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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Very nice Roger.. great you got out AND caught fish!!
  2. Sure he does... it's someone screw'n someone.. so it's invasion!
  3. Haven't even clicked the link yet... let me guess the remote control airplane that loses a wing and then lands...
  4. HMMMM and I let you hunt in my yard while you're on your meds....
  5. I can probably get you on Temagami into a nice place that the power is still on... 3hr - 20 minute drive from Barrie. PM me if interested and I'll get you in touch with the "care taker".
  6. You can keep 25 on the lake John.. it's in the exceptions. I don't have my reg book here to see about dip netting.
  7. No requirement to have or use a radio blaque... but I do and blindly make calls from here and there on the local channel in case anyone else is in the area. Other than that.. you are aways scanning the sky for traffic. Almost got a helicopter that wasn't paying attention over Red Cedar on the way up to the lake in July. That "bug splat" in the windshield kept getting bigger and bigger, so I banked hard right and then left again. He flew right by me, at the exact same altitude, as I stared in his window.... with no acknowledgement of my gester on his part... so he didn't see me! He was probably texting... good thing I stopped doing that 10 miles prior! As for float planes in the USA.. even though your side of the "imaginary line" preach about all your freedoms and rights, floatplanes don't seem to be one of them. I think there is only one lake left in Maine that you can land one on... Thankfully aviation control in Canada is governed by the Feds, and not every town/county/state like it is in the USA.
  8. I've travelled the entire lake by boat and air.. and I can only get to 11 that I can picture in my mind.. I'm sure there are others that come and go and I just don't see them, but there aren't that many considering the size of the lake.
  9. No it doesn't kbc... but I'll argue it in court.
  10. Temagami is a HUGE lake Blaque.. not sure how many float planes, but in the neighbourhood of of dozen or so that I'm aware of.
  11. Blaque... the only clearance I need is... "Honey.. is it all right if I get out of your hair tomorrow" ! And she ALWAYS says yes! lol I'll fly no matter the wind if I'm just going somewhere, but if I'm dropping the canoe somewhere, after anchoring the airplane, I'm of course looking for a day with winds under 15K. I had my airplane move on me once this summer.. not a good thing to come back to, but luckily arrived just as it was going up on a large rock. In the Video.. "Approaching Temagami from the South", watch the airplane as I turn the last time to land. A lot of sliding going on as the wind was 40 gusting 60. Wasn't fun at all.. forecast was 10K winds. I actually left the airplane running and climbed out while I tied it to the dock. As for weather.. I'm handicapped at the camp.. look outside and see what it's doing and decide to go or not. Fuel is in the boathouse, or if I'm out I only have to go 3000 feet to the local outfitters dock for fuel. Most lakes I go to it's a matter of throwing in one 5 gallon can of fuel and it covers the trip both ways. As Lloyd can tell you.. yes it's as simple as lets gas up the plane after breakfast and go... We head out in the boat and fish 'till the fog lifts and then come back for the airplane and go..
  12. Depends on when and where.. but I'm usually touching down on the water doing about 45mph. Sometimes it's 60 or so.. all depends on winds/gusts etc being compensated for. Double click on the embedded video to take you to Youtube and then click the icon above the video..and it will show all the videos I did this summer and the ones Lloyd shot with me last year Raf.
  13. Not in my airplane Andy.. don't have one of those obnoxious things!! I can get mine in the air at 38 MPH... although it does like to stay above 50...
  14. Thanks Louis! Someone posted that up a week or so ago... never dull. My idea of a low pass though.. is 55mph.. 2 feet off the trees heading into a back lake for Brookies/Lakers and looking for shoals from the air! <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L8fDtRZLkw?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L8fDtRZLkw?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L8fDtRZLkw?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  15. Misfits.. yep.. he's talking about Jose again! Hope I'm part of the crew as well.....
  16. A bit of a difference between a kicker and keeping the buggers aerated for the drive home ... Reading three pages... knew there was a reason I asked a MOD to toast this late last night.. unfortunate that it didn' t happen, but I guess everyone needs something to do since they don't appear to go fishing.... except for GBfisher.. that probably fishes more days per year than anyone else on this forum.
  17. You dropped some pounds Chris or do those wadders just make ya look slim!? ;o) Some nice fish in the mix there...
  18. They'll taste better if you kill them and bleed them out before taking them home anyhow. Put a bag of ice in that cooler instead of water and haul them home dead.
  19. Just cautioning you and hope a mod removes this thread once you've read it. Read the Ontario Fishing regs... you cannot transport live fish, other than bait, unless you have a licence to do so (and very few do.. only one I know of on OFC, out of thousands of people, that has a licence is Dave Chong)
  20. May not be where you load and link from at all... if you name your pictures with any blank spacing.. it gives them a file name with the % sign in it and OFC won't take them as it thinks they're dynamic links. Be sure when you name your pics like so... cramwalleye1
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