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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Its not over yet..I really dont want Boston in it..Booins gonna drop a couple of games
  2. worst part is they fought like Heck to get in and all they will get for the effort is a shotty pick
  3. Boston wins again and Ottawa looses..Looks like that run is over..
  4. Awesome..Not a dry eye in the house..Wendel taking him for a lap around the ice..Awesome night for the youngster
  5. He would probably score after the way he played the other night...lol But ya all jokes aside wouldnt that be awesome..Put him out there in a sledge and let him take a shift..That would never happen but we and the kid can dream..
  6. This right here is why I m a Leafer for life..Tonight is a very special night for this young tyke.. http://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/731849
  7. now who is pissy, that was a dang joke...Dude...lol Dont you worry, that's the thing about being a leaf fan, there will always be another thread for the haters to hate on..Your safe my friend..Every year win or loose..
  8. I always knew the water in Orangeville was bad ....Stop drinking it..
  9. that one is gonna go right down to the wire...I say go Sens The BOOins gotta go out..They are done..
  10. Man I couldnt imagine accidentally falling out f the boat there..wow
  11. Funny you mention this about the window screens..My daughter found them after the test drive she pulled it out and I thought she had broken something..lol But ya for $1000 more why not get the extras..
  12. I thought so Bill..300 hp AWD v6..Took one for a test drive and drove the crap out of it..lol Lets just say I didn't want the one I test drove...lol I could smell the new exhaust when I brought it back to the dealer. I love the transmission on them..6 speed that you can shift yourself..We shall see how things go..Now im looking at goodies to dress it up a little..We opted in for the Ex model, leather and heated everything for $1000 more..Coudnt go wrong for about 30 extra options..I just don't understand how the heck they can build them so cheap..That same CUV at ford or Chev would have been closer to 60k financed sadly..Our auto makers are in big trouble if this keeps up
  13. Well we pick up our Sorento on Saturday.. Actually cant wait. Looks like we will be going for a drive this weekend!
  14. Im interested in the new Leafs signings..Casey Bailey should join the leafs this week some time. He is a college player but so was Bozak and Steve Thomas..So we shall see..He is a scoring machine where he plays now..Lets see how he does in the bigs.. As for the Sens, ill give credit where credit is due. Congrats to them, now lets see if they can hold on 10 more games..Shall be interesting..If and if they do, ill be cheering for them for the playoffs, after all they will have deserved it..
  15. Love all the input here..Keep in mind I wont be towing it anywhere other then from my driveway to my boat launch about 400 yards away..If I want to bring the boat home Ill use the Ram hemi 4x4..Looks like were leaning toward the 2015 KIA Sorento Ex ..The price was too good to pass up. Just working on financing as we speak..
  16. Go down stream to Coles Point Resort..Lots of kids activities and nice cottages..Fishing is also fantastic..Coles point Resort lies right where the Crowe river and Trent River meet.Forms a nice bay loaded with just about every species of river fish..Muskie Pike Walleye large and small mouth bass..Lots of pan fish too
  17. Yes sir you are correct. The boat always stays up on the Trent. even in the winter it goes into a community rec hall..If I ever wanted to tow it back to Brantford here id drive the big red Ram
  18. I just priced one of those..Nice cars however they are much more money then the Korean vehicles..Its a shame cause I liked them. that ford lease was almost 500 a month tax in for 48 month lease.The same lease for the kia with more options was 100 less then the ford a month...Its a shame north American makers cant keep competitive.. Id hate to see what our auto industry looks like in 10 years at this rate..I save $4800 dollars over 4 years just by buying Korean, then so be it...
  19. lol im an idiot..Was just looking at them before I typed my response..Hyundai is exactly what I meant.. I prefer the look of them over KIA as that seems to be the only real difference
  20. It doesnt get rid of it.. However it helps me cope..Concentration is a you know what with that noise in my head..FYI I dont vape at work or while driving..It always at home or when im trying to learn anything new..It helps huge for that..
  21. so you get 550 to 600 km on a 66 liter tank..Am dreaming. Someone pinch me im afraid im dreaming..Thats a savings of 80 bucks per trip to the Trent and back from Brantford..I could actually double my time up there and still not have spent as much on gas as I do in my Hemi 4x I love my truck but my lot fees are right at 3 grand for our trailer per year. I spent a tad over that on gas last summer just going there and back.. So the cost of 6 K just to have the trailer parked on a watefront lot on the trent river and the gas to get there..Thats insane..Looks like ill be riving a new KIA soon..It will be the wifes daily driver too
  22. im all for 3 on 3.. Loved it when i went to the Marlies games..
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