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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Hi all, Here we go again, can't wait! Its been ridiculously warm up here this year, not even 3 inches of snow on the ground at present, but enough to try out the new/old Bravo and then go head to head with my kid on his Mini Z. Bravo vs Mini Z Well that is all fun and games, but last night the lake froze over and I awoke to this…………GAME ON….almost.
  2. Amazing Drew. It always takes me about 2 or 3 days before I can bring myself to read your posts….lol…my instant reaction is one of insane jealousy …even before I have clicked on your post. It takes a while for that feeling to pass, then I get over myself and just drown in the pure awesomeness you capture! You have to invite me up there by the way. Thanks for taking the time love the pic of the kid struggling to cradle that beast!
  3. CONGRATS TO YOU ALL BRUCE! Great name too (my wife is also Erika with a 'k')
  4. I would 2nd Silver Water Wheel. The area is less crowded. I love that section of the lake….its my hunting ground. Dryden only 40 minutes away if not towing, road was done last year and is still in pretty good shape.
  5. I am a bit heavier than my wife….. by about 100lbs….lol…its her sled…..I better not break it….point taken Chris
  6. Roloff has been waiting for this all year. Especially the last month, he has not been out as much and when he is out it is on his long chain. We had a 'concerned citizen' call the MNR on him a few weeks back, they brought him to the house and handed my wife a $125 fine, at least they did not shoot him, kinda pisses me off though. I know, this year has been soooo mild up here, but what snow we get will stay now, its all sub zero from now till April. Thats good to know, it certainly is a fun ride, can't wait for deeper snow! Our back bay has started to ice over, won't be long now until the auger revs! Dutch….anytime time you are up here you are welcome at our table and to come for a ride. Not that I would want to talk politics, but i have seen what you post here and admire and agree with your principles, politics and values Ahhhh, but the smell of that white smoke on a cold morning……smells like…..VICTORY! That would make another great thread Dave. Next time you break down in my neck of the woods….come on over……lol.
  7. LOL…I might just be moving….watch out, I might actually show up.
  8. I would drive all the way down twice a week!
  9. Took my new old Bravo out for its first spin…LOVE THIS LITTLE MACHINE! Great to smell 2 stroke again too.
  10. Yeah your sled is sweet for sure…..I got the big utility style sled so it has a low gear to haul schtuff. I hear ya about the gears but a friend of mine says the belts are very hardy on these bikes, plus North America has made me lazy when it comes to manual transmissions….lol. Thanks Vance….I think that is along the lines of what a friend was trying to describe to me. LOL…I just nodded like I knew what he was talking about.
  11. Same here Lew, my yamaha 30hp needs some work this year (pretty sure it is the cracked coil on the middle cylinder) but apart from that i have never had any issues with it in 7 years and it is a 1989, and boy have I put some hours on that considering I use it at least 3 times a week may through September! And I'm dragging that thing through the bush most days too! Pretty bullet proof. Yeah, fuel injection and hand thumb warmers on the model I want, the wind shield does not look very effective, but can't hurt any i suppose. Thanks…will remember that.
  12. Looks like x4 say go for it, thanks for the feedback guys. That answers another niggling doubt I had….looks like the yamaha is winning hands down so far. Governtment rules…interesting,,,what is that about? BTW my other choice was possibly looking at a can-am but was being put off with the Visco-lok as opposed to the yammies transmission. I was also finding the the amount of choice with some of the other brands confusing, Yammy offer basically 3 models to choose from, far easier to sort out what I need. Thanks Mitch, it might take me a while to source and get the one I want, the dealerships up here are sparse on the ground and don't often hold a large inventory….let me know how you are finding your new one. LOL…yup, just give me the quad, and i'll bring all the sex appeal it needs! Bingo…that's another reason I am looking at a Yammy, although I intend to keep this forever, circumstances change, and the resale value on quads is pretty good anyway up here, but the yammies are the top of the bunch when it comes to re-sale.
  13. Actually Rick, I find myself agreeing with very little you opine about these days but I always try to stay open minded….to a point.
  14. Except if they have oil.
  16. Hi all, I have been procrastinating about buying an ATV for years now but am feeling the time is fast approaching to finally get one. I intend this to be the only ATV I ever buy and do not intend to upgrade or keep up with the Joneses once I have bought it. I am looking to buy new but may consider new non-current depending on incentives. My sights are set on a new 2016 Yamaha Grizzly 700 EPS. I will be using it to pull 12' boats in and out of the bush, hunt/fish trail riding, throw on a 2 up seat to NEVER carry passengers on bush trails, plow around the house and the ice shack in winter, yard work including hauling big timber when I need to, and my ice fishing transport in the spring when bare ice limits my use of my sled. Can anybody give me reasons why this would not be a good choice of ATV and if not what would be another make/model to consider? Thanks in advance.
  17. Looks like fun…good stuff.
  18. Nice one Chad…and butchering yourself
  19. Agreed!
  20. That is soooo cool Brian. The stuff we do when out there all alone without our medication …lol…..
  21. Thanks Brian, Some of the threads on here are just depressing.
  22. Hi all, We went for a geocaching road trip yesterday. Just Jack, Mum and myself. My wife and I have both been going through a lot of Bull at work, my wife was actually signed off work and given some meds to cope. We headed out to just relax and it was awesome, the weather was perfect, a bit chilly, but perfect fall day. We drove from Dryden to Ignace stopping at very geocache co-ordinate. We had a pile of fun and laughed a lot, just what was needed. We are so lucky to have our beautiful child, he is a reality check when everything seems so crap…..he won "Best Giggle" award at his graduation ceremony this year……thought I'd share, it might brighten up your day.
  23. Hi all, Finally got round to putting together the footage of a great Lac Seul outing that we took this summer with my son, his grandad, myself and the pup. Great memories and grandad has been boasting to all his buddies about how great a fisherman Jack is, really winding up his buddies down at Erieau about how he out fishes them 3 times a week....lol...with an ice fishing pole!
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