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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Good stuff Dan!! Lots of fish, toothy and non!
  2. Wow, selling for $10 a lb, here in Woodstock.
  3. You know it...I've planned one trip up north, with another in the works, other than that...I plan on doing alot more close to home fishing this year. Picked up a seasons pass to the local lake/mudhole this past weekend. Not the greatest fishing in the world, but, a good place to practise those various techniques. The best thing is, I can throw everything into my boat, and, be launched in ten minutes!
  4. Congrats, sometimes it is nice hitting those close to home spots. Exactly what I am going to do this weekend for my "bass opener"...one week late.
  5. Welcome aboard, and, congrats on bagging a walleye in a lake that doesn't give too many up. Sinclair gave you some good advice with the spinnerbait suggestion. Stained water, get their attention. However don't be afraid to slow it down. Find weed lines and work slower presentations, jigs or even bright spinners at a dead slow retrieve. Good luck!!
  6. Some nice fish combined with a fun northern getaway. Good stuff
  7. I agree, and, nobody wants to eat that salary after his overall playoff performance. Especially his road games.
  8. Just saw Cory Schneider is available...man, if I was Vancouver I'd be keeping him and getting rid of Luongo!!!
  9. Not sure where Supernaut is located, but, Massels Marine in New Hamburg has the system that Jimmer shows here.
  10. Been waiting for this report, and, you didn't disappoint buddy!!! Some adventurous moments, good fishing, good friends, good meals. Doesn't get much better than that! Hope to get out on the water soon, and, you can fill me in on some more of the trip.
  11. Yup, "death by internet"! There are still quality fish, however, they are hammered by too much pressure on such a small lake.
  12. Looks like a great time was had by all Wayne! Good to see you out on the water, too.
  13. Great stuff Mike!! Congrats to Doug on that amazing gator!! I was holding my breath watching him try to grab it! You truly have an amazing spot up there.
  14. Yup. Fished it a couple years ago, truly disappointing. Way overfished for the size of lake.
  15. Well done, Pete! Good to see you back posting.
  16. Good report Jacques!! Would love to get out fishing with you some day! PS---was starting to think that Vince (Vinnimon) was going to take the "emoticon" title away from you, but, after reading this one...THE CROWN is still yours
  17. Video worked fine for me!!
  18. Mine's pretty straightforward...the 65 is my year of birth, ouch!! Or the number of years I still have to work to retire comfortably
  19. Great report!! Awesome success on the skis as well. Those pics bring back some good memories from last year, and, our camping trip up there.
  20. They all rock, Mike! However, the black and orange and the white tiger might just have to find a place in my tackle box
  21. If it is as reliable as the President, and, the Arbor (still can't believe how much I love that reel) I'd say yes. I guess the question is how does it stack up against the Shimano Stradic CI4.
  22. That really rocks!! Great companion video to the first one which does a great job of teaching technique! Man, I can't wait to hook one of those stinky, slimy, buggers again...hopefully Saturday!!
  23. Good stuff Vince!! I agree, let's see some pics!
  24. What a beauty Bill!!!!!
  25. Emil, you have those fish "dialed in"!! Congrats on another great outing!! Love seeing those photos of the boys battling Kings!
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