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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Go Canada Go! Tight game so far..
  2. Wow seriously? Were all hockey fans..Dont look down on one another for not agreeing with each other..Unless your name is MM..lol then its ok
  3. LOL this was a great comment.. Made me laugh..But Nooo Kessel is (right now) the WORLDS best scorer.. Come back to Toronto and get 20 more bud! As for the Latvian goal, did anyone notice what they did to get behind our D? They won the draw in their own end, the Defense man immediately came off the ice .. The benches are so long that the forward was able to come out the other end of the bench and behind Our Dman..Ted Nolan is one hell of a creative dude..He spotted that and it payed off..Hats off to them. Canada out played them in every aspect of the game except for the most important part of OUR game.. Hitting, the physical game.. Where is it? Were gonna need it for the Yanks... Go Canada Go!
  4. This is NOT the team Canada I have been watching all my life.. Come on boys...
  5. Were out shooting them 33-8 but they are out hitting us big time..Why aren't we hitting back? Oh thats right Mike Babcock at the helm..Dont care for his coaching style.. We need to get physical quick.
  6. Oh boy....Latvia gets right back in it..Carey Price just looked like I was playing net....
  7. NOVECHKIN ha ha ha ya bum, heading back to Washington.. The only way this day could be better is for Canada to win..
  8. That price sounds fair, however you may get stuck with unwanted freaks from time to time. If it were my place id first try to find a full time tenant that pays a monthly rent..If that's not possible then $700 plus a week is right on the money for a roof over your head fully furnished that's on water front. I would imagine you could get more then that for what you just mentioned.. Check out cottage rentals 247.com for going rates in your area..
  9. Man here thought this post was about the zero gravity Kate Upton photo shoot...Lol Seriously thou nice catch..
  10. As far as Crosby is concerned he is average at best and does need to be better..Lets home he steps up his game big time..Latvia tomorrow Think I feel a nasty cold or something coming on for the rest of the week...lol its a good thing im self employed or I may of ended up unemployed...Who else is gonna play hookie for the games? Go Canada Go!
  11. Ya I got to see the last period..Was surprised to notice the exact same thing. Why wouldn't they go for it
  12. USA has a one line team and Russia cant seem to score..Id be more worried about sweeden then US or Rus
  13. Nice fish! Really enjoyed the first thou..Thanks for posting this!
  14. wow! Sorry did I say propane,Meant oil..But ya sounds like nightmare to keep up also Sounds like a rich mans palace to me..Living the dream eh , gotta pay to play i suppose
  15. Id love to know what you mean by that..I almost welcome the end, not of life, but the Government ruling the kingdom..
  16. LOL Wayne you pay more for wood, Propane and hydro a month then i do in 2 years...Enjoy that mansion your living in..Yikes
  17. Interesting my grandfather called this 20 years ago..If he were alive today he wouldn't be so happy to say I told ya so.. I remember the big fight between he and my grandmother.. The Propane sales man came along while Pops and I were at work, offering the world, They had convinced my grandmother to switch over from oil to propane..Even had some sort of grant lined up to pay for the furnace, propane tank and the install, heck even had the car paid to be switched over, too good to be true right!? Good ol Pops seen right thru them greedy buggars as he so put it..lol Said no way in (you know what) would he get sucked in to that scam, he explained to grandma that they (the government) would get everyone on this stuff then jack the ever living crap out of the price once they got them where they wanted them.He also said propane was for BBq's,.Well 20 years later here we are, they are both dead now but if they were, good nan would have once again been proven wrong..lol God I miss them sometimes Edited cause I couldn't use Pops exact words...lol
  18. LOL awesome or what eh! Considering the USA team is rolling the NHL's #1 line im more worried about the yanks then I am the Russians Go Canada Go!
  19. I thought it was a good game..Except for the 1st, that was slow n boring. Kessel and JVR are awesome together and combined with Bozak they are the #1 line in the league right now..I thought Raymond and Clarkson both played good games Go Leafs Go! Time to watch some Olympic hockey. Does team USA split up the pair of JVR and Kessel? Go Canada Go!!!
  20. I see the Sens are once again a no show tonight..On the positive side BFR who has registered only six points in the Senators' last 18 games finally scored a goal..Blow Sens Blow...
  21. Id be surprised to see him back this year at all let alone 5 to 6 weeks..The stroke has effected his speech and he is constantly dizzy. They wont know the extent of the damage done for weeks yet..Sure is a crappy deal for him..
  22. This sort of thing happens all the damn time..Its scary out there..The only reason we see it now is because of all the in car cameras..Im starting to think about installing one in my P/U truck. Every weekend we go up the 401 to the Trent River I see something extremely stupid..Every weekend we go..Its not just the transport drivers, although they can cause the most damage.. Short story about our last trip..lol Some guy was following a lady a tad too close on the 401 around Clairington, well the lady in the car out front (in the passing lane) thought it would be smart move to slam on her breaks because she thought this guy was too close. Well the guys car instantly went sideways (I assume he had major break issues the way his car instantly went sideways) he spun around and nailed the gaurd rail with his passenger side door all right in front of me and 2 loaded tractor trailers..If I had a camera installed I would have happily provided footage cause that woman just kept on driving..Unreal..Some folks should get their heads read
  23. Good overall game.. Mason Raymond and ya , Clarkson really stood out to me tonight..Were 2 ahead of the Habs and 1 behind Tampa for 3rd..Id like to go into the break in 3 rd place but that means we have to beat Vancouver Sat night..They have always been a pain in the but for the Leafs..Go for the win boys! Go Leafs Go!!!
  24. Yes you would be correct..As annoying as it is to have to pay an extra 10 bux a month for one channel..
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