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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. LOL...nope...you owe me...in time it will become clear...just as the truth was revealed to me...so shall it be for you.
  2. lol...I appreciate your concern but no need to worry Roy....i dont type anything, they find me
  3. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CsGYh8AacgY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. Giants...amazing! :worthy: :clapping: :thumbsup_anim:
  5. Have a great day Paul!
  6. Thats awesome Will. Gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, quality fish and Rod Stewart in the boat!
  7. Very finicky bite last night...again! Loads of fish on the screen behaving lethargically and aggressively but mostly unwilling to commit. Managed 3 over 25" and a couple keepers. My buddy cliff could not get a fish to bite...preetty frustrating for him....almost felt bad....almost...lol....i had to watch him the other day on another lake, so things balanced out! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-XdpW2j4wVo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. Thanks man....next stop 33"! That's awesome Mike.....yup...there was something in the air that night! Thanks Jacques...yup...have to get a drag setting i'm happy with.....but the big ones had me resetting my drag constantly. Thanks Chad, we went back the other day and it was quite the different story......for me at least.....the two lads i took out got a nice one each...i only managed 2 dinky ones...here are some pics from Friday evening. WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES.....24 LITTLE HOURS!
  9. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-19370862
  10. Thanks Dan....it came out pretty neat eh! I just saw the blue tinge on the fin and wanted a pic...the auto setting picked up way more detail than i had hoped. Thanks Shawn!...a few more inches for Team 5! Thanks man!
  11. Thanks RG...i was a little bit panicked not to lose it when i saw the size of it at the surface....lol. Awesome way to end the week....the bozo was lucky my buddy Cliff was not with me....he fires large musky lures at encroaching boats! Thanks Roy.....definitely glad i have pics and vids of this for wheni'm older to share around the campfire on my hologram device! Thanks Mike.....i see you have been doing pretty good too on LSC! It was after nightshift.....got out out at around 10am, LOL...witch...i'd be in big trouble if you accused me of that 400 years ago! Thanks Brian....i am just a lucky so and so to live where i do. LOL...thanks JT. Thanks VT...it is my desktop background as of last night. Thanks Paul!
  12. Thanks ! I went back last night....bit of a wash out by comparison...a 27" and a 25" for the 2 guests i had in the boat while i had to settle for a 16" and a 6"! Its been a cold August after a unusually hot, dry summer but despite the whacky weather they are pretty much where they were last year on this lake. Thanks...it was a memorable session for sure. Thanks Cliff! I doubt they do grow fast...its pretty cold up here so they grow slow....i will say this though...they aint growing fast but they eat well! Yup, next bechmark is to beat 33".....might be a while, but i'll just soldier on...its a tough job but somebody has to do it. Thanks man! Exactly as Rick says..........
  13. I am speechless....looks like the Caribbean with pine trees! Stunning setting to catch fish.....thanks for sharing Dan.
  14. Way more than some, but never enough!
  15. Hi all, Got my new PB walleye yesterday. I finished nightshift and headed out to my favourite in town spot. Started out with a few small lakers for tomorrow’s lunch then headed off to seek some monster walleye..... they came out to play! I had to move once as some bozo thought it was ok to slowly make his way over within 30 feet of my bow when we were the only 2 boats on the lake (I don’t get that at all ) , but the magic number seemed to be 30'FOW and I soon found another spot and had a fish on again. All fish came on a jig and minnow, trout in 70'FOW suspended at 40'FOW, walleyes on the flats near to the deeper water at 30'FOW. Got about 10 walleye in all, not one under 24" with one at 30'+ inches and my new PB by .25" at a not too shabby 32.5"! Great 4 hours on the water! VIDEO OF THE AFTERNOON'S ACTION <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/aNFNK5DUP7A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Getting 10lb+ walleye on very light tackle with nothing more than a 3/8 Oz jig is addictive, might just have to sneak back there this afternoon. Tight lines all.
  16. Fantastic...keep up the good work.
  17. Coulkd not agree more. I gotaa say that even though my x67 has a flasher mode...i find the graph mode much more user friendly and efficient.....the few seconds 'history' really helps to interpret fish movement/reactions/preferences.
  18. 55Lb Terrova here on a 17" tinny with false floors....never use my outboard for trolling. On a calm day i could go all day...with headwind i would say about 4 hours at 1.5 to 2mph
  19. LOL..right on the money!
  20. Cool recap Jacques. How quickly a year goes by....seems like yesterday seeing some of those images again. Thanks for sharing... PS......How the $%#@ did you manage to get facebook to upload a video longer than 3 seconds??!!
  21. Sooooo true. I entered our local bass tourney convinced i was going to win it or at least snag some goodies in the form of prizes. Why....because i can cacth 18" -20" smallies for fun, at will, in a few spots i know. Day of the tourney we did not even get 5 fish...only 4 (one was about 7"). Next day to drown my sorrows i head out and waddaya know...i had over 15 bass in as many minutes...in the same spots i fished the day before! I dont fish competitions any more.....lol.
  22. Never easy to say goodbye. Sorry for your loss of a good friend.
  23. Just like ice fishing Thanks Wow...feel really old now...its at least 15 years since i had a girlfriend. Yeah...it will do it for about 2 or 3 hours straight before the battery drains....not bad. Must admit that the wind dropped considerably as the evening progressed....but the first fish were caught in a howling wind. If you mean do i ever not catch fish...YES....happened yesterday actually....my buddy got 2 walleye and i got ZERO....just a small bass and a couple of pike. Where ya headed Frankie? We really should make the effort....i know my buddy cliff would be up for it too. Maybe head back to your spot where you were with your dad? I'll shout ya this week. Maybe this weekend for lakers? The I-Pilot is an impressive piece of kit....no skill involved from me.
  24. Hi All, I call it X-Box walleye fishing. Basically straight jigging while holding position (piece of cake with the I-Pilot) and watching your jig on screen. If you ice fish with electronics you already know how fun it is playing "X-Box". It was nice to find some keeper size on this lake. Its a deep Lake Trout lake and its normal not to get a walleye under 20". All the fish were in the 30'FOW range in pretty featurelss and structureless areas, although the second spot where i got the 29"er was near the drop off to 80"FOW. Cant recommend the X-box method enough, really lets you see how the fish are reacting to baits allowing you to adjust your presentation to trigger strikes. Jig and minnows were the bait. Wind was howling at 20kmh+ from the WNW. VIDEO <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6g2owMY1Y6U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Awesome evening action after a long hard day powerwashing all the cedar siding.....actually felt like i earned a good session! Tight lines all.
  25. wish i'd seen this earlier.....i would take heed of the straight jigging/fishfinder method. Very effective in my experience. We got these a couple weeks back with the same gear i use for walleye....3/8 Oz jig and large minnow. Watch the screen for an arch.....hold your position...and depending on the conditions and your boat control skills most of the time you can watch the action in real time just like icefishing. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ghtEjDqDXKc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Good luck out there....white tube jig........definitely
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