Andrea took me out to celebrate my 29th birthday on Friday Night, nice romantic dinner at the edgewater here in stoney creek, i almost had a heart attack when i saw the bill , thank god she paid .
As if the dinner wasn't enough, she also got me a baitrunner reel for carp fishing... here she be, 9 ball bearings, and a metalic flake paint job
Tried it out Saturday morning, carp were in, but sadly they were spawning, 2 words...
Did get to meet Steve/Photoz and talked tatics though
gave it a go from 7:30 till 2 and said screw it, and went home and slept... after that birthday feast at home with too much food and cake, needless to say the night ended off with me feeling bloated. Set the Alarm clock for 5am and was gonna give the carp another go, luckily it was pouring rain when i woke up, so i went back to sleep...
here's an "action" shot from saturday... need to pick up another carp rod, but for now one of the tdr rod's will have to do...