set your speed, even use cruise control if need be, employ enhanced auto pilot and aim at desired heading, if you feel more comfortable using the foot pedal you can use it in conjunction with remote( you can't do that right out of the box with a PD)., but at those settings unless your shoreline is the worst rock hazard/zigzag you won't need more than a quick press of a button to change course (less than a second) and if it is…well use the foot pedal for the first run….while doing this follow instructions to start and stop recording a track and bingo…there ya go.
I would say though that just using the settings above, and the ability to use spot lock at any given time means i never use the foot pedal anymore, and i can move about the boat at will, chew gum and pat my head at the same time, fish and make homemade perogies on the middle bench seat while holding a conversation in chinese mandarin, at night and still be slamming fish!
The new I-pilot i hear you don't even need to do that,if you have a hummingbird fish finder it will follow contours on your map chip right away……NOW THATS CHEATING!!!!! LOVE IT!!!