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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Reims is fine there..He was faking it to avoid the penalty for covering the puck outside of the crease..
  2. Very nice! Red sky at night! Damn you ice....
  3. lol he sure was, but sometimes im all thumbs.. that was supposed to be a 3..
  4. Great game..Im beat off to bed..Leafs take points in 17 of the last 20 (14-3-3).. GO LEAFS GO!!!
  5. Wow Tyler Bozak Ranked 1st in NHL in shooting percentage..Scored 15th goal on only shot tonight..Oh and he has a 3 point night so far...
  6. Paul Ranger has been unreal tonight..Dion you do know its ok to hit Perry when he has the puck eh bud? Good game so far
  7. We got them right where we want them..Its ours to loose now..Lets go get more boys! Leafs tv sucks during the intermission breaks..
  8. Thats horrible..This has been a bad year for the NHL..Seizures, strokes and a heart attack.
  9. Ya ill be getting a dash cam for sure..This one looks good Front and Rear cams http://www.ebay.ca/itm/2-7-LCD-HD-1080P-Dual-Lens-Dash-Cam-Car-Separate-Back-Camera-Vehicle-889DVR-F90-/171264510416?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27e02909d0
  10. Honestly congrats to JR but he better get his 2nd win while he is hot..With the new format he is gonna need 2 wins to lock himself in the chase early..
  11. Not me..I like Dion..Any guy that plays over 30 min a night is bound to have a few mistakes..It comes with 30 min games..Sure he has been a tad soft at times but I dont know of any perfect Defense men in the NHL
  12. Say what? I thought you had a man crush on Dion..Where did this come from?
  13. I was thinking the same thing..Oh well I thought it was well played game..You have to give Philly some credit..They played an exellent game but most of it was from behind. An odd stat about the leafs...Leafs give up 33 third period leads but are now 24-1 and 2 when leading after 2.. I thought Dion played a noteworthy game..Held off Giroux, Lead the team in ice time and sets up the OT winner.. Good Game boys Go Leafs Go!!!
  14. Great start! The boys in blue are flying..I think JVR sees turn-styles when he looks at the Philly De-fence...lol
  15. looks that way...Muscle strain in his leg..Mclearen recalled from marlies
  16. Almost game time! I hope JVR lights it up big time tonight..GO LEAFS GO!!!
  17. Oh burn.....Gotta admit that was funny...MM quit putting pics of you pussy on the net..Geez dude
  18. Please do..Id love to see that..
  19. Like I said easy for any of us to say sitting at home safe n sound.. I worked for Bell Canada and went through extensive defensive driver training. Its funny how we all think we would react until the time comes. I was trained to never cross over the center line to avoid any collision.. Thats how I was trained doesn't mean that's what would happen. Its amazing how fast the brain takes over the body in the heat of the moment.. But to see that dude pull out and know its inevitable, what a helpless feeling..
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