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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Yah.. what's that like anyhow Joe ?? Art and I won't know for a couple years yet....
  2. The mandated rules of the GST.. and now HST are.. if the service is provided IN the province the tax has to be charged. Doesn't matter whom you are, or where you're from.... unless you pull out a status card. If we ship outside the country, then we dont' have to charge the tax. I am not aware of a legal way of not charging the tax just because your guests are from outside Ontario or Canada. It's up to the traveller to claim it back on their way out of the country. Same deal when you visit the UK.. you can claim the tax back at the airport if you so choose. If some lodges are offering instant 1/2 back... it's a gimmic/ drawing card to get you there as far as I am concerned/know.
  3. There's thousands of boats out there smaller Mike. Boats don't kill people.. stupidity does.
  4. House built with silent beam floors? Vibration... try a couple work bulbs in the lamps that keep blowing bulbs. Are you end of the line.. voltage surge. I have to put 130V bulbs in our outside lights or they're toast in less than a month with us being the last place on the concession road. Our voltage is regularily 121 volts with surges to 135.
  5. That's great Terry.. now to bring you down.. how's Lowrance treating you this week??
  6. You can boat GBay in a 12 foot tinny.. you just have to pick the days, and the time of day! Then again, I've had days that our 26 foot Searay, full cabin, wasn't enough boat and put waves over the windshield!! (and that was between Methodist and Snake Islands!!!) There are days, like one in November when I had Glen out with me that I questioned if my 22 foot Lund was enough boat... just running from Penetang Harbour to Governors Island across the gap by Giants Tomb when we had waves rolling over the left gunnel. Need more info Mike. Do they plan to use this boat on the open lake... or up the back channel through Honey Harbour?
  7. fishburn.. I built the plane and floats myself.. send me a PM if you want details...
  8. Do they hold them by the shoulders to stamp them....
  9. Must only be able to get them plaid boots in Sturgeon Falls.... Good for her! It's about time you stopped making her walk behind yours to camp..
  10. The recall concerned the 2nd generation SPOT 2..
  11. Just remember.. anyone carrying a 121.5 PLB... they no longer satelite monitor 121.5 (or so they say). They have been trying to get all of aviation switched over to 406 MHZ and while the bill is stalled sitting on a Transport Canada Ministers desk (and has been for over 3 years) and the technology isn't up to speed from manufactures with certification issues, and cost issues, for 28,000 aircraft to switch over in Canada... they told us way back 121.5 was no longer monitored and we were all on our own via overflight monitoring to help anyone. There was also a very quiet recall on a Spot Model... I'll try to dig it up from one of my flying forums for you.. in case you have that model.
  12. If you're interested in Lake Temagami let me know. Cottage on the opposite end of my island rents from time to time.
  13. Keeps them from swimming too far away from release site!
  14. Lots of great deals... skeeter should buy this.... http://barrie.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-oth...QAdIdZ192263011 I should grab that full transom Sportspal for the next customer that wants a canoe loader for their airplane. I built two of them over the winter for guys in BC that bought brand new Sportspals from the mfg/dealer out there.
  15. Don't leave them sticking out the side of your boat and they won't get broken when a guy with no reverse tries to "dock" beside it!!!
  16. TJ rummages thru desk drawer.. looking for tape..
  17. Still rolled out of bed when I felt like it.. and left work when I felt like it. Nothing changed! Time is correct on mine Rob...
  18. Does that make the others silly Bill.. or you overly cautious?? There's still lots of safe ice around... just not out on Lake Erie !! If I had of had the time this weekend, instead of working, I'd be right beside Lloyd... drilling through 30 inches of ice!
  19. Yep.. when your hole is plowing water there's an issue !!
  20. Yah got that right.. and a disclaimer!! I took the picture from his gallery... I did not take it myself!!
  21. You know there's stabilizer for diesel too eh! Firecat you stated that we'd have a major problem if there wasn't a difference between 89 octane from Pioneer and the stuff that fuels an airplane. Just stating fact as to what a huge percentage of the private aircraft fleet runs on in Canada and the USA (contrary to the popular belief of some highly explosive fluid from watching movies)... and no there is no difference nor a major problem. Nothing more.. nothing less and yes something I am well versed on since I work with aircraft EVERY day and you obviously do not, nor would you have questioned what I had stated. Now the merits of studs on a sled track in various applications... that's a debate I'll leave for your expertise!
  22. Yep... someone as shy as yourself, that speaks so little, can take a while to get there!!
  23. I don't wanna hear why you were inside a witches bra fella... I didn't think my m-in-law was in town...
  24. Why would we have a major problem? Aircraft engines for the large part have lower compression ratios than most auto engines! Also keep in mind that there are MANY aircraft running auto engine conversions and Bombardier Rotax engines that can't run on AV Gas (and many certified aircraft that are running on car gas by STC as well). They run on car gas, simple as that.... and generally bought at the gas station via Jerry can and hand fueled or farmers/strip owners with their own 200 to 500 gallon tanks. Ethanol plays havoc on rubber hoses, fuel tank sealers and such.. but if used at a quick enough rate and refreshed often enough the fuel itself is not the issue if it's used before phase seperation and stabil won't do anything for you but cost you money. Now if you let your fuel sit around for months at a time.... that's a whole different story. Like I said.. do you put Stabil in your car/truck every time you fill it up???
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