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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Not sure how you put that together... but I can tell you that having that outlook won't get you far in life! If you're in a minimum wage job, don't blame the situation on the employer. I should also note.. that the wife's god father started with little if nothing in his pocket but the dream to buy into a store (on borrowed money) and never lost sight of the dream... He is also the person I learned " the harder I work.. the luckier I get" from ! ... as he is so sick and tired of people stating how lucky he is to have what he does.
  2. Trust me Albert.. If I can get that down and take it home.. it would be airworthy within a year ! It's a waste of aluminum hanging up there...
  3. I think you answered a lot of your own question there... our economy first and foremost on both accounts. I don't know it all either.. but I do have an in as to the goings on. My wife's god father was at one time the chairman of CTC corp.... He worked his way up to owning the largest store in Canada in Saskatoon, but for the last decade or so has owned a small "retirement" store in Calgary. I believe about 100 employee livelyhoods and ~ 20 million in gross sales for our economy.
  4. Report back when you've discovered the difference between net retained profits, gross sales, direct expenses and the cost of inventory. At least with CTC the entire profit portion stays in Canada! None of the others you mentioned do... I think their yearly corp meeting in Hawaii gets logged under "misc expenses" though! .. lol
  5. At least I know when I shop at Canadian Tire Archie.. that my part of the profit, from their 7.5 BILLION dollars in sales per year, is staying in Canada ! Billes daughter is still in control of what he started way back when, 1925, as Hamilton Tire in downtown TO.. ..good to keep your own share values in check as well..
  6. Now if they would just put her in charge of customer support!!! Congrats fella! As for sharing a story.. in this economically depressed environment, as our youngest graduates from her Architectural Engineering program a month or so from now.. she has 4 firms already jockeying over her placement to help bring them into the next century of green architecture. Amazing what a good, well thought out, portfolio and a few design awards can do for your prospects...
  7. http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page2106.aspx and http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/navigation?file=home&lang=en has all the documents you need under the line fences act. Type Line Fences Act into the search window and hit go..
  8. Sorry Vince.. there hasn't been an MNR office in Temagami for over a decade now ! The abandoned building would make a great motel though...
  9. UMMM in most cases YES ! .. all 320 litres of it Dax ! As for the ethanol.. there is none in the pump gas at our local marina.. and when I road fill I use premium from sources that draw direct from the premium, ethanol free, tank. Any doubts.. carry a peanut butter jar with an inch of water in it. Fill with fuel and if the "water" line rises.. it has ethanol in it ! Even if you are filling with Ethanol laced crap.. if you are using most of your tank and refilling with fresh gas you shouldn't be suffering any phase seperation. If I was even hesitant in what I'm telling you I sure would be a tad more worried about the customers I have that FLY with the crap in their tanks!
  10. Yep.. and as a daily reminder I work in the shop with my fathers' wrist watch on.. using my sister's tape measure and steel rule, while I build airplane parts.... as I view my Mother's picture on the wall, holding the first and last Lake Trout that she ever caught!
  11. Yah.. we give him a wide berth Vince!! Now if Brian would just pass what he's having on a Friday night..... we'd all be fine !
  12. Porqupine ! LOL.. they're melted holes for god sakes... who knows! Lynx.. would be much bigger.. I have a girl at the camp
  13. Sorry Vince.. I'm short and I have to look up to see it...
  14. Now that's a great question Malcolm...
  15. Some reading here Dann.. http://organdonations.ca/help/organdonor/ but considering you can give the okay for a deceased childs organs to be donated...don't see why you couldn't do it with your spouse. The donor card in your wallet leaves no doubt though..available when you renew your licence... or at the link above as well.
  16. He was pretty nice.. considering where his wife works!
  17. come'on Cudz.. there's two in Barrie alone.. + Midland.. + Orillia that even abandoned their edifice.. to build a new one across the road.... They don't let you out much do they??
  18. They were probably just selling Terry's that's full of moisture....
  19. Sand beige.. light grey... or the likes. Nothing I hate worse the Naden's green zinc primer interior..
  20. There's some great advise right there 10point.. Fang helped me muddle thru my first few years on the lake !
  21. I guess you could sit in it and make noises Bruce !!!! No.. it's the real deal.. hope to be re-installing the motor by the end of next week. The bent up pics are on page 1..
  22. So Art... how are you and Joe making out on that 83 Virago ??? I'm still plugging away at my project... may even get to go fishing on time if I keep at it!
  23. No need for Stabil.. considering the hours Kris is putting on it. If you fish every weekend or two.. other than the last tank before storage, you're wasting your money on Stabilizer. Do you put it in your car every fill up tooooo ?? The only time it hits my tank... about mid October...never sure when the launch is going to be frozen in!
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