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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Ex leaf Scott Cleminson in net for Florida.. I predict this game to be a blowout one way or another..Ex Leaf goalies like to come to Toronto and either stink bad or stand on their heads....I say we win it 6-2 Go Leafs Go!!!
  2. The sens on tsn? yikes, what next the Habs? I suppose they couldn't draw enough fans with local broadcasting..Sigh go leafs go.....
  3. I work with a major Insulation company on a weekly basis (home renovator) doing this very job. Its fairly strait forward You have to gut all drywall on ceiling and the walls ..Install Moore vent on the roof decking between the trusses (if you have vaulted ceilings) . Install insulation and vapor barrier OR spray foam directly over the more vent.No vapor barrier is required with foam. If you have a false ceiling with lots of head room you can instal vapor barrier in the attic and blow in cellulose on top.With cellulose soffit venting is extremely important, again condensation and air flow.. on exterior walls the ONLY way to do it is give Insta Insulation a call and spray foam.. Drill and fill cellulose in a garage is bad news and is begging for mold. There is no vapor barrier in a garage wall almost 90% of the time. In the summer fall and spring condensation will get trapped and destroy your garage over time. If the building is completely free standing this can get expensive as all exterior walls need foam. I hope this bit helps and of you want to pick my brain some more, pm me and ill gladly give ya my cell phone # to discuss further As far as keeping it above freezing don't count on it without a heat source, no matter what you do.. Regards,Ron
  4. Justin is turning heads today.. He basically just canned the entire Liberal Senate.. 2 steps ahead of the auditor generals senate spending report...Hmmmm interesting move. http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/trudeau-drops-senate-bombshell/16axmsnvv?from=HP12_CBC
  5. Jonas Siegel ‏@jonasTSN1050 19s Suggestion from Carlyle is that Gleason shoulder injury isn't serious. He called it a "burner" lol hope he is ok.. Check out this monster save...lol video: Bernier with the amazing glove save on Martin St.Louis http://bit.ly/1e5OkF8
  6. Right in the junk...Yikes..Kessel is like Meh that's nothing...lol..
  7. Looks like those boys may have had a few wobbly pops... drunk as can be id say...lol
  8. Who is left? Maybe I should create my own party and call it lets be honest party..We can get Rob Ford to run the show! ...lol
  9. He and we did drink it.. It was smooth as anything I have had in a long time
  10. Crown on the rocks? Nah strait up for this guy..The ice melts to fast even one drop of water in that gold is nasty I have a friend thats a postie he was gifted a 60 oz bottle of 22 year old Wiesers Deluxe that had been sitting in this guys house that long..it was 12 year when bottled..Man on man you haven't lived untill you sip on a 32 year old whiskey..Sorry back on topic...lol
  11. I rest my case with this point.. Were screwed Ol Robbie Ford may as run for PMO now.. Honestly there is no one im comfortable with as PMO they are all a bunch of no good lousy thieves
  12. No shortage of food in your yard...LOL who needs a grocery store eh...
  13. That has got to be one of the most beautiful and majestic birds in Ontario..
  14. Interior Home renovation Specialist no Job to big or too small Kitchens Bathrooms our specialty Special pricing and hourly rates for OFC members.. Look us up on facebook 519 7719376 or 519 7700066
  15. I gotta admit im impressed with your statement..Not to many would come on here and say that..As for Legalization and Trudeau's legalizing platform its eventually gonna happen vote for him or not. He will use it to attract more votes, that was my point. He has turned many heads..I don't support him but I don't support Harper..Honestly, im lost. i don't know who to vote for..Doesn't seem to matter who we vote in they ALWAYS turn out to be thieving loser bags that should be put in prison. Harper is just about the worst we have ever had. Again that's just my opinion
  16. Found this Interesting sad and scary all t the same time.. To have that much peel off in 10 years..This cant be good for man kind... can it? http://www.wimp.com/glaciercalving/
  17. Should be interesting..The kid has the vote of the youth and every pot smoker in Canada..There will be a huge movement from the students of Canada he will get them to vote like no one has before..
  18. For some Reason I have been being blasted by Justin Trudeau and his group..Some how they got my email address and they wont quit..I unsubscribed and sent nasty emails in return..Just gets ignored and the emails just keep on coming..Is this the guy that's favored to be our future Prime Minister? He wont stop his aggressive fundraising how the hell will he run this country the way we see fit....
  19. Thats insane money..Especially once the ice gets slushy The only times I rent huts is when I want to get up out of the slop.To each their own suppose..
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