be to safe with kids around..
  20. Ha ha funny.. I didnt even notice his reel untill I read this..His rod is on backwords..Funny stuff
  21. Wow that's sad..Seems pretty cut n dry to me.. I have the utmost respect for Police and what they do..In this case I hope the officer and the 2 security guards get what's coming to them in the court of law..
  22. Nice puppy! Good to hear ya got out on the ice.. I havent been out yet.. Was hoping to hit Erie next weekend, but the weather doesnt look so good for that now.....
  23. Dont go any less then a 400 for workin and id get the Honda..Solid tough and reliable..
  24. Nice Stuff! I used to love wood working in my Grandfathers shop.. Since he passed away I havent done anything like it.. One of these days I want to build a wood working shop in my basement. Anyway thanks for sharing reminds me of days past, thanks for that!
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