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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Very nice guys... you could have spooned in a bed no?? lol MJ.. where are you doing your chemo.. how many days per....#weeks apart...#sessions
  2. Very VERY Nice Ben. Some beauty lakers there for sure.
  3. No deep snow up North.. so no need for them to migrate down.
  4. MacLays ain't bad warm when someone else is paying!! Our neighbour keeps it under his bed. Says it's the coldest place in the house because his wife sleeps there....
  5. If you want another cheap beer G... try the Red Baron Light... The plain Red Baron is a little tart/heavy, but the light isn't bad at all for $13/12. Is what we were drinking this summer after finding the Corona was giving us the runs Dam mexican water.. lol
  6. When it comes to a historic building.. with a roof and wall that they couldn't figure out how to shore and replace over the last numerous months... and still save the facade... it was a pretty easy conclusion to make... like I've said before.. I've been underneath one of these old buildings that came down while working in Cabbagetown in the late 70's and if we we're smart we would have burned that bugger down before it almost killed me and 5 other works.
  7. Depends if you want diner plate variety or big hogs that requiring some serious trolling.
  8. Thanks for the report RR!! Did you make that auger mount?? looks pretty slick!
  9. Thanks for the heads up.... I keep giving them a thought, but I've made it this far in life reading a paper map and asking pretty girls on street corners where to go... so hard to give that up! lol
  10. I can guarantee these are brookies.. and they looks identical. Mind you reTodd's fishes tail looks a bit shorter and rounder on the outside edges.
  11. Can't beat the price Dan !!! And some little fishies to boot!
  12. I don't know.. I bet if you held it as an OFC dare devil event you'd get a show of hands!!!
  13. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RyUf7r_9yNs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  14. Got the last 2 cans in Orillia today. Leaves me needing 5. Sure hope that if I find them in Toronto I don't get arrested as a terrorist ...leaving a store with 5 gas cans!
  15. Just proves you have been in my bedroom....
  16. DANG.. I guess the bikini was under the T-shirt....
  17. I predict that the half time show probably sucked !
  18. Thanks for the call bud!.. fishing in my back yard. BTW.. they only fish there because it's a short distance to stagger back to the parking lot... Bill... you'd want a hungry pike for these lads..and yes you can keep them. (open all year s25/c12)
  19. Great stuff Lew.. reminds me of our laneway, but today it's 43 turkeys.
  20. So Zoey "drools and barfs" in the car.. just like your Dad taking Bill with him cross country!! lol Welcome to the board young one... I'm sure your father will only let you read the appropriate threads!
  21. Been there .. done that Bill ! You pulling that on a rope.. you're looking for a fine on Simcoe if so.. Nice day out for sure though.. a good ride on a new toy and fish to boot!!
  22. Always Terry.. only time I see them.. is when I'm trying to stir my chef boy r d or my Mr Noodles !! lol I think we should leave a can on the burner all day long.. maybe they know something we don't!
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