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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Great stuff, Mike! Love the videos, and, the excitement in the little ones voices! Little stocked trout ponds are where my mom and dad got me hooked on fishing many years ago...most of those places don't stock anymore, but, at least there are opportunities such as this for today's youngsters
  2. That second rainbow is stunning...love the brilliant red stripe!!!!
  3. Just noticed this Ryan...will probably just be myself, unless we decide to do the London show instead. Mid-summer sounds good for the carp thing, we'll all talk soon!
  4. Would love to see one here in Ontario...how about down London way, eh, Slowpoke???
  5. That's funny Bob...as of last night, baseball season has begun for me Good luck to your Sabres.
  6. She's a beauty Shawn!!!!!!
  7. Was just checking out the link for the flyer...good deal on the Pflueger Arbor combo ($79.99). IM8 graphite rod, and, a spinning reel made specifically for braid (no need for any backing)...I paid $89.99 on sale at CTC last year, used it mostly for walleye (drifting with harnesses) great little outfit for under $100!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Hoping to make the Kitchener show, after work. Dan and Ryan, we still have to plan that carp outing
  9. Great stuff, Craig!! Love the title
  10. An evening bite works out well anyways...the kids can sleep in a bit. Plan on targetting smallies with them for the most part...nothing beats a bunch of smallies on spinning gear. Then hit the walleyes in the evening. For me, earlier mornings...pike, walleye, topwater bass. Love the fact that they have a bunch of family oriented activities...including free use of canoes, paddleboats, kayaks. Not too mention the games room, with pool table (boys are excited about that one) foosball, etc. Can't wait for those northern night campfires!!!!
  11. You are the man, Jacques!! We (team 8) needed that baby!!!
  12. Spiel, man, you are taking me down memory lane with these picks. One of my favorite concerts I ever saw was Echo & the Bunnymen in the early 80's in Kitchener at Bingeman park. Spartan stage, smoke, and not much lighting...but, pure magic.
  13. Ended up doing the price match at Walmart, and, got a spool of 20 and a spool of 30. Come on softwater!!!!!!!!
  14. Just checked the CT around the corner from where I work...nothing...no Suffix 832 AND no Live Target frogs Next stop at home in Woodstock, tonight.
  15. Lyman's for $2!!!!!!!! Man, I live in the wrong city
  16. I didn't know that about Walmart. One way or another, I'm getting a few spools tomorrow. My new Citica, is looking naked without any line on it
  17. Happy B-day!!
  18. You won't see it until Friday.
  19. Thanks for the heads up!!
  20. Funny, I somehow missed the last few replies to this. Thanks, all. After contacting a few people via PM's and phone calls...we decided on Happy Day lodge. The cabins were booked for the week we wanted, no surprise with the amount of repeat business they get. We did however book a campsite for six nights, which will give us five full days up there to enjoy the fishing, as well as the other family activities they provide. Juli, the boys, and I are really looking forward to it, and, since we camp every other year...the lack of cabin availability wasn't too much of a concern...maybe cabins next year.
  21. Any word on when these would be available in Canada?
  22. Checked one of the stores in Kitchener on my lunch...diddly-squat...no surprise.
  23. Awewsome!! You got to see a great effort by the Leafs as well. Schenn's goal was "Orr-like" which is ironic, since it was scored against the Bruins. Reimer stood on his head too. Sounds like you had a great time
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