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Everything posted by wormdunker

  1. How much snow on the ice?
  2. Yammy is a solid motor. I'm not well versed on pricing for a 40 hp. I can tell you I put a brand new 20 hp, 4 stroke, elec start on my 14' Lund last summer - $3600.00. Motor is awesome!
  3. Hey - I'm the 1 millionth visitor again! But they tricked me - it's now at the bottom of the page
  4. The Jag is sold. Fishindevil - That would be awesome if you would contact me if you see something for my needs. Primarily ice fishing. Thanx
  5. Yup - we had to get off the chair to change channels also. Then 1 day my father installed a wired channel changer called "Butler". You guys remember those boxes. Awesome!
  6. Sorry to hear of your frustration Cliff. I have been very fortunate with medical appointments in recent years. I phone my docs office at 9:15 am, his receptionist says "can you be here at 3:15"? I said "you mean today". She replies "Yes" I'm like WOW! So there is feel good stories as well. I hope things move along quickly & smoothly for you Cliff.
  7. OK - thanx gonna look at the Jag. His pix are upside down. I asked the seller to "straighten up"! The pix that is.
  8. Thanx guys I really appreciate your input as I'm a newbie searching for a sled. Chad & Sinker - thanx I have heard triples are a problem from others. So I deleted that one. Chris Brock - thanx for the info for the 440 Jag - I'll take a closer look. Hey guys I found this 1 in Trout Creek Pls give me your opinions. 1995 Bombardier Grand Touring 670 Rave asking $1,800.00 9000 km, 1 year old studded, long track E start, reverse, heated grips front & rear Seller assures me the track, chain oil, compression & gauges are all good Starts very good, has ownership Is there anything I'm missing? Is this the right sled for me used mainly for ice fishing? Seat needs to be recovered no biggie for me. Thanx for your input.
  9. You guys are too funny! I'm still laughing! I've never really encountered people with a negative attitude toward us who hunt & fish. They're usually more inquisitive. Saying wow! - where did you get those fish? I'm very happy my father & uncles introduced me to fishing & hunting at an early age. I just love being in the great outdoors. When I was a youngster my folks had a small 3 acre farm. We had all our own veggies, strawberries, tomatoes etc. Bonus - we hunted cottontails & ring necked pheasants on our own property. Doesn't get any better
  10. Wow! Awesome report! I'm jealous of the walleye you caught.
  11. Chad could you expand a little on what to look for in the triples - finicky carbs perhaps? There's a few triples on kijiji here in Niagara. I did wonder why so many are being sold or cuz it's near the end of the season. I appreciate your input.
  12. Way to go Chad, definitely a nice bow! Good idea to keep wifey warm - or you'll be cold tonight! LOL!
  13. I've been reading this post with great interest. I even made notes about repairs from you guys - the experts! Nothing beats experience. I've never owned a sled, but given our recent snow conditions I'm looking to buy a sled primarily for ice fishing. First if any of you guys know of a decent sled in the $2,000. - $3,000.00 range, please PM me. I would prefer something with reverse, hand warmers (I'm old), long track, fan cooled, a rear rack for gear would be nice, but, I am able to readily fabricate a rack. Must have ownership. I am presently looking at a 1995 Polaris 600 XT triple. 2,000 km asking only $1,500.00. The seller states - Brand new seat $360. New studded track $1300.00 New tank $140. New windshield $120. That's $1920.00 in new parts! Is there something wrong with this picture?? He also says it needs clutch adjusted because it won't load up till you rev at 4,000 RPMs. I phoned the Polaris dealer - new primary & secondary clutch is $1,000.00, plus labor. At this point I think I would have a pretty reliable machine. Any comments are greatly appreciated as I have no experience with sleds. Thanx
  14. Yes - skilled trades is the way to go for most people. There is presently a big demand. I don't have stats to back up my statement but, I do know out west in the oilfields they (were) looking for tradesmen. The recent slump in oil prices have definitely slowed things down (winter is always slower), but it will rebound. Middle of April you'll see many companies out there hiring. I know, I'm one of them!
