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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. I thought the same..Then I realized I was just happy he is gone..lol I too was very excited to have him..I have no clue what happened to him at all. Watch him go back to being a stud with his new team...lol
  2. lol dude you crack me up..Core player, Important..So is the toilet when you get the trots.. Clarkson was a huge mistake and thank god he is gone....
  3. Buhbye Clarkson!!! Horton may never play again..Thats 7 mill roughly a year we have back now..Im liking this action by Shanny and company as of late!
  4. Sill will provide Leafs with some grit. The man likes to hit and he won't hesitate to drop the gloves.Long over due for the Leafs..We need one more now
  5. Thee #leafs get two picks from the #pens for Daniel Winnik: 2nd in 2016 and 4th in 2015. Pens also threw in ZachSill..
  6. Considering who posted it and his right hand man commenting on it, I just ignored it...lol
  7. Man it sure feels good to win again....Go Leafs Go..it was a great game!
  8. nooo theres nothing wrong with trolling on a fishing board, now is there...ha ha ha
  9. Oh ya I'm def not that old...lol However I do know all about it..He got away with that stuff when it was on the fringe of being acceptable back then..Ovie is far more sneaky at getting away with it in fact he has become somewhat of a master at getting away with it.. I know why..Its simply his speed..He does everything fast. His poor wife eh...lol Anyway skate fast shoot fast assault even quicker..The refs dont have video replay on penalties ,so if they cant see it, it doesn't get called..But what annoys me is why no repercussion from the league in regard to these shots taken..That pens fan that tossed a beer on him was funny.. Getslav complaining about his dirty play and the Letang slash within 24 hours of each other..Coincidence, I think not
  10. I used to like ol Ovenchicken but I have to agree that he is about as dirty of a fringe player as I have seen in a while..That slash to the ankle of Letang was ignorant at best..Of course no discipline from the league..Brutal..Why do the stars have their own set of rules? While were at it why is the Draft Lottery so secretive? Why not do it so everyone can see..I suspect its not done fairly at all and that could explain why its so secretive ...
  11. Sorry for your loss..Man I hate that part of loving dogs....
  12. I also thought the qualifying process was horrible..Waltrip was going on and on about how exciting it is for the fans..Come on really? I thought it sucked..Plain and simple.. Bring on the 500 next Sunday!
  13. You would be correct..Its a troll on a Leafs thread..Need I say more? there seems to be 3 or 4 of them having a mini turf war to see who trolls the best.. Matt, Mudler and Lookin..Trolls yup...lol
  14. I really like the new kid they traded franny for..Leipsic is his name.. 4th in the AHL in rookie scoring.and he is a super pest like Subban and Tootoo. He is known as "the most annoying prospect in hockey" Cant wait to see him in a couple years..Gotta give the leafs some credit here..They trade Bret Lebda and a minor league player for franny and Lombardi.. Then trade Franny for a first round pick..Smooth..We still benefit from Burikie moves..I have no idea why he was fired..Best team we had in years was with him and he had to work the stink off from the JFJ era..
  15. Thanks for sharing..However the only thing I was interested in was that hut..Oh well Thanks again
  16. I dont expect the leafs to get McDavid at all..But Id gladly take any one of the top 5 picks this draft year..
  17. Ill never give on my boys in Blue..Leaf fan till I die..Im only 40 amd I know it will come one day..Until then GO LEAFS GO.. A true fan win or loose..Loved that song ha ha ha....Gardiner healthy scratch last night..I hear Edmonton offered up Yakapov for Jake last night..I personally dont care for yakopov at all..We need to get a #1 center right away..Now I sound like a broken fricken record
  18. here's a question for ya... What do a pack of my dads condoms in 1974 and Marshawn Lynch have in common? People really wish they had used them when they needed them the most...ha ha ha ...
  19. You all can talk all you want but that play was a dang joke..The fix is in..I wont watch another super bowl again..Clearly there was more money in Vegas then winning the super bore..ha ha ha nice show guys......Ill stick to my CFL any day over that garbage...
  20. Fantastic! You can say what you will about the HD footage from these Drones, but the video editing in that last one , It was amazing in its own...
  21. that was awesome too..Man i gotta get me one of these things..
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