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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Have a great day Dear !!! Make that slave driver that you live with cook you a nice meal at least....
  2. I always thought they were a "no name" Mercury..could be VERY wrong.
  3. The beta tester wants a dang raise!!!!!! Oh...and "love" the signature buddy!
  4. Was the only thing the OPP asked for when they pulled JR and myself over late last November. It's an easier way to make $300 than bothering with all the other stuff..since most don't even know where their Vessel Licence is. We never had one in our 26' Tempest for almost 20 years. Theft deterant isn't their excuse either...as they don't ask you for ID to show it's actually your boat....so I suggest putting your vessel licence in a less obvious place than your glove box so a thief might get ID'd for the fine writting at least..
  5. TC always wimps out and puts a lower rating than the USA coast guard plate. Covers their ass that way. As far as I know though..it's strictly a recommendation for HP as I've seen many Lund and Mircro-craft boats pre-rigged at the marina with the full US plates HP rating mounted on the transom....which is always an engine one "step" above the Canadian capacity sticker.
  6. SO....when does the next train leave for the factory? Fabulous once again Drew!
  7. As others have noted you may need to build Tony. My house garage is 22 wide x 24 deep and heck..like anything it could be bigger. I park the F150 Supercrew in one side with a foot ahead and behind...Leah's sport trac beside it ...and I can open my doors full on the truck and walk around her truck nose into the house. A garage this size will be a very rare find on a metro-land home, and that said it won't even fit my boat with swing tongue trailer. Good luck with your search.
  8. If you read the link JR provided you will find that you can "Register" a vessel or get a "licence" for the vessel. Registering is an "ownership" and a licence is just that with your bill of sale required to prove you own it. I think I read pleasure craft fee was $100 if you want to register. Sounds right..cause the buggers nail us for $110 to do an airplane.
  9. Was Canada Customs service for free..then I heard it was changing over so you could go to any Social Security/Services Canada or something like that...but note that Temagami Marine no longer goes to North Bay and do them...they fax them into Services Canada Pleasure Craft Licence Ctr. Fredericton, NB E3B 5G4 Fax number 506-462-5322 required.. Front of existing licence Back of licence signed over to new owner and new owner has completed appropriate section Complete an "Application for Pleasure Craft Licence". Complete third party authorization letter... if you are doing it for someone else Photocopy of both sides of your drivers licence Bill of sale
  10. I think he saw his shadow...
  11. It would be a big favour when it comes right down to it...
  12. While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php? The following error was encountered: Connection Failed The system returned: (104) Connection reset by peerThe remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
  13. Pressure treated wood used to have arsenic in it and why it was highly frowned upon as dock material. It no longer has arsenic in it and is supposed to be fine now...or at least no worse, or better, than the people that repaint their spruce/fir docks every couple years with paint splashing / dripping in the water as they go.
  14. Personally Joe...I'd crash land the bugger on a beach in Brazil !
  15. It's 17C in Penetang right now. Just started to pour..guess thunder boomer is next and won't be much safe ice anywhere I'm sure and it will be quickly warming up that surface water.
  16. I usually stay out of these threads but I had to respond to this one comment that has nothing to do with global warming...OR DOES IT as "they" search for another planet to live on since destroying their own... If anyone believes that we're the only "round ball"....mysteriously levitating in space....with a living population on it, or from it....you're living too far inside yourself. Think a little more outside the box. Consider how far aircraft have evolved on this planet in a mere hundred years. Think of where we'll be with space exploration behind people like Rutan's followers, a 100 years further into the future. A 20KB computer filled a large room in 1975 and I still have some tape reels from it......now you carry 30GB in your pocket or stare at it on your boat helm. Can you not envision "Warp Factor 5 Scotty" as a reality in the near future. Consider another solar system in a galaxy close by that's say a mere 500 years or even a 1000 years ahead of our evolution. They are there, and they have been here. A jet load of workers get delivered to area 51 every day to work and they ain't building cars.... Captain Wayne signing out... LOL
  17. Like it says on my Father's tomb stone... "There are better days ahead". Next time Steve!
  18. There is, or at least was, a couple motels in Marathon. Many times full with construction/firefighters/etc though. http://www.town.marathon.on.ca/
  19. Hope you had a great day fella!
  20. Funny that rear spoiler...just said that to my son Mike. Looks like they're going back to the way things use to be and they should go back to wings on the high speed tracks. It's like clothes I guess..after 20 years the same designs come back into style! Bring on the wing cars....
  21. Nothing like a trip to JB's !! Thankfully... for my wallet...Brian was closed by the time I was getting out of downtown yesterday.
  22. Like Jr. said about the 5 car spinnin out..."that's too bad" ! LOL
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