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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Yikes! Good thing it wasnt a flu virus. Im glad all were treated, but could you imagine another Brid Flu Outbreak again, or worse..
  2. Awesome! Spuddy..Lovet it, and the dog! Merry Christmas to you and your newly extended family!!
  3. I both agree and disagree with your statement.yes the leafs do suck and its very unacceptable for a town like Toronto. However as long as the majority of tickets are bought up by the corps they will have nothing to worry about. Whats the point in getting $600 in tickets and not going? Not to argue but the ol dont go wont work.
  4. LOL sorry dude.. when I seen that I just had to share.
  5. How on earth would they ever enforce a lifetime ban anyway? Thats just silly. So I guess that there will be no more chuck a puck or hats when there is a hat trick scored. Its to bad we dont get another leafs game untill after xmas. Finally somthing to look forward too. As for the Waffles its a "pun" on thier season. Wilson "waffled" the coaching and Burke "waffled" the draft picks. And well the leafs "waffel" al games they play. It makes perfect sence when you think about it. The fans have to stick with this. They have the Media's attention and most importantly the other Fans too!!
  6. Waffles...I personally think its awesome! The fans have had enough. They tried booing they tried paper bags. even Beauchimnin says the fans have every right to do this. I think it should be only during play stoppage thou.Or the last minute. I say waffel them to death boys! If somone wants to give me a ticket to a game ill gladly toss some out there! Id love to be behind Wilson...Id nail that real good..Again awesome and this is from a Pissed off long time leafs fan!!!Time to act now Fans we have thier attention,...
  7. So I was talking to a friend and he was telling me he used to ice fish out of Shades mill in Cambridge? Has anyone been at all lately? Id like some more info if anyone has it..Even a PM will do. Thanks in advance guys n Gals
  8. Thats interesting. You wouldnt think a cat would get near an injured dog let alone feed off of it.Thanks for posting!!
  9. Lets just hope there are no young kids on here...
  10. So im thinking id like to do some ice fishing this week.Anyone care to join me? I was out yesterday to have a look. Ran into 4 guys out there fishing. They had iced a few pearch. Nice ones too! So the question remains..ayone wanna join me? Anyone with St Williams experience? Hot to trot here and there is lots of ice.let me know.
  11. ill take #17 in blue n white any day!! or 87, the new and improved 99......
  12. Awesome! Funny too. Thanks for the laugh..
  13. Propers or Grangers you cant go wrong with either..They say the huts will be out on the 27th and are already reporting 5 inches of ice!!Getting excited!!
  14. This is just Unreal. Enjoy and Merry Christmas to all!! <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9XNfWNooz4?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9XNfWNooz4?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9XNfWNooz4?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  15. Not true..Wishfull thinking.. what about the ppl that have pins like 1441 ect ect.
  16. 2 Pairs of socks with the hand warmers in between the layers of sock..Works like a charm
  17. I too voted! Nice vid! Good luck. Looks like your in 3rd!
  18. You must live in Yellowknife.. Try doing that on the 401 at rush hour. Hell anytime for that matter...lol
  19. Go Leafs Go!! I for one love these threads! Simple if you dont like them dont read them. Like Ma used to say If you dont have anything nice to say , dont say anything at all!!...Unless your bashing a habs fan anyway...lol On another note Edmonton Sucks big time. They made the Leafs look like allstars lastnight. Thurs night we play the slumping flames. Puck drop at 9:30 Go leafs Go we need all 6 points on this road trip this week!!
  20. Sorry to hear that Randy. Couldnt have happened to a nicer guy. I was stupid and left my wallet in my trucl one night. Some little bugger broke in stole all the change from the ashtray and scopped my wallet. I had a knock at the door from the local police. They had a ziplock bac full of wallets and cards. I had to go thru the bag and pick out what was my stuff. They found all the wallets on somones front lawn 2 blocks down in the snow. I got everything back except for all my credit cards. I was able to cancell them b4 they were able to use them. Good Luck Randy. Hope it turns up for ya
  21. Ken Block is nothing short of awesome. If you enjoyed tha go check out the rest of his vids on youtube!
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