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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Air flow switch isn't making...to sequence the ignitor
  2. Welcome aboard Alex ! If you're half the fisherperson your sister is....... you'll be a great asset around here...
  3. I'll dispose of them for you Taper, if you'd like! LOL I think they'd work well on the end of cow bells / christmas trees for lakers.
  4. Last Lynx I saw was summer of '76. Sioux Lookout in the campground. Thanks for posting John.
  5. We probably won't be on the lake until the 14th of May this year...but should be there for sure the last week of June right after leaving Lakair on the 25th. We're only 4 islands out from Lakelands dock...
  6. Good luck. One of the local guys here just puts their blankets down on the side of the road and finds them there the next morning.
  7. You saying you didn't want to lean over the side in that Dano.... 98F...any issues with that net collapsing on you...since the hoop doesn't go all the way around. Looks like a fork with the net just stretched across.
  8. Where #11 stops going North and turns West !
  9. Also Pam...if he is considering the 1' x 4' panels...If you buy from CTC you also have to buy the regulator seperate for $30 or so dollars...where as the exact same solar panel from Walmart comes WITH the regulator for the same price or less than just the panel at CTC.
  10. Didn't have any issues with that rubber telescopic plucking your fish at BOQ though did yah Dano?? And Whopper ... ...and it would also be great if your "swinging" fish actually made it to the boat! LOL 98F...I use a rubber telescopic for the medium stuff (bass/pickeral) and I have a BIG stowmaster folding net that needs to be slimed this season. Pike I generally hand land.
  11. Boys and their toys...gotta love it !! Congrats Krawler! Have a ball on the water. And Taper...Merc is the only choice if you go full package pre-install from the factory for 2007...many dealers still buy boat and motor seperate to appease the customer.
  12. Now with that all said...how many of the na sayers have used a solar panel to buy them time on the water when there isn't any power source available? Some is better than none. I've "dry" camped for 10 years with a large motorhome. Batteries last 3 days at best and with even the small foot by foot solar panel in the sun each day it would buy us a day before having to fire up the genny for a full recharge...so 33% improvement over no charger at all and a day gained before bothering neighbours with the genny running. I later went to two 1' x 4' panels, and the regulator, and we could spend the full week at Fushimi without running the genny and also went for 6 days in Yellowstone in 2004...at 7000' ASL with a furnace trying to run all night to get enough air to burn/heat. There's nothing in them that can be hurt by rainfall. I also used the small 1' x 1' at Lakair last year and didn't have to plug in for recharge...well until we had a weee accident with said panel sitting on the rear casting deck.....
  13. Nope wasn't you Bernie! LOL Your brothers better not catch you plugging Etec's though....
  14. Yep...they're all busy driving from their office OFC computer to their home OFC computers right now ! LOL They'll chime in soon. Gerry has LOTS of insight into this and a Triton as well....and has very good reasons to go Optimax. Thanks, I plan to thoroughly enjoy the new boat..overkill but wthay. I don't have to use all that 275 ! Yah Right!!!!!! (but of course based on current threads I'm an idiot now...but we all knew that going in !) As soon as you're sure you enjoy being airborne...go get your medical. Seen too many guys pour their heart, sole and hard earned cash into it and when it's time to go solo find out they have some condition that denies a Cat III medical. Wayne
  15. There was a LOT of good input into this both ways when I asked last fall. Unfortunately it's all lost on the old board. One guy will come along and recite the E-Tec sales campain for you sooner or later... I went Verado. No buying or fussing with oil, no lost storage compartment to hold said oil's dispensing container and a super quiet engine that allows you to troll and hear the wildlife at the same time. Not worried about any small differences in hole shot...I'm sure the Verado can pull the odd water skiier up just fine.
  16. I bought 2 - Penn209's for downrigging and have them on 8' 6 TDR's. One of the 209's puked a gear on it's third use last year, but of course more than a year after I bought it. Sent it to Rocky's Tackle and had it repaired for less than $25 (mind you they're only an $85 reel). Hopefully they put up with some usage this time around.
  17. I remember it well...but I spend/spent too much time here. Out hunting with Muskiestud when he got the call to GO NOW! Glad that all is going well Brian and that there's been no issue of rejection or failure. What a difference this must have made on your life's schedules and hope you truely enjoy the new found free time to hunt and fish to your hearts content. Wayne
  18. Sorry to hear Hookset...but like Pikehunter says, all the township sees is tax dollars and yes the re-zone was decided LONG before the info meeting. Penetang and Midland are both perfect examples of only "seeing" tax dollars. Both harbours water fronts have been ruined by re-zoning and multi-story eye sores on the waterfront that was originally green space, in a town with 2 story max building code. Now the 4/5 story waterfronts are blocking views of the water to even people part way up the escarpement.
  19. Finally...some one with the correct view of the delay! I'd prefer they get it right the first time...which is more likely the real cause for the delay...not the excuse being offered that the "norm" is bringing regs out on Jan 1st.
  20. John, my Glastron spent from May 13th to Sept 21st in the water this year and May 12th until October in the water the year before. I had three bumpers on the dock side of the boat and always tied off the outboard rear cleat to a deck cleat out on the L dock. This holds the boat off the dock and I also found with the floaters that any wave action generally holds the boat off the dock anyhow due to the rebound wave. First summer I was lazy and left the top off 99% of the summer...but it was pretty rainless in 2005. Last year I was pretty good about putting the full top on every night after fishing to save the interior. Traded it in on my new Lund and it's advertised, without a lie, as a "10" right now. Winters it was stored inside my hangar. My new Lund will see the same service. It will be going in right after ice out and other than a trip to Lakair in June it will stay in the water right thru into the fall and then I'll be fishin GBay for Muskie, with of course a trip to BOQ in Novemember. Lake Temagami is a tad cleaner than most though....skum line from 5 days at Lakair last year was worse than an ENTIRE season in the water on Temagami. At the lake I use a scrub brush once, twice max, a season quickly around the water line of the boat to clean it off and then a quick hull cleaner and high power wash when I bring it home to store for the winter.
  21. Just ignore me...still stuck in the days that every river flowing into GBay, from Div 4, was off limits above the mouth... until last saturday in April. I haven't done the river thing for over 20 years and forgot the notty had the exception...but still unsure why it's different. Even the bighead in Meaford use to have a pole driven into the shoreline about 15 feet from the lake and you couldn't fish above it. Now I see that you can fish right up to the highway. Makes no sense if we want fish to reach the spawning grounds IMHO, but.....
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