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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. It is what it is. Like many here have stated. Do I buy shimano because Bob Izumi uses it, no. Do I purchase Seaguar flourocarbon leaders because Charlie Wray, loves the stuff, of course not. Trial and error, speaking with fellow fishermen (board members) hopefully most of us are intelligent enough to make a purchase decision without having it rammed down our throats by a fishing host.
  2. MMMMMM...all I hear in my head is Hank Jr...I cooked a pig in the ground, got some beer on ice...ALL MY ROWDY FRIENDS ARE COMING OVER TONIGHT!!!!!!!
  3. Spectacular 'ski, Pete! Nicely done, as usual!
  4. Great "pics" of the "picks"!!!! Great report!
  5. Steve, those Simcoe smallies are amazing!!!!
  6. Haven't made it to the Cambridge one, yet. I'll try London if they don't have any. Thanks!
  7. Still a fish Vince! Get those big ones next time!
  8. Nice showing, and, pretty cool that you got to fish it with your "old man"! Good choice on the Jitterbug
  9. I'm surprised I haven't seen a Bill Dance blooper like that!!
  10. Thanks!! I'll check it out.
  11. Which model, Jet??
  12. Might have to scoot over to the one in Cambridge at lunch tomorrow, see if they have any in stock. Thanks for the info!!!
  13. Some good prices on the heaters, anybody out there using them in their portable ice huts?? Heater and an 8" auger are the two things I still need.
  14. Have a great time, Terry!! Yeah, that Largie looks like a good one!
  15. That's a great question. I was wondering the same thing for Guelph lake and Deer Creek, was going to call them up.
  16. The only complaint I had with braid so far is, when Spincast, Vinnimon and I went out on Lake O...I spooled up my Shimano Corsair with 30 lb braid, the stuff was like a spiny flea magnet!!
  17. All stores, guys...it is in the flyer.
  18. I was an old school monofilament guy as well, until this year...have really been impressed with Power Pro on my Arbor spinning combo, and, Cajun Red on my musky combo. Haven't tried Fireline.
  19. Some real nice "HAWGS" with a bonus "gator!"
  20. Those flies are a pain! Got a few good bites last weekend, didn't swell up, but, really red and itchy up until yesterday.
  21. Now THAT is a string of bad luck. My old man's latest, was thinking he is still 20 (actually 74) playing soccer with one of the better halfs boys. Dove for the ball and just about put himself out of commission. Good luck with the motor
  22. Some really nice bass, Steve! Nice going, and good to see you making the customers happy, as you did with myself, Juli and the boys ice fishing. Can't wait (well maybe I can, enjoying myself on the open water) to use the hut this winter! Take care!!
  23. Love my Legend, but, as everyone says up the horsepower on the standard package!!
  24. Very nice, the $50 I spent on my Brinkmann is one of the best purchases I've ever made! Like the honey, idea, I usually use maple syrup.
  25. I called last year (before I bought my boat) they do not rent the jon boats and motors...too many problems with the batteries.
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