  15. I recently checked out some stats regarding saving for an RRSP - looking down the road 40 years. Pls don't hang me if my figures are off a little. A person age 20 deposits $2,000.00 to an RRSP Same person deposits $50.00 per week to a separate account for an RRSP at the end of the year for 40 years At age 60 this person now has a total of $214,000.00 What is astounding is - $105,000.00 of the $214,000.00 is interest!!
  16. As you get older an much bigger TV is a must! Eyes must be failing Lew! LOL!
  17. Good for you Manitoubass. Sounds well organized & a family event. I hope all of you enjoy yourself.
  18. Your pics are awesome! Thanx for posting. Extra gear & lures will certainly bump the price up a bit. That's OK - Now you have lifetime memories!
  19. Ok - makes sense now. In line fuse was blowing. I've done the same thing as you are doing. If I can't find the faulty wire in an older wiring set up - I remove all the old wiring - install brand new wiring. Much quicker & less head aches! While you're at it - install wire loom over the new wires, saves the new wire from the elements.
  20. Sorry I should have offered a possible solution. If your trailer does have it's own fuse panel - bypass it with that wire which you have directly wired to the tow vehicle battery. Good luck. I don't want to see you miss the show!
  21. If running a wire directly from the battery of the tow vehicle to the trailer - where are the fuses you are referring to? Does your trailer have a fuse panel?
  22. I like Ritchie's way of doing business. Read my post back a bit. I have a card that pays 1% redemption, plus a lot of free goodies. I use it a lot but not to the extent he does. I never thought of using it for insurance & utilities. Thanx for the tip Craig. I'm gonna get a higher redemption next year for sure. Recently my wife & I have been cleaning out the basement & garage. We found several jars & Tupperware containers full of pennies, a few dimes & nickels collected over many years. I went to Zehrs today, bought some groceries & put all our change into one of those coin machines. I received vouchers for almost 50 bux! Woo Hoo! Tip - you must cash those vouchers in before leaving the store! Right now I'm working on Freedom 85!
  23. Very good points here! I'm a fanatic with reading grocery flyers. My Friday is not complete until I read the grocery flyers. Why in hell would I pay $14/ lb for steaks when I know they're gonna be on sale for 6.99 soon. If I'm wanting a steak BBQ & nothing on sale I buy a cheaper cut of beef. Nothing wrong with top sirloin. 2 years ago I received info about a credit card which pays me 1% back on all my purchases. Jan 4 they credited me with $265.00 for my last years purchases!! Also entitles me to many other bonuses Free safety deposit box free roadside assistance - applies to both myself & my wife & covers ANY vehicle we may be driving - even other peoples vehicles! No annual fee No monthly bank fees - I used to pay $14.95/ month Free collision coverage when renting a vehicle Make sure my card is paid in full or 19.9% interest such as most other cards. If you need a tool wait for CTC flyer - guaranteed that particular tool will be 1/2 price shortly! I agree with Ironmaker - if paying interest on a loan for a toy -sell it. Irish says we're old dinosaurs - speak for yourself! LOL! Bet I'm older than you & better looking LMAO! If you require a large item - get a line of credit on your house - interest is usually around 2.9%. Regular bank loan interest on recreational vehicles is usually around 7%. Ironmaker says apps for your phone are a waste of $$$ - Did you fall on your head?? LOL!
  24. You guys are all wrong! I'm the 1 millionth winner! Says so right here at the top of the page! When we had our land line - my wife had won so many cruises I won't see her for 3 years! LOL!
  25. Agreed! I come here for the fishing reports, but also a strong interest in the other various topics people discuss. The tech stuff is important to me! Roofing, electrical, outboard repairs/maintenance, batteries, atvs, sleds - it's all here. No need to go elsewhere. To me this site is like a giant book of knowledge & the topics change daily, sometimes hourly. Keep up the good work!!
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