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Uncle Buck

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Everything posted by Uncle Buck

  1. PM sent
  2. apparently jordan is only 3 feet deep... and it's full of weeds... i've never fished it, but a guy i talked to said it's not worth the time... you could still fish hammy harbour even without a bowmount... it's not a necessity...
  3. pick your days and you'll be fine... you'll probably want a bow mount if you're goin for largies... in general if the lake is a mess, the harbour is fine, if the harbor is a mess, then the lake is fine...
  4. a few extra $$? buddy i work with picked one of them up and it was over $600 after everything
  5. Can i get some feedback from people that use it/have it? https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=145&pID=169
  6. i used 30lb PP with a 10lb flouro leader in the hut... it has it's pros and cons... perch and panfish, just stick with mono...
  7. We've got digital cable, and i live 2 minutes from ted/hooked and i can't get it either... it's not available in the area???
  8. Solid Kirk!! congrats!!!
  9. you got a real trooper agreeing togo fishing for the Honeymoon. When my time comes, i know i will dare not ask that question... LOL Congrats bud, all the best!!
  10. I've got a 15gallon with 2 koi and pleco... had 4 koi, but 2 died
  11. don't be afraid of older motors... i've got a 1975 merc 150HP outboard that has served me well and will be mounted on my boat once i finish it... like everything though do your homework... the only motors i would honestly stay away from are Chryslers and Force motors... note that all force motors are NOT mercurys... some are chryslers... if purchasing new, when i was down in Florida @ christmas, 90% of all motors rigged onto boats were Yamaha 4 strokes and Mercury Verados
  12. it can be welded, but take it to a professional welder... Universal Welding in Stoney Creek is the guy we take all our welding to...
  13. Whitefox and I tried the liftbridge last night... nothing hooked/landed/sighted/zip/zilch/nada again, it's still early the odd fish is in here and there, but it still needs more time
  14. my favorite part was...
  15. ive heard some bad stories about vinyl as in it not allowing the wood to breathe hence it rotted the wood underneath it... might want to check up on that?
  16. are you talking about the downspeed and temp units like the fish hawks/subtrolls/depth raiders?? If so definitely, once the boat is done, that is one of the items on the must buy list... when fishing with one you'd be surprised at the difference in surface speed compared to the down speed
  17. Catch rate, check this... http://www.protroll.com/books/?id=5&p_id=4 vibrating/struggling, could be the gear inside the rigger or your motors... id try that first
  18. i've got a coleman dual mantle lantern on camp fuel... i wouldn't trade it for anything... also have coleman stoves and a catalytic heater both on campfuel as well... not a fan of propane or batteries...
  19. I'll be showing up, if things work out as planned...
  20. My brother moved to the "Promise Land" Alberta... Check the price of housing before you decide to move there...
  21. learn the knotless hair rig... trust me it's simple, if i can learn it, so can everyone else!! with the hair rig, you'll never worry about deep hooking a carp again... i use standard corn from the feedmills... i don't even boil them...
  22. i was there on Saturday night, the "locals" say it's really slow now, won't pick up till around september... save your gas money Steve, or come and fish for channel cats...
  23. i use www.verio.com no problems and it's only $9.99 US a year and includes domain registration i made our company site with their webpage wizard www.vipind.com
  24. "Great Stuff" is closed cell Great Stuff info
  25. I've read a lot of positive things about it... one thing is, it takes a lot of work and time to replace the transom, make sure you know what you're getting yourslef into and that you have enough space and the right tools... you basically have to remove the complete top of your boat, so that you're only left with the "v" and transom, then you have to chip out the wood, make a cast on the inside of the transom, then pour it in and let it cure, then put everything back together it's not a 2 day job... be weary of tackling this project yourself...
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