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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Wow what a series..gotta hand it to the Habs they clearly out played Tampa.. That last penalty call was a joke.. The Refs just made the pending victory happen sooner then later..lol.. I hope they face Boston next..
  2. I wouldn't get too excited..Its not illegal in Canada so were doing nothing wrong...For now..Sadly if XBMC stops the TV apps from working it will effect us in Canada..
  3. Yikes..Just trying to distance themselves from the impending Doom..I talk to an XBMC hub admin quite often on Facebook they plan to have all the boxes disabled within 3 to 6 months..So enjoy it while we can...The newest and next release will be too big and complicated for them to run it..Should be interesting...
  4. In most cases folks are running a computer anyway.No need for a mouse or any other equipment if you have a laptop with HDMI out.. We run 2 laptops and a droid box in my spare room..We have future tv running on my laptop HDMI out, XBMC running on my daughters laptop HDMI again, and the droid box hard wired to the router directly..The only one of the 3 that works flawlessly and consistently is the future tv. The driod box has to be constantly left on for updating, cause if you dont it has to update when you turn it on and is completely useless when updating. I find myself constantly having to be restart the Droid box more often then the xbmc on my daughters laptop due to freezing issues.. Now that doesn't mean that all droid boxes freeze im just reporting my issue with mine. Regardless of witch one you choose, that is right for you.. XBMC rocks!
  5. This is what i was talking about with the Future TV he has taken the software and made it fool proof. Even the elderly can use it. He is now offering a 30 day free trial go to the top of the first page here on OFC ,click on the link and download it..See for your self...This latest news is in the works and still not not announced. But i happen to know he is going to allow multiple downloads for multiple computers on one subscription, so meaning that if you have 3 tv's and 3 computers with hdmi out you will only need to buy one subscription. Were with the droid boxes you need a box per tv. at $150 a pop that can get expensive..
  6. tb4me


    We have a ton of them along the Trent river..My dogs hunt them down all the time every we go on that river. You should hear the noise they make when the dogs get them cornered. Jack Russel and a siberian husky..Make the perfect team.. I had to add that I dont allow my dogs to hunt them, but there are so many of them and both my dogs love to swim..Doesn't seem to matter where we are on the Trent they are there.
  7. If your on facebook to the the xbmc hub support page. Post a question lots of folks will answer
  8. Welcome to Toronto Shanny! Lets hope he can work some magic! Im no GM but I have a feeling there is a shake up in the works..The man has connections!
  9. Its actually getting old..Non Leaf fans post more then Leaf fans..I suppose misery loves company..Bring on the fishing season..
  10. What do you do with the bears? Can you eat them? I have had bear once and I thought it was nasty..I suppose if I had to count on it to survive id like it..
  11. LOL I sense sarcasm, however this was the last game in Philly..Regardless of what you think its real.. Yes players talk trash all the time..However they don't do it to team mates on the ice with such hate in their eyes. There is a problem with team chemistry I expect to see changes. Im willing to bet either Dion is gone by seasons starting or he wont have the C..Hes not much of a leader. He is a perfect 20 min a night Dman. He played better with less minutes.
  12. Im not going to say much here, seems more non leaf fans then leaf fans posting..This surfaced today.. I often wonder what happened to the Leafs this year..Is it the coach, Nunas lack of moves? Or was it something in the dressing room. A leadership issue? This came to light today and may or may not mean anything..However it does explain a major dressing room issue..Watch this https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=MIayPfQ_Xg add a K at the end to watch this video remove the space between youtube
  13. Relax, it is kinda funny and im a firm believer in Karma. Even I laughed..Hey if your going to do something that stupid, then were going to laugh..Plain and simple.
  14. Wow huge win for Chicago over Columbus! 3.2 seconds from OT and Chicago did the Leafs a HUGE favor
  15. All the boys have to do is win win win..If Detroit or Columbus loose 3 in the last 6 The leafs have a shot..
  16. Its funny you mention Rogers. Just before I started with xbmc , it turns out there is a "local" guy that door knocks. Turns out ,He lived not to far from me. Anyway he got me a great deal on the new long range wifi modem the Rogers nextbox pvr free for 6 months for both no contract. All just to switch from bell. So needless to say in 5 months time I will cut back to basic cable and keep the internet package. XBMC is awesome! Found an amazing HD TSN feed for tonights game..
  17. LOL Naz after being sat out most of the game by Randy..Good game and im happy. All we can do now is win and hope 2 teams above loose, lots..lol
  18. id keep basic rogers just for live sports..I know your a hockey fan...lol
  19. Nice little project boat..If I were your friend I would do most the work myself. The motor is about all I would pay to have looked at..Make sure you test the foam in the boat while you have it apart..Do a core sample to be sure its not water logged..Youtube is your friend..
  20. Id absolutely love it if the Leafs could stomp Boston tomorrow night..LOVE IT
  21. I agree with all of the above, except Kadri and ill get to that... management has been a joke for as long as I have been alive..Its clearly all about the $$ Dion's no trade clause kicks in at the start of next season, so if he doesnt get traded before then were stuck with him. As For Naz, why get rid of him? he is a perfect 3rd line centre that can score 20 or more..I say keep him.. The Leafs have one buyout left, i say use it on Clarkson. Lowered tickte prices would be nice but that wont ever happen..The suits will just buy up the rest of the seats, if it did.. We need the #1 center we have been looking for since Sundin left.. I would like to see Bolland signed to a contract extension for 3 to 5 more years.. The Leafs aren't out of this yet..All they have to do is win. As long as they have a chance I will remain hopeful..I only ask that they dont fall behind Ottawa cause Im not ready to read what Matt has to say..As of now its just babble as always..lol
  22. Wow awesome shots! Thats amazing, Thanks for posting them!
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