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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. @HennyTweets is reporting Ranger is declared fit and is ready to go ..Its a miracle! lol
  2. tb4me

    Some Coyotes

    Nice shots..They sure are beautiful animals..I often wonder if you got a young pup and raised it yourself if they would make good pets...
  3. Wow what about all the camps..I guess they are fly in only now. Sure is going to hurt business for many of folks.
  4. ahh she is beautiful..So sorry you have to go thru this.I have had to put 2 dogs down over the years and its never easy..Give her lots of hugs and remember the great times..
  5. How is it they think thats not a suspend-able hit..Ranger never touched the puck. The last I checked you have to touch the puck to get hit..The lack of respect hitting a guy there with 2 seconds alone is sickening...
  6. Nice dog Cliff..Its to bad you have to send her down the road..Id take her if I didnt have 2 already..
  7. Ha ha ha couldnt have said it any simpler or better when it comes to haters..Perfect As for Reims I don't get it, at times he looks so lost out there
  8. Nice catch! I bet dinner was awesome!
  9. Beautiful snowy! .. I think I want to die of bad luck so it can get that on my head stone...lol
  10. Nice shots! So how do you get to bring a camera in the building? I thought there wasn't any allowed..
  11. Betman didnt get that stupid smug look on his face VIA selective breeding...lol
  12. This is a weird game for sure..Caps out shoot us 14- 2 in the 1st and we out shoot them 18-4 in the 2nd.. Whats going on?
  13. Ahhh the Leafs didn't play last-night...Suddenly I feel like im in the twilight zone..Did they play and I missed something? The last time I looked the Caps game is today at 3....
  14. I find it funny that the sens make history and all that can be talked about is the Leafs..You know you must be miserable when..... The Canadiens became the 1st team in NHL history to win a game after trailing by three goals in the final five minutes of the third period. Montreal was down 4-1 but scored 3 times in the final 3:22 before winning in OT.
  15. Not to sure what that had to do with the Leafs, but ya the refs were horrible on that one..That was some of the worst officiated games I have seen in a while..Brutal...
  16. Im with you here..Its too bad the Sens didnt get the puck near Price, the way he played today it would have went in..
  17. Way to go Ottawa...Thats frigging funny..blow a huge lead in 4 min...
  18. Thank Frig this Carey Price didn't show up for Team Canada...Oh and ha ha ha Sens about to cough up a huge lead...
  19. Wow with all the noise these Leaf fans are making here tonight you would think this game was in Ottawa... HA HA HA
  20. OH my..Reims with the save of the year then Raymond nails the shorty...
  21. I think Bernie knows now.lol..Reimer stops 17 shots in the 2nd..SOLID
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