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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. It has had a positive impact on Lake Huron's steelhead fishery...I agree with Shawn, why not include Erie as well. Does anyone really need to keep more than two 6-12 lb bows? There are still plenty of salmon in Lake O, for those that are fishing in a charter, or trolling the big water...and wish to keep more fish.
  2. Interesting concept. Always fun trying out something new...I take it, a longer rod would be beneficial for the "steering of the lure"?
  3. I'm lucky that I can store mine at work for free, so, get to see it everyday...well every weekday...and, yes, she's coming out real soon!!!!!!
  4. PB pike, and, musky. Get out as much as I can, with the boat. Try some new waters.
  5. Rack up another vote.
  6. Don't sweat it, man!! This time of year the ice is so dicey anywhere south, it's a crapshoot.
  7. Gotta love the north!!!!!! Now if I could just move our distribution center up there
  8. No sweat, Brian. Maybe next year!
  9. Last I checked, Fishing World in Hamilton was selling Power Pro for $11.88.
  10. Definitely early enough, especially if travelling 2- 2 1/4 hours to get there!! What's the depth of the water that tight to town?
  11. LOL...Lloyd o'clock would be more like 5:30 AM.
  12. I'm 50/50, depends on a possible steelhead outing. Really surprised the ice is holding up.
  13. Man, I still have that album (vinyl) + on my MP3 player...love that song, great band that came out of Ireland just after U2 waaaaaaay back in the early 80's. They released a really wicked album in 1984 called A Pagan Place...good stuff!
  14. Two really nice lakers!! Love the orange fins
  15. Great post, love seeing these family outings. We got out twice with the boys this ice season, and, they had a blast both times.
  16. LOL, fingers crossed for favorable conditions.
  17. If the ice and access are good, and it's within walking distance from shore, count me in.
  18. Very nice!! Too bad the jersey wasn't the old style Maple Leaf, but, still a nice score! Have fun on Saturday
  19. Nicely done! Almost got the day off, but, things got way too busy
  20. See how things pan out over the next few days, if the ice stays solid enough, I'd be interested...if not, I'm leaning towards some chrome.
  21. Sounds like fun, would love to get out one last time, but, how will the ice be after 9 and 10 degrees, Thursday/Friday? Also, how is the parking there?
  22. It's amazing how well that technique works, in off colour water. I've caught more steelies using that combo, or pink bag/chartreuse yarn in dirty water than any other tactic. Bright red/chartreuse is another winner, I know I'm not telling you anything new Mike, but, for any rookie steelheaders out there...this truly is a great off colour water tactic!
  23. Some really nice chrome, Mike and Bill Nothing like shaking off the cobwebs in March!!
  24. No thanks necessary! I've saved $100's thanks to notices like this from guys and gals on this forum.
  25. It was mentioned in our flyer in Woodstock in a yellow box as 40% on select items...the website pretty much shows everything that is on sale.
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