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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. All I see is Harper setup one heck of a great scape goat- fall guy..Time for that looser to pack his bags and be thankful hes not going to prison..
  2. Keep in mind what Slowpoke said above..If you want her to go back together exactly as it was the floor needs to be the same..If it doesn't matter then go 3/4 inch..Its super light...
  3. Sorry for your loss..What a horrible way to go out too..I hope he put up a good fight..
  4. Thats not true, from what I understand the team can refuse and he becomes a UFA right away and is free to go elsewhere
  5. If it goes to ARB tomorrow and they side with Bernier the leafs will refuse and drop him like its hot..I hope so anyway..If were rebuilding dump him dion lupal and bozak..buh bye good riddance..
  6. Thats awesome! Take lots of pictures..Oh and have a blast!
  7. I honestly love my 08 Ram..I would send it back if they would give me what i paid for it....
  8. oh gawd please say it aint so...I cant handle another year of that nonsense
  9. Thats why its great being the leafs..Money is no object..Im just happy to see them spend some money on the team and its management finally.
  10. On a further note with Shanny Babs and now Lou Lam on board with Nunas and Carlyle still on the payroll the Leafs are close to $20 mill in management salaries.. Im just thankful were the richest team in the league..lol
  11. Shanahan, Babcock and Lamoriello sounds like a law firm..lol Im happy with this move..Lou Lam trained Brian Burke and drafted Shanny. I give him 2 years and he is gone..Perhaps he can convince Yzerman to take his place and bring Stamkos with him....
  12. I couldn't be happier with the supreme court ruling..This will change everything..I couldn't imagine a mother giving her 3 month old daughter with severe epilepsy a joint rather then the high CBD oils 2 weeks ago she was a criminal.. This is a great day for Canada..
  13. lol do that to my wife when she is on the dock sun tanning..Never that hard mind you, but she gets real mad..Just trim up the motor and giver...lol
  14. tb4me

    Redtail Hawk

    I just love these birds..between these and the bald Eagles around the grand river, I can go for a drive any given day and point out several of them..Its just nice to see them thriving once again..
  15. Ok here's something new..I called Monaghan lumber about marine grade plywood. They say that they have a 3/4 inch pine marine grade ply for $70 a sheet.I have never heard of this..Anyone have experience with marine grade pine plywood?
  16. So sort of an update...I have been up last weekend and finished most of the gutting process.I didnt get any pictures at all due to the horrible weather..Im going back this weekend so ill be sure to get some more pics..Now's the time im considering what wood to use for the floor...Either im going to use 3/4 inch plywood or 3/4 marine grade ply.. Im looking around for the marine grade ply and the cheapest can get it $150 a sheet. Does anyone know of a place that's reasonable in the Hamilton- Brantford area or in the Peterborough, the Kawartha's areas? I cant imagine paying that kind of money per sheet.. Now I see this new pressure treated plywood Sienna (looks like cedar) wont react to aluminum..Did this suddenly become an option that wasn't avaiable less then a year ago... Also I feel stupid for not looking when I was there last but are the tires on all boat trailers the same size? I have a chance to score new tires never uses for dirt cheap.. I want to bring the boat home so I can get more done right here in my own back yard.Im going to call my neighbor up there and ask him to get me tire sizes.. Was just wondering if most were the same size anyway..
  17. Wow how much stuff did they get? I seen the one dude had 2 back packs on..Man my wife works at Shoppers drug mart.The thieft is unreal..Most done by professional thief's .These guys were likely pros and Long gone..
  18. This just in.. Habs fans voted the most hated fans in the NHL, so its not just me after all...ha!
  19. I do my 18 footer alone..I have a system just back it in undo the front hook grab the anchor rope and push off..once the boat clears the trailer i pull it back in by the rope beside the trailer and tie it to the dock. then go deal with the truck and trailer.. Lol I remember when i was 14 I was playing with grandpas tractor (old ford ) and small short landscape trailer.. was backing the trailer down the driveway and put it down the side of my aunts new Buick.. Man was she ever ticked..My grandpa told her she shouldn't have parked there..lol
  20. lol I was just about to say that exact same thing..
  21. very cool..Id like to get a camera like that..
  22. tb4me


    Very cool Rick..I couldn't imagine anything more then a belly flop from myself..So id say they are doing an amazing job...lol
  23. Call around to the local dairy farmers.. They are not supposed to sell raw milk..In the USA farmers are being arrested and hauled off to jail for selling raw milk..Your best bet would be to find a farmer that is willing to "trade" for some fresh raw milk. Perhaps inquire at your local fall fairs.
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