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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Happy Birthday Monique
  2. Congrats Brian and the misfish family
  3. Not to bump this thread in any manner or butt heads. But A question for ya bernie. How can you/we be charged by the ministry? The customer can go elsewhere for a certificate if they are not happy with all the findings on the set vehicle.
  4. Nice haul Mike
  5. I purchased a hummingbird handheld radio a while back. Its been very useful for me. And for a few others.
  6. Tried selling my cinder blocks on kajiji and here. 1.00$ a piece. But a lady called about them on her husbands behalf BTW there free to any ofner, since another ofner didnt jump on them. 100 plus to give away. you pick up
  7. 2 white or amber lights in front and on red at the rear of the vehicle. Part VI section 62.(1) for minimal lighting on a vehicle. For conspiciousy. My rule of thumb, if its there, it must work regardless. Esp at the commercial level on an annual safety inspection. I do recal inspecting and older vehicle from head to toe, only 3 lights were factory installed and mandatory at that time. Still legal to this day.
  8. Anyone fished it? Is there a camp there? Thinking about going up there with my girls this summer. From what I understand, theres walters to be had and a little venture by boat to get there. From the port loring area. Any info would be great Thanks in advance Vince
  9. And to find all the tiimie cups pre rolled up this morning.
  10. Happy Birthday Wayne
  11. Cant get in either and Im up 2 1/2 beers
  12. Ive had my policy seperate from the house, and car. Fully insured to the a tee all year long. With little ones running around, you never know. And I insured it with the same place I insure everything. Its easier and they know me there.
  13. Thanks, I needed that My first chuckle today
  14. Wheels from a dolley cart with a plank of wood for the rear, and the same for the front except adding a pivot point for steering. Princess auto should have most of what you would need. They have many variaties of wheels to choose from. Hope that helps.
  15. I called the 1 800 # today and asked if mine has been sent out. She only asked for the licence # and NO the card wasnt issued yet. Because I purchased it at a local bait shop. She assured me that within a month they will receive it and issue it. They are dealing with the direct purchases so far. She was very Kind and quick to respond with all my questions Know to call the MNR as see if my licence# is registered to my name for 2011
  16. J13s have done well for me as what others have suggested. Lead core is another option when the fish move to deeper zones. We were very successful with that rig up running spoons.
  17. So true!!!!!! Priceless I may add!
  18. So interstate makes optima batteries. So the 30% weight reduction? where is it implimented in the battery?
  19. And probably 30% less in the other departments, longevity, cranking etc.... I like my interstate anchors 3 seasons and no issues.
  20. Havent received my card yet and Im not reall y worried about it. Its paid for and I have my slip! As for what you had to deal with
  21. Thanks a ton Rick BTW there are hammer handles to target(Hint..Hint) On the fly
  22. Nice, thanks for posting Paul. I have the exact same mitchell 301 and I was eyeing an eagle claw rod for riggin at the bait shop yesterday. Looks just like the one you posted but bigger.
  23. Will do Mike, im sure someone will enjoy tossing them in the water
  24. Happy Birthday Jack
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