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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Nice fish bud!! You sure that one wasn't a "chinny"??
  2. Be nice Dan, lol, Vince is "photobucket challenged"...we are trying to show him the light
  3. Nice Vince!! Looking forward to the pics...bet I know where you got the cohos
  4. Would love to be on Scugog, but, the "fishing queen's" 40th birthday is Saturday, so b-day get together instead of fishing. Good luck to all who make it out
  5. Since we don't have an emoticon for bend over and take it.
  6. Love seeing the small stream "speck" reports. Something I used to do all the time with my dad, but, haven't done in way too many years. Nice going
  7. Beautiful Aaron I totally agree, as well...steelhead on hardware is the ultimate blast
  8. Got to love the colours on spring inland rainbows!!!! Beauty
  9. Whoa, seven months is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long!! Nice that you got into some "toothy critters"
  10. Sorry to hear that, Jacques. The main thing is you were out fishing You'll get 'em next time!! Thanks, again, to all for the comments.
  11. About time Lloyd found some gold!!!!!! Who am I kidding, great work as usual by the captain!! Looks like you guys had a great time, in fact from what I've heard from you and Vince, I know you did!!
  12. Thanks for the comments, guys. Yeah, Roy, it was a really nice calm day out there. Could have gone out in my 14 fter. Too bad about the "skunkaroo" Jacques, hope you get into some today!!! Off to the kid's fish/Mother's Day event here in Oxford County in a little bit, see if we can get the boys into their first rainbow trouts.
  13. Man it has been a long winter, even with ice fishing. Been itching to get out on the open water, but, haven't even got my boat out of storage yet (next week for sure!!!!). Received an invitation from one of my fishing buds, and fellow board member, Spincast. Juli and I jumped at the chance to hit Lake O in search of salmonids. We hit the road bright (dark) and early, got to Rick's, transferred our gear...then hit the open road. We were on the water, with the first rod out shortly after daybreak. The cast and crew Spincast Myself and Juli, smiling faces all around We had some time to chat, and, trade a few stories before the first fish hit. We had decided Rick would be up first, he was overdue to have some fun with some chrome. After a nice battle, a scrappy 22"er was landed...quick photos and measurement, back it went. We must have still been half asleep, we had misidentified it as a bow, after the rest of the morning...and checking the photos, turns out it was a nice coho. Juli was up next, and, she made us wait...and wait........and wait some more We had lunch, and, right after the fish turned on with a flurry! First rod jumped, we missed it...less than a minute later, the rigger rod went, by the time Juli got to it, the fish had been dancing on top and shook free, arrgh! Another minute passed and a third rod went off!! This one was on for good...almost a triple header, which would have been interesting. 18" coho, not large, but, Juli's new PB Before we could get the two rods back in the water, my lead core, planer set up went off. Scrappy battle, and, my Lyman hunch had paid off. 21 1/2" male coho What a great flurry of action, Rick in his "glitter pants", lol!! Coho scales everywhere! We were starting to run out of time, but, decided to make one more short pass back over the area where we had success. Trolled down, nothing, as soon as I began the turn...bang...fish on, Rick's second coho, a scrappy 17". Trolled for a brief time after that, then packed up, and headed for port. Great times, laughs (especially the infomercial moment, where we were persuading the fish to bite, had to be there) and company. Thanks for an awesome morning/early afternoon on the water, buddy!!! One last photo, fresh coho on the bbq (Juli's 18") Off to a kid's only fishing day tomorrow morning, then work in the afternoon. Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies on the forum!!!
  14. Yupper. This one has been re-hashed way too many times.
  15. Thanks Brian, lol!! One thing I want to make clear...I don't hate lake trout...in fact I love them in the winter!!! Fantastic fish for ice fishing...or in northern lakes. I just would rather see #1 Steelhead #2 Coho #3 Chinook being stocked for my license $$$$'s, in the Great Lakes.
  16. Other than our trip up north in late August, and, musky opener next month, definitely staying alot closer to home this summer. Yikes
  17. Great points, Craig!! I'm not even going there on the Atlantic salmon program
  18. I hear you, won't even fish the Lake O tribs. Big rivers, or rivermouths for me. As for Coho's...YEAH BABY!!!! Spectacular fish.
  19. No arguments on that point. However, the salmon provide a great open water sport fishery.
  20. I've seen them do the same thing on Lake Huron...cormorant feast. Too bad the MNR continues to stock species that most anglers would rank low on "type of fish they would like to catch" polls. Lakers in Simcoe, for ice fishing...definitely Lakers in Lake O...considering they live long, grow large, and, absorb huge amounts of pollutants...no thanks. Not even a great fish for catch and release, considering most are caught in the summer, when they are far from their fighting prime. Just my opinions
  21. Number 4 Blue Fox Vibrax...Fire Tiger, Pink/Silver, Chartreuse/Silver.
  22. Looks like a great weekend Chad!! Nice going, that hen Jimjigger is holding is a beaut
  23. The boys got a kick out of that one, when they saw the show, Ryan. Can't wait to try out that "froggy" this summer.
  24. Some nice gators, Wayne!! Good to see you getting out fishing
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