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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Ha ha ha you came to the wrong place looking for advice against the MNR .Nice first post BTW.. lol Pay the fine in person in nickles if you feel the need to....
  2. Ya the remediation crews usually work quick..The reconstruction, that's another story..Hopefully it goes quick for them..
  3. I have run into this when I lived in Mt Forest as a teen..One of my good friends had his visor ripped right off his helmet when he hit a steel cable strung across the OFSC trail right outside of town..There are a bunch of sick SOBs out there..
  4. Ya 3 months for insurance company to drag their respective heels and 2 months to rebuild..
  5. yup sure did..I have watched that about 10 times now..Makes me want to get a dash cam ..What a helpless feeling that must have been..
  6. just make sure its not a green semi auto carbine in Canada and your good to go...lol
  7. Thats crazy..Looks like they will be moving out for a while..
  8. They are going to need all the luck they can get..If we can get them into game shape like they were before the break Im confident they will make the playoffs, I dont suspect they will go far thou..
  9. Wow thats crazy..Its clear that the guy on the phone caused that..But why did the driver of the oncoming truck turn into hm like that..The trailer would have been where I would have turned towards.. I know its easy for me to say sitting here on my couch. Impact was so hard it shut the radio off..unreal..
  10. LOL Sens are tanking, I cant say as I blame them...Its a good thing Connor McDavid is int in the draft for 2 more years..he should be a Leaf
  11. I thought it was a good game, we out played them most of the game, played a fairly solid game,then we went on the PP..What is going on..Bozak had a great game.. Go Leafs Go!!!
  12. My mistake cause your right..But I thought they did because he was on long term IR..
  13. He is on IR right now but when he returns his cap hit is in effect.
  14. Well Ford had it coming and Kimmel went no holds barred..However Ford took it like a man and handled it well..I was surprised at how well he took it..
  15. Yikes..Looks like the sledder managed to skip to the solid ice and hang on..wow
  16. If I were you id be more worried bout the sens trying to dump your lowly captain.. Look at the bright side , with his lack lustre play and HUGE contract he wont be going anywhere...Tank nation in Ottawa..Its no wonder you enjoy bashing the better Leafs, you have to enjoy hockey one way or another I suppose...Blow Sens Blow!
  17. Twitter tells me the Leafs are making a huge push for Ryan Kessler!
  18. Well 1 win in just under 2 years aganst the leafs, they cant win them all..The calls in OT were a joke. I suppose the ref would rather Bernier ust sit there and let the rushing forward score..Must have been french officials
  19. The only reason Price is out is because he has a groin strain from the gold medal game.. Why start him against a team you cant win against..
  20. Game day! Interesting tweet this am "Asked if the Leafs could go deep in the playoffs without improving defensively Jonathan Bernier responded, "I personally don't think so..." This from the goalie that played the worst game of the season..So most would think after tossing his team under the bus and playing a crap game Randy would go with Reims for tonight, right? Wrong...Bernier starts...Why oh why..I'm beginning to think Bernier caught Randy cheating on his wife or something..Brutal...
  21. LOl that sketch looks like my 12 year old daughter made it
  22. I have to do this same reno on my boat this summer..What was the total cost to do all this? If ya dont mind me asking..Good job BTW
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