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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Just when I was getting a lot of work done.. In profile... Topics/posts etc is layered overtop of stuff. Also post count in profile doesn't match thread post count (suppose that is from manual overide at last board change). Edit doesn't work in IP Skin either..
  2. Not sure who you're referring to as wanna be's Todd... but there's a least three responders there with a license and an Electro/Mech PEng in there to boot as well...
  3. I use a 102C.. it has a flasher mode as well, that I never turn on. There's no delay using the graph mode as the right side of the screen is instant.. everything to the left is history so that you can see the big fish you just missed!!
  4. -13 tonight will tighten it up for anyone that needs to get off hopefully...
  5. Rick must have forgot and went out on a date...
  6. Nope.. down in the hub of the lake... right by the landing entrance to the lake from the access road.... nose of truck is sitting on bottom. Yes he got out just before the nose went down... icefisherman that wasn't from the area.
  7. You enjoy Drew... and you know where to find us come May !
  8. Both of these are on the ice road Terry.. were the ice was the thickest.. but of course first to go being bare !
  9. I've been asked to remove the pics for copyright reasons and provide a link instead. http://www.ottertooth.com/Temagami/News/newsbriefs-101.htm#ma19
  10. Motorguide wireless are not to be connected during charging. Also nice to be able to pop it off the boat for security or trailering cover install.
  11. Great stuff Drew ! You missed a January shot...
  12. Stick it in a garbage can full of water.. fire it up again and if it pisses water then wipe the sweat from your forehead.... and then slap yourself so you never do that again. If it pees.. run it. You got away with it and it will probably last for years yet. If it doesn't pee.. well you need a new impellor and if you melted it down then yes I'd suggest a full kit that includes the housing.
  13. $260 fine, I believe it is, for not being able to present a vessel registration to an peace officer.
  14. Our condolences Flex. If you're gonna go, that's the way to do it - quickly. Great that you have so many great memories to reflect on... they'll come in handy often!
  15. unfortunately the blue jug throws the colour off..
  16. Another thought... did an industrial electrician rewire your house?? They are so use to keeping neutral and ground seperate downstream from the main switch gear that they have a habit of doing it in homes as well. If neutral isn't grounded in the panel properly and out to your ground rod... you could have an unbalanced centre tap for neutral causing higher voltage than you should get at a plug/fixture.
  17. Na it's all relative Albert! AC cycles thru zero at least... it's DC you really have to give thought to. We call it Dead Current for a reason.. I'm hoping tinman grabs his meter... I bet he has high voltage in the house and the other thought, first floor ceiling.. kids running around up stairs in bedrooms??
  18. I've been dead twice.. once from 600 in grade 12 electicity (when my partner turned the panel back on after the teacher had turned it off) and once from 3600 in a damp glass plant (when the feed buss filled with ice and shorted out to the frame work and we were turning the power back on after a Christmas shut down) ... hell I can lick 110 ..it won't hurt you! lol
  19. Get your digital meter out and stick it in a recepticle! How many volts...
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