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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Ok now what one would one recommend? I like the low lease payments and great fuel mileage of the Korean made vehicles but I never thought for a minute that id consider buying one..Do any north american makers offer anything in comparison? I will admit we test drove them both and they both have amazing rides.. I was actually surprised at how well they were built
  2. There is no treatment for tinnitus at all.. I was told to either learn to live with it or seek professional help...lol The best way to describe tinnitus is the old fashion tube tv's the high pitched sequel it gives off or being smacked in the ears, except the sound never goes away..
  3. Heres the deal.. Im looking at buying the wife the Hyundai Santa Fe Sport or the KIA Sorento.. Both are all wheel drive and have smaller motors.2l and 2.4l I think.. Anyway I have my boat parked up on the Trent river where I do 90% of my fishing. The launch up there is steep and concrete. The boat is a 17.5 foot with a 90 Johnson with all the bells and whistles. Does anyone think it will have issues launching and retrevinng my boat from the launch? I have an 08 Ram 4x4 thats not fun to drive anymore with the price of gas. It costs me aprox 140 bucks to drive 600km just so i can launch a boat.. With the new Korean rides they seem well built and reasonably priced..Using the fuel mileage #s they post it will only cost me 50 to 60 bucks there and back in gas.. That equates to me doing a TON more fishing then normal..
  4. Nice Pot heads label...Wow.. I vaporize cannibus daily to control tinnitus and anxiety. I run 3 successful businesses and have raised 3 smart children all of witch whom are contributing to society. So if that makes me a "pothead" in your small minds then so be it. As for the original discussion . I say go for it and tax the hell out of it. Then take the new tax revenues and give us all a break for a while..The tax revenue numbers coming out of the US states that went legal are staggering..There is no reason we cant follow suit. For anyone that thinks its not happening here already in Canada, you may want to watch this.. It was on the fifth estate a few weeks back..How is it that revenue Canada is-int all over these guys? Its a half BILLION annually in tax revenue in Canada alone.. Im betting even more. Better in our pockets collectively then the dealers...No?
  5. Your dead on with wanting to walleye fish heavy current..It often scares most anglers. I fish a few heavy current spots on the Trent river. All by boat..Ranging in depth of 4 to 6 feet of water.. I anchor off upstream and sit tight. Cast downstream into the current using a jig head topped with a Mr twister.. Let the jig go with the flow for the first few seconds and jerk it back a few times after that..The current will always take it back down stream. If that doesn't work try the slow to medium retrieve . I also find the best action at around 730 to 930 pm.
  6. LOL Bill..Good point..Oh the Iphone comment awesome stuff..All the haters will hate and thats that..The leafs could go my whole life without winning, they will still be my team...That simple.. Some guys just dont get that..
  7. Im a little bummed out about the AHL leaving Hamilton..I like to hit the Marlies games. Its a good cheap nigh tout for the fam....On The plus side the OHL is coming..I think ill get seasons tickets.But naming it the Bulldogs is just a cheap ass lame way to do it., I also agree Black and Gold would be very cool.
  8. Wow Shanny benches Naz for 2 more games..interesting cause there are a few other guys I would made an example of first..However Naz did show up 20 min late the other day...lol McWilliams makes his NHL debut tonight for the buds..
  9. Ask San Jose how their first place worked out for them last year..
  10. The back and fourth I can handle..But the annoyance of repeating the same thing is no longer fun. dumb and dumber constantly chime in with the same ol same ol.. Now they can do what they will their crap is blocked and I can go back to enjoying our fun.. As for last nights game I didnt like the results, however if they played with the attitude they did they would have won many more games this year..As for Kessel , yikes..Lets just hope they can get him and JVR a real #1 center soon. Bozak is hardly a #3 on any of the big teams like St Louis or the sharks. I have OVIE in the OFC pool and he has more points then the Leafs top 3 combined..Currently sitting first in our pool and I dont have a single Leaf on my team...lol Hopefully that will change next year..
  11. I hear ya..Its just silly..The block feature works well..Love it.. Having said that, if the leafs played every game like they did lastnight they would be much better off. I would also be much happier..They didnt take any crapola lastnight. Sill fight and Dions body contact are all I need to see regardless of win or loose....Im thinking there would be much more wins then losses this year if we had played like last night..
  12. Ok now im sure I have seen it all..What was going thru his head before doing that..Lucky for him the track wasn't studded or his legs would have been chewed to heck...
  13. No its the constant same spew you and 2 others constantly vomit out..Non stop..Doesn't your teams have a forum of witch you guys can go troll on? Banter is one thing and very fun.. But you 3 are beyond repetitive with the same ol crapola..Get new material please... ..
  14. Head down the Trent a little to coles point resort outside of campbellford..Your not limited to a Lake for fishing..Lots of events for the kids on Saturdays and a huge playgorund and swimming area... The place is well kept and the fishing is fantastic on the Trent and crow rivers.. http://www.colespoint.ca/en/
  15. I cried laughing at the asparagus comment..lol
  16. This is so funny I had to share..Its the Bob Barker Sandler saga once again..#awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b54pmFhzfDg
  17. Cool bird for sure..But why do you reference them as dinosaurs? Just curious to know...lol
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