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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Thanks again everyone! Nelly..I have an airplane I built myself...no beaver in my budget.
  2. LOL Fishingnut...I understand that logic!!
  3. I feel like it this morning as well Norm! Hope you have a great day Norm and many more in the years to come.
  4. Great report and outing Tom... THANKS. BUT..you sure that's not my 19" NGLTrout and you just shopped in your OFC logo beside. Looks like my tape measure toooo.. LOL
  5. I probably should wait one minute...but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Shawn! Hope you get a chance to spend it in the boat...gonna be a beaut of a day Sunday.
  6. Could have had many today on the drive to TO. 5 standing on the side of the highway between the 400 extension/11/400 interchange and duckworth exit on the West shoulder..walking along picking thru the gravel. Many flocks wandering the fields with the snow melt. Biggest flock/gaggle I saw was on the sod farm just south of 89. My "herd" is still running around the house on a daily basis...MISFISH get up here...
  7. I have the same issue on Lake Temagami. I can fish Lake Trout from Jan 1 to Sept 30th on Cross lake (Div 18)... which is joined and navigable to Lake Temagami (Div 26)....yet lakers are closed from Mar 15th until Pickeral opener in May on Temagami. If I run down there during the first couple weeks of May and catch a laker I could be doing a lot of talking if pulled over on the way back during the 27 miles or so to my cottage. Worse than that...having neighbours see you get out of the boat with a couple lakers on a stinger and accuse you of being a poacher.... Solution...I fish for pike during those two weeks instead.
  8. Thanks everyone..my day is done but hopefully my gifts are not! Off to bed....Good night!
  9. Is this what you meant Sandy??? I gotta gal that knows how to shop anyhow...
  10. Forgot the Red Neck Trout Tourney...
  11. Leah suggested, last summer, that I do that for our old '83 Southwind motorhome Joey!
  12. Thanks guys...and bookoobeast...what's that spot on her behind...she do a party before mine.... Mods...you can remove her now and put her with Charlotte....I already saved her to "my pictures" LOL
  13. I scouted out the Midland launch this morning on the way back from the license bureau. We can get her in..and if we really GIVE'R, where the geese are simmin, we can slide up and across the ice and MIGHT make it to the ice breaker channel that's wide open! We'd best bring an auger just in case.....
  14. I'll just keep hunting for the Mother of these little (43 and 56lb) guys that were pulled out of Temagami in 2005 and 2006 respectively. That will do me just fine for now... When I get bored of that...a flight up to see 'bunk, maybe, and who knows from there. So many lakes...so little time on this round ball.
  15. Always Sandy..always. Not sure why, but she is! LOL
  16. Thanks Julie....and as for sharing a piece of cake with you...don't tell Shawn Okay !! ?? He'll have to get his own on Sunday! LOL
  17. THANKS EVERYONE!!! I don't feel a day over 44 ! I did exactly that Mark...and just came in for a quick break. Seems I'm always working on my Birthday...but I guess working one day a year ain't too bad ! LOL Misfish...thought about that...too much mud between the hangar door and that strip of white stuff to play on. Need a nice frosty morning to get there..but by then I think the snow will be toast. Connie..thanks I think.. LOL...
  18. Have a great day Julie..great sharing the day with you. But dang... now that I've been to the licence bureau and blown $296 on plate stickers I've gotta get back to work.
  19. For the latest breed...a good skeet gun....
  20. Yep..tomorrows a great day for birthdays Julie ! Have a great one... Wayne
  21. You could have at least photoshopped that first one a bit Phil ! LOL
  22. Yah gotta hang with the right people to get the first 10 Chris ! LOL
  23. BEAUTY Dogs Huey... ...my boy Rikki, may he RIP.
  24. Yah...but we know you have to take your business as it comes in Rizzo...
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