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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Usually there is a dock to step onto beside the boat launch.. if not you just go over the bow and into the truck box. I can load my Baron and reach WAY over to hook my bow strap on.. climb out and winch her up tight, jump back in and shut the engine down in about 30 seconds.
  2. Yah one tard with a ticket book and his young fella that booked a charter with Lloyd! LOL $110 bucks for moving 50 feet without a helmut on! You were a great addition to the expedition Paul. Welcome any time!!
  3. Well next year I'm gonna give this some more thought and maybe see a shrink as well... while I was up freezing my nads with the lads.. Leah was off doing this visiting her cousin in Marsh Harbour Bahamas. Triple header. A strawberry Grouper.. a Heinz and a shrimp! I could have been deep sea fishing every day..... for free!
  4. Wish you'd had the underwater camera going on record for that one. Big fish eats little (22") fish and swims away happy!!
  5. Kinda like needing a spotter to run a race car...
  6. The "bottom dwellers" are finicky as hell. You can get them to follow, but it takes a long time to find the right bait to get a strike. The big cruisers.. 9 times out of 10 when they light up your screen they already have your bait lined up with their mouth.. no matter what you have on!
  7. Weather.. although Lloyd loved it, I and the sleds hated it. Too many days near or above zero making you sweat, get the chills etc. Give me -10 to -15C anytime when bundled and running, drilling, etc. Didn't miss the usual morning -32C temps for this period of February though...
  8. Many places on Temagami with just barely 12" and the top 4 is slush ice! Kokoko has 4" of slush ice.. 2 inches of water and then 14" of real ice. Won't take it long to go out when mother nature says it's time!
  9. Sunday's gonna be cold and tighten it back up.. get out there.. it won't last much longer! I'm still hoping to get back up North for another week of jiggin for giants!
  10. Pail off each FRONT side cleat, along side the boat, and you'll forget there even there.. until you try to get it up on plane going home that is! I just used a couple pool chlorine buckets.. drill a hole on each side where the handle goes. Take a rope with 4 or 6 strands and tie a knot in the rope about 2 feet up. Seperate the rope into two runs and tie each thru the bucket hole. One loop at the other end of about 6 feet of rope and drop over the front bow side cleats.
  11. 1/8th ounce jig with a little white grub on Bill. Not that it really matters. When the big ones swim though, out of nowhere, they always seem to be just grabbing "food". It grabbed my jig... then went and grabbed my williams 5 or 6 feet above it. Other years it's been my big musky tube or a tiny bait. I think they just swim around with their yaps open inhaling anything they can find.
  12. Great stuff Simon and nice oval rink! Leah would be in seventh heaven with that in her back yard!
  13. I set the hook as soon as he grabbed it Tony and probably even before as I yanked when the lines crossed on the finder! Considering he spooled me over 10 times.. he had no problem going up and grabbing the spoon that was only 5 feet up from my jig! Was over 25 minutes getting that fella in... Thanks everyone for the comments.. we never have fun up there Spiel.. you know that!! lol
  14. Okay.. let me dig out the old paperwork to see why at triple the boat value the policy premium only went up by ~ $275, when I was expecting it to double or almost triple with full replacement coverage.
  15. LMAO Roy.. I didn't think it was ever gonna get done / posted either. I just put it together last night. Came back to two wrecks to retrieve $$$'s and the backed up work I already had in the shop. Not sure whether to cry or be happy.. lol
  16. I see you've conversed with Bruce Ward as well Graham. Ask him what he thinks about taking pictures of Sturgeon with a sport licence.. that have a Zero possession... and he'll start to stutter and tell you that's different!
  17. The largest expense is the liablity portion. I paid $600 / year for $35,000 replacement and 3 million liability on my old Glastron boat. I only pay $875/year on my Lund and accessories covered for replacement @ just shy of $100,000 and the same 3 million liablity.
  18. I need a holiday from the holiday. 9 days straight riding sleds, drilling holes and getting up at Lloyd o'clock. Next year I'm sleeping in one morning.. or two !
  19. The two CO's in the Temagami area are gems.. Mike and Pete as well as most of the OPP that they ride with are great guys and always a good chat when they come by twice a week. Now the Sarg giving me a $110 ticket for no helmut while moving from hole to hole...
