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Uncle Buck

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Everything posted by Uncle Buck

  1. Are the inline planer boards strong enough to take big dipseys behind them?
  2. Looking to put floatation foam in the bottom of the boat, anyone do the house stuff where they spray it in? Thanks, Goran
  3. Anchor - Shackle - Chain -Shackle(optional)-Rope-Boat don't forget that you need 3 times the length of rope vs the depth you're fishing make sure you tie your anchor rope to the boat...
  4. Have a great one Gerritt!!
  5. what were the perch hitting steve? slipfloat and shiner setup? inside the canal or outside? good job guys
  6. Many of you recall tackle tours Flourocarbon Showdown they did a while back... http://www.tackletour.com/reviewfluorocarbontest.html they added a sequel, thought you might be interested http://www.tackletour.com/reviewfluorocarbon2.html
  7. Everything works on paper
  8. http://sports.espn.go.com/rpm/news/story?s...&id=2902693
  9. It's too much hassle for me... by the time you buy all the ingredients, mix it all up, form them into balls, boil them... i don't think it's worth it...
  10. Atta boy Steve!!!
  11. first thing is first... check to see if it has spark... unscrew the sparkplug from the head, then put the wire back on it and give it a pull... if you get a plug on both pulls, then you know you're getting spark, next issue is fuel... clean the fuel filter and keep squeezing the bulb start cranking the motor, if you're not seeing gas on the plugs, then you're not getting fuel..., if you're getting fuel, do a link and sync... if that fails, i'm selling a 1960 evinrude for $200 that runs rough... needs a tuneup
  12. i took my old boat to a dump in hamilton, they charged it as regular garbage... ended up being $50 for the 16'trihull i pull in and the guy operating the claw asks me if he could crush it, i told him go nuts... he goes "dude, you just made my day" LOL
  13. if you're having problems with gobies, try going to hard kernal corn i bought a 50lb sack for under $8 some people boil it, i've had success with it as is... hair rig is your best friend when carp fishing, there is a reason the hard core carping guys use it
  14. by going VOIP you also lose your Alarm monitoring...
  15. you're complaining about that? look what i did to my rear differential a month ago
  16. You've got a great lookin boy there Gerritt!!
  17. Awesome!!! Great Job Phil
  18. Quantum Andrea/White Fox got it for me when she went back home last summer
  19. Thanks Guys... Yeah Paul, the reel sure is sweet, i threw the epixor on the tdr now...
  20. Andrea took me out to celebrate my 29th birthday on Friday Night, nice romantic dinner at the edgewater here in stoney creek, i almost had a heart attack when i saw the bill , thank god she paid . As if the dinner wasn't enough, she also got me a baitrunner reel for carp fishing... here she be, 9 ball bearings, and a metalic flake paint job Tried it out Saturday morning, carp were in, but sadly they were spawning, 2 words... LOCK JAW Did get to meet Steve/Photoz and talked tatics though gave it a go from 7:30 till 2 and said screw it, and went home and slept... after that birthday feast at home with too much food and cake, needless to say the night ended off with me feeling bloated. Set the Alarm clock for 5am and was gonna give the carp another go, luckily it was pouring rain when i woke up, so i went back to sleep... here's an "action" shot from saturday... need to pick up another carp rod, but for now one of the tdr rod's will have to do...
  21. Great meeting you on Saturday Steve, Nothing was caught after you left... I threw the towel in around 2... Spawning was cool to see, crap to fish
  22. My Deepest condolences Lew
  23. your boat should be proped so that they max RPM is at WOT, any more (over-reving) and you could be doing damage, any less and you're loosing max power...
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