Anyone who works in the Manufacturing Sector knows "what time it is"...
With so much work heading overseas, The local Shops just aren't getting the work, and many have closed their doors (not by choice)...
Manufacturing is more then 70% cheaper overseas. There are little if any labour laws, benefits, enviromental laws etc... There is such a vast number of people seeking employment, that if one person doesn't want to work for x dollars, then there are 100 more who are willing. I read an autoplant magazine last year, it said that 80% of workers in China make under $500 US a year, only 5% of the workforce made over $20,000. How are you supposed to compete against that? You can't. A man on the shop floor in ontario cost you average $200/day, how many people can they hire overseas for that money?
Then on the other hand, Auto Manufacturing Sources are getting the work done overseas at a fraction of the cost as it would be to have it made here, yet the price of Automobiles continue to increase year after year. Why not atleast pass along the savings to the consumer?
Overall, It's not right, yet the government does nothing... and you and I the average Joes, are the ones who pay the price. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer