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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Close but no..2010 Boston got 3 shg on the same pp against Cam Ward 1 minute 4 seconds
  2. That was brutal..Thank god Reims wasnt in the net or he would have been crucified in public..2 SHG in 48 seconds both by the one guy to tie Kessel in the Olympics.. Grabner..
  3. I think this is the best prank i have ever seen..Honestly I don't think that plexiglass partition would of held me in the back of that cab for long...lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRIgmKGDqFM
  4. Dreger (Nunas brother in law) says that Kuliman, Raymond, and Bolland are all in play.. Should be interesting..He also says Jake and Naz are available if the price is right... I would like to see him add to our top 4 Dmen and our big #1 center.. I wonder if he can get Komorav back too? Now that the Olympics are over he may want to return to NHL
  5. We too feed the deer but only before the hunt. The problem with feeding them after is they will come to expect it and almost depend on it..
  6. Hoarse and hung over..lol The game was amazing but what killed me was the house full of drunk buddies waiting for the rain delay to end in Daytona...We had a house full from 1pm till midnight..What a mess...I was ready for bed by 4pm...Dang Russians and the Olympic schedule..
  7. Congrats to JR. Im a 41 fan have been a fan of Kurt since the Jack Roush Super chips f-150 days.. Harvick and Kurt were the only 2 Haas drivers to finish..Jr had that barebond stuck to his grill seemed it was enough to keep him out front of the field. He had a strong lead car all day. If I remember correctly the last time he won the 500 was 10 years ago 2004. Sure was odd seeing the #3 chev out there he was in just about every wreck out there last-night..Good Race.. I wish they would always run that race in the dark..
  8. Each team has a team doctor, there is a complete list of banned substances from the IOC, its a no brainer Backstrom had double the allowed amount in his system, Like he didnt know what he was doing..It may or may not be a big deal but him and the Swedish team doctors should have known better. I do feel bad for him but rules is rules.. Also as far as doubting our team Canada, that's what this forum is for. Discussion, we all have opinions.. Some are right and some are wrong..Thats what makes this place so awesome..Lets face it, if we ALL were as hockey smart as we think we All are, we would be making big bucks in the sport..So unless your team Canada Brass or an AHL NHL coach its all just armchair sporting..
  9. Time for a nap.. Daytona 500 starts at 2pm!
  10. I forgot how satisfying it was to see Alfredson get beat by a team with a Maple Leaf logo
  11. Excuse me sir, do you have this in gold? No really do you ?...... Me shopping at Ikea later today...ha ha ha Go Canada Go!
  12. Backstrom was reportedly pulled from gold medal game after testing positive for banned substance..What is he stupid? I hope this is not true
  13. 3-0 Go Canada Go! Way to go boys, we got this..So proud to be Canadian today...Up all night drinking Canadian and Lug and Tread beer..Im ready for bed, but not till after this royal ass whoppin!
  14. I did and honestly I didnt read anything that wasn't said on main stream media over the past few days.These guys get paid for their opinion...Hence the confusion of your comment..In fact im still not clear on what the issue was..Non issue now but it keeps getting brought up...lol
  15. lol lets hope he has one more in him, then he can go back to his streaky ways....Go Canada Go!
  16. That right there is awesome..Your my hero! lol
  17. Kessel and JVR split up, this is good news for Canada.. USA looking for spark may have sunk them...
  18. 1-0 wow what a goal..Go Canada Go!!!
  19. Who said what? I honestly hope your not referring to me? Funny I went back 2 pages in this thread and see no where that any Canadian hockey fan was talking stupid..I have heard worse on TSN radio and the fan 590, so please by all means enlighten us stupid Canadian hockey fans..What did I miss?
  20. has anyone seen this...lol Some Canadians eh... "Deal with it" lol
  21. Amazing is all i can say! What a game, what a comeback.. Extremely proud Canadian..Lets see how the Canadian men do tomorrow in curling and hockey! Go Canada Go!
  22. I almost put a hole in the ceiling jumping out of my chair on the last goal...lol what a game..
  23. Oh boy, here we go..Canada down 1-0
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