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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Thanks terry.. already supplied him with that link. He went to Royal just before they closed and got a power pack.. wasn't it. I figure it's the CDI..
  2. Anybody in the East end of the GTA have a Skidoo CDI sitting on the spare parts shelf? Denso.. 0700002421 Please PM Fishhunter Thanks!
  3. Some good size fish.. why I always have one line at 5 or 10 feet off bottom.
  4. Glad I stayed in bed !!! (not that my back was letting me have it any other way anyhow..)
  5. Had the Herring for lunch today.. I just filleted it like any other fish.. coated it with TJ's secret coating and threw them in hot oil. Not sure why anyone turns their nose up at these or pickles them.... tasted like most any other fish. Wish I'd caught a few more....
  6. Maybe you should have gone with him Sis, just to keep him in line! I sure hope Elisha can keep her hands off such a burly Northern lad !! lol
  7. I'm guessin you're gonna have to drive that extra hour if you want anything in the 100k range on waterfront. I know of 4 x 2 to 3 acre lots on road access Cassels Lake in Temagami, for $105k + gst... but the Municipalities Planning department would have you in a mental institute before you're done. 50 foot set back from lake.. no this.. no that.. viewing corridor only thru the trees.. etc.
  8. I wish you luck.. it'll be a needle in a haystack! Here's one.. http://www.cottagelink.com/cottlink/ontario/on3/on31482.html
  9. Some nice fish Steve.. but tell Kyle that is what happens when you reel when they're pullin line!!
  10. When I loaded my sled into the trailer last Friday...this wasn't exactly where I expected to unload it to go fishing.. but when push comes to shove the laneway at home will do just fine. I'd scouted out a spot a couple days ago to access the lake and a plan was put together. Terry and GBFisher would be at my house for 7:30 am.. now to wake up that early! LOL Waiting for them to arrive and load Andy's gear. 2 KM road run and out onto the lake. We hit the lake running from the access... as we'd received 11" of fresh snow yesterday and I could see the sag in the ice knowing it would be slush.. and it was.. pinned to the handlebar and Andy holdin on for dear life... Terry right behind me. We continued pegged to the bar for quite some time.. I thought we were in slush the whole way since we had no speed, but couldn't figure out why Terry was following right behind. Turned out it was just 2++ feet of deep snow with minimal slush in the bottom and I was making Terry a path, but it was taking EVERYTHING my 500 had to keep moving forward. We continued to stay pegged to the bar for quite some time... and when we finally hit some hard pack I stopped and said we're fishing here! It worked.. Terry got first blood! I had a hard hit and miss and then Andy set the hook in his hole (we was sharin a hut). Nice pickeral.. but in the darn slot. Sad to send them packing DOA.. Me up next.. slam... nice little Herring.. swallowed the hook hard and I kept him for supper. And from the same spot.. Andy says.. that doesn't feel like a pickeral.. feels like a Whitefish.. man this guy fishes toooo often!! .. and my Team 3 entry for the day... a nice keeper 23.5" Pickeraleye.. DOA anyhow. What a beautiful day to get out on Georgian Bay.. it's in my own back yard and I rarely get there anymore. 4 species.. from one spot! Cant' beat that or the company I had today! Thanks guys!
  11. 'cause he's gonna try to get up my laneway in 2 wheel drive Brian !!
  12. "I heard a pickeral call my name" by going out the door shortly !!
  13. You sure you're playin with a full scale there Paul?? How's that habit kicking going...
  14. All this yaking just reminded me to grab a tow strap out of the truck for tomorrows GBay run..
  15. Sometimes it's just a 10 mile long water trough ..with 4 foot snow banks. Like any lake it's all pending weather and snow load.
  16. Well it is and it isn't Terry... you have to take your environment into consideration. Is this any different than the plowed roads we deal with on Lake Temagami?? You know they are there and you take the sled throttle into consideration... well some do.. I remember vividly Lloyd making it bank to bank heading for town for gas!
  17. I was thinking more along the lines that after two we'd have to leave to be legal to drive!! Roy and myself bought enough last year.. someone elses turn...
  18. I nominate him to buy the first two rounds as well..
  19. Thanks RR.. will help with my decision for Saturday..
  20. Seems to be the common theme out there this year.. "they're not where they always are". Makes it challenging for sure, but also a better fisherman in the end I suspect.
  21. Would have been a great plan on his part if it was gonna be -20 for a couple days.. but other than tonight.. it's then going ++C. What is the rest of the lake like... is it all slush under the snow or is it windblown and hard for the most part?
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