  20. This years trip took a lot of planning and some hair pulling for more than a few of us. I started with seeing what dates Terry could get off work and we decided to go weekend to weekend, so we could rotate guys in that couldn't do the full week. A month before D Day Terry had a devistating occurance that had him telling me he was out of the trip at this point, but I kept his spot open no different than they've done for me many times over the last year and a half. In the end Terry could ride up with me, but needed to be home for the following Saturday afternoon. We figured that one out toooo. So Friday Terry and I headed for Temagami and arrived to 8" of fresh wet snow and not a single track on the lake. We unloaded my sled and both ran out to camp and drilled a hole to check ice thickness. 22".. good for everyone to park at the dock. We then proceeded to pack a parking area with the sled and a couple "tire" tracks to town. Reloaded the sled, threw the truck in 4 wheel drive and turned off the traction control. Was a tough run while grading a trail with the trailer axles, but we made it and then continued to go round and round for 10 minutes to pack the snow some more for everyone else. Lloyd and his brother arrived a couple hours later in seperate vehicles. Lloyd put his trailer on Ralph's jeep and they both made it out. Supper and laughs and we fished Saturday, Sunday and Ralph went home Monday am. We then went out fishing Monday and Tuesday.. and about 2 PM Bunk called me from North Bay. "Be there in about 2 hours".. well he was fishing beside us in an hour and 5 minutes! Paul arrived about 4 pm and we got him moved into camp. Fishing Wed, Thur, Friday with Andy showing up to wake us up at 5:50.. not able to find the ramp to the lake or path to our camp. Drew went to get him with his truck and Andy made it out in his Civic to join us for the rest of the weekend. Of course it snowed like hell on Friday night and it was anything but fun getting that car back off the lake in the morning so Terry could take it back home to get to his appointment. Once that was done.. although Andy kept saying "why do you guys go so far to fish.. there's a life time of structure right off the dock" he really seemed to enjoy his day once we got 27 miles from home! LOL Bunk headed for home on Saturday to give his wife a break from some sick kids and Paul and Lloyd headed home 6am Sunday. Andy and I took our time, cleaned the place up... winterized the drains and headed for shore at about 9am. Uneventful ride home and another trip in the books. Thanks for the laughs guys! Terry and I pack light! lol Terry on the phone... "Yes Lloyd, we've done all the work.. unloaded a sled.. drove out.. checked the ice thickness.. packed a parking lot.. packed a road.. gone back to town.. reloaded the sled.. drove out grading a "road" with the trailer axles.. shovelled the stairs.. shovelled the deck.. sure just drive out and have a beer" !! (Disclaimer: We're fine with that.. Lloyd does all the shopping and cooking!) 320 km to Temagami and another 55 in front of the dock. I'm dizzy.. let me out! Great getting everything right to the island. So much for taking the glass out of the rail making the snow blow away! Lloyd unloading his sled. Ralph, Lloyd's brother, draws first blood Saturday am. Me with the next.. Lots of fish not worthy of "history" and then it was supper time. $92 for 4 T-Bones the size of plates. Seperate plate for the veggies! Sunday off to a great start. Lloyd a fish.. then Terry a fish.. and I hadn't maked a fish in a couple hours when this big red streak enters the screen. It grabbed one bait.. I set the hook and then he grabbed the other spoon. I now had a reel screaming monster on two lines. That was short lived when I burned one off on the burner. I kept calling for help on the 2 way and after about 20 minutes I had it below the hole and was struggling to get his head turned up thru 20" of ice, but finally did. Took a self timer shot just as Lloyd screamed up on his sled. He now knows it does 72 mph! Thanks for getting me a decent shot of this bruiser Lloyd! 38" long.. solid and nicely over 20 pounds. 40 minutes later I've moved 5 miles further from Lloyd.. now about 7 miles apart. I now know my old sled with do 64mph! Another nice fish. Terry with a nice Whitefish to finish the day off! And another great winter sunset. Terry starts the next day off making 3 in a row not skunked on the big lake! Bunk with a Laker to start out and Lloyd with a couple more respectable fish! Lloyd spooning with his old buddy Ted again ! I was leary of Paul (Lexxington) bringing a 4 wheeler.. but he did well keeping up with us even in 8" of wet snow. In this shot we're about 35 miles from camp. Good thing he had a reserve tank getting home! Moosebunk with his trusty 250 Bravo! Even trustier after I fixed it the night before! ;D Bunk and Terry browsing maps. Paul and Lloyd drinking beer.. Andy with a little crotch cover. Great to see the lake is naturally reproducing so well. Andy and Bunk discussing technique while the line screams off Bunks reel. Bunk with a nice dark Laker. Paul happy as hell with a line screamer he pulled up to make his trip!!
  21. All that comes to mind.. everytime we debate this nonsense on a bi-weekly basis! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1yjxWfyxpqY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  22. Hell.. there can't be two Bruce Wards!! He'll threaten to charge you for taking a picture of a Musky if you only have a conservation licence! lol
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