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Everything posted by torco

  1. Great to hear, I had a similar experience a few years ago when I was learning to fly fish and it was excellent. Since going out with Larry from troutfitters I have gone back with my brother inlaw so he could also take up the sport. A good guide is well worth the money, glad to hear you got the itch.
  2. Great start...Fly fishing becomes very addictive, enjoy
  3. That is what the residents of mississauga and oakville didn't want in there communities....
  4. A little further is Halfway Lake or Restoule....But can't go wrong with Algonquin or Arrowhead
  5. depends on what you are looking for but the parks tend to get more wilderness like the further north you go. How far do you want to travel, what are you looking for outside of a non party place?
  6. So this should be clear as mud now Basically there is no right or wrong way.
  7. As the guys have said, the loop is key and if you don't have one using a perfection loop or something similar is great because loop to loop connections are quick and strong. I like the factory tapered leaders because they are quick and if you take care of them really don't go through them that quickly. I like to use a triple surgeons knot to attach my tippet to my leader. Once I get to break off to my know I cut and redo my tippet.
  8. Actually we don't vote for a Premier, we voted for a local representatives and the party with the most seats selects its Premier....Granted most party's run there elections on who there official leader is but its not the same as voting for a President but I get where you are coming from. Good on the Province and shame of the Feds as science is still important, somedays it feels like we are heading backwards.
  9. Hey the leader is needed to allow the fly to turnover when casting. But if you are throwing streamers and nymphing it is less important that it is tapered. It really depends on the situation.
  10. Those are some beauty looking flies....I learned the basics of Spey Casting last year and have used it on occassion, it may not be the most effective way to catch fish at times but there is something to be said about the joy of this type of casting, it sounds nerdy but it is really fun even when you are not catching fish.
  11. I can second the convergence, I bought it a couple years ago on sale and it has been good to me. Nice rod for the price.
  12. Thanks John,
  13. How would one know if the roe was wild or from a hatchery? Seems like a bylaw that is hard to enforce. I am a little confused which part falls under Federal Jurisdiction? Couldn't the MNR just ban organic baits if they wanted too on the river?.
  14. You are too modest, sounds pretty damn incredible. Look forward to reading the reports.
  15. Thanks Mike, A couple years ago I did Harris Lake around to Naiscoot and finished by the highway it was good but I felt like I only touched the tip of the iceberg in that area. Will defintely shoot you a pm, your advice and knowledge is always greatly appreciated.
  16. This link should help... http://www.ontariofishcharters.ca/ontariowest.html
  17. That was just a crazy video....that poor dog, not sure why it was roaming around free but wrong place at the wrong time, it seemed to be caught by surpise thats forsure. easily could have been stomped to death. As for that cat, well cats are crazy and that one was lucky it came out no worse for the wear.
  18. Sounds good will do,
  19. Between Magnetawan and Nagonosh. Leaving from Wahwashkesh just off of HWY 520. I have never been but I showed it to my brother inlaw and my father inlaw and they wanted to give it a try. My father inlaw has never been on an over night canoe trip, we figured at 55 its about time he give it a try. I think he will love it, before he had kids he did some solo Hike's in Alaska that sound amazing and is competent canoer who is still using the same canoe he built when we was teenager.
  20. and the march to barren wastelands continues....
  21. Not too much planned for this year, its been exceptionally tough for various reasons to plan anything major. But have 1 week at a cottage booked in muskoka, this is a family trip but will still do lots of fishing. 1 Canoe trip tentatively booked for my father inlaws birthday end of June, heading to island lake area, although a new grand daughter is due around time of departure so we may have to adjust the timing (my sister inlaw is expecting) 1 Canoe trip with my brother late summer to be determined, he always wants to go to Nagonosh but I am hoping we try somewhere else. 1 surpise overnight trip from my wife for my birthday in June, she promises I will not be disappointed so I assume fishing! 1 canoe trip on the Saugeen with my wife in August, by that point we will need a quick quiet getaway. Tentatively looking at going up to Thunder Bay in late september to target brookies before they close.
  22. couple times a week
  23. Great report, you guys are super hardcore.
  24. Nice videos, really enjoyed watching them.
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