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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I refuse to pay $20 for a tube of sealer... Sikaflex 1A in Limestone or Gray.. under $7
  2. All I can tell you.. if you try to access Glamour Lake from the West side.. my uncle may be 85 years old, but he can still sight in a 303...
  3. You patch your aluminum boat with fiberglass and I'll go screw a piece of aluminum to someones fiberglass hull!! Tracker? Stop drill the crack ends.. beyond what you can see presently. Then make a patch to drill, seal and rivet to the hull... similar to this one on a.. god no.. Grumman .
  4. It was still iced in as of Wednesday afternoon if you're talking the launch across from the rec center on #12.. West of the narrows on the 4 lane. Ice could well be gone by now though.
  5. nah.. it's still not locked Roger, think I'll go back to the bathroom build I'm doing... glad I stayed off the forum today and did something constructive.
  6. Thanks for taking the time!!! Great way to round out the ice season. Thought I was gonna get one more shot at Whities on Temagami before ice out, but doesn't look like it's in the cards.
  7. I know it's 30 seconds of video.. captures the whole affair and he's keeping it tight under wraps while he makes a deal with Bow Hunter Magazine for the rights! So far Angus has got a one year contract from APA Archery doing trade shows for them and he's guiding an upcoming archery/turkey hunt for Whitetail Fix from Ohio on Sportsman's Network.
  8. Nuts.. I had to roll the runway yesterday before it got too dry. Usually a job done the first week of May or so. Really screwing up my spring schedule.. I know that for sure, I'm gonna have customers wanting their airplanes out a month or more early as well and that just isn't workable right now...
  9. Fishing by yourself often.. you want an Auto.. not much good when you knock yourself out on the boat side, on the way in, if it's manual! That said... I fly with a manual... can't get out of the cabin if it inflates before hand...and if I'm knocked out I'm dead anyhow unless someone pulls me out of the wreck.
  10. Orr Lake is dark green today.. will be gone tomorrow!
  11. Let me know if he's doing that Vince.. as I'm mailing him rivets come Monday!
  12. Bruce.. we're still trying to pump out the 200 boats that were pre-ordered, by the first 7 old dealers contacted, before we even drove a rivet in Feb. PM me you needs... I'll see what TBMI can do..
  13. Buy a new Naden out of Temagami Boat Manufacturing Inc. I need to see some returns.... PM me if you want a quote. Heaviest 14'r is 265lbs http://www.nadenboats.ca/models-canadianlaker.html The 14' Fisherman is 240 lbs http://www.nadenboats.ca/models-fisherman.html The light fisherman is only 160lbs. http://www.nadenboats.ca/models-lightfisherman.html
  14. ..what I was getting at Grimace.. and Skinny.. you don't think wings are flat do you? A proper rivet will, or can be formed, to fit just about anywhere. If you were closer it would be fixed already.
  15. The school bell rang lads.. the principal wants to see ya's... All over a screw .. who'd a thought.
  16. An update to the flying Moose story... Angus has indeed secured the new Ontario record 204 and 5/8ths! http://www.frow.ca/moose/archery/
  17. I'm trying to figure out why it was there.. and where the head went? Is it counter sunk and covered with filler? If you want it gone.. remove it.. drill a clean hole and stick a rivet in it.
  18. That's another story Darren... first sign of a seal leak should have been taken care of immediately. Grease coming out.. equals water going in and your Bearing Buddy isn't doing what it's supposed to and maintaining a positive pressure (which keeps water out!)
  19. Always a crap shoot lads.. the old bearings are probably better than the new crap you'll get in many cases. I've always been an "if it ain't broke don't fix it" kinda guy. I bought this trailer in 1989.. 9 ton rating.. 3 axles. Still has the original King bias ply tires on it and the original bearings and it's logged a LOT of mile originally hauling my cars to car shows across Ontario and the last 16 years or more recovering airplane wrecks. Yah I know, it's not even a boat trailer.. but she's been in the lake MANY times unloading float docks or picking up stranded float planes. Never a squawk as recent as Wednesday recovering this from a forest... but now of course I've jinxed myself!
  20. Man that's a pig of a fish the one guy has!!! Wish I'd got the freight train that started spooling me and snapped me off a few days later, that ate something small I was already reeling up. Great to see you got out with Grant! I know you where both SO looking forward to that trip and admire the extra effort it took for planning to work it in.
  21. Ahhh.. the tri-yearly bearing thread. Thanks Darren! lol Jack.. rock side to side and hopefull detect no side play.... see if she rolls easily with minimal help on your part .. ONE FINGER against tire and turn. Rolls okay.. no noise.. grease and drive if you have bearing buddies. If not, I guess it's pull apart and repack. I would think a Shorelander would have buddies on it... Remember as long as the spring loaded plate can be rocked side to side.. they still have enough grease in them. You only grease until the plate is about 1/2 way back.. never bottoming the spring.
  22. Maybe get your float rating while you're there... oh.. you need a pilot's licence first! lol Have fun...
  23. I hate to break it to you, but Crown land is still available for sale in Ontario... unless it's on a Lake Trout (cold water lake) which now has a moritorium to sell anything other than the shoreline allowances to the existing property holder of the "back lot". You just won't like the hoops you have to jump thru for capacity studies over 3 years etc to make it worth your while. The op sounds like a crying Cottage Association member trying to protect their nest egg... many of whom's grandparents used the materials from the Crown land (that they now claim to protect) to build the nest.
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