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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. My hungry little fella
  2. I headed off today to meet up with skinny, pike and perch were on my mind. Pike was my main focus, and a little perching afterwards. We had a few followers of the toothy critters, 4 on and self released, 1 in the boat and a big one that followed my bait and took a nibble Trolling along we did manage a few unharmed and released oos bass, and a few surprises Skinny nailed a bluegill with a (he can post the pic). I was consistant with my lure and managed a nice 10 incher from it. Well after a while we stopped for perching and met up with Dan and his boy Boy oh Boy can that boy of dans tell a fish story It was that big he said, with open arms and a great big smile After a few minutes I noticed dan with some funny fishing poll in his hand and I couldnt resist to take the pic. A picture says a thousand words I say
  3. Nice shooting Marko
  4. Albert you will also see a small marine shop on rogers ave on the right. The ramp is right there beside it. There is also another one further down the rd.
  5. I guess we are in the same boat Terry Hopefully yours is all said and done, and ready to roar by next weekend. Mine wont be
  6. Well I walked away from it for an hr or two, picked longer plugs(as advised on iboats). Regapped the plugs to 35 thou. I went with the mr43lts instead of the mr43t plugs. I went to crank it over and it started for a minute then died out. What I did notice at times while checking for spark, it was intermitant(high and low spark or no spark) Im assuming that the distributor is is cutting in and out. Moisture, point breaker,condensor, rotor or cap may be faulty. Best to replace it all. On top of that I need a new starter now Terry, it will be a week, before she sparks again. Maybe I hope.
  7. No, the disributor is turning. Seems to me its a week spark
  8. Its gear on gear(cam to crank) no belt or chain., and theres lots of compression.
  9. I have a 3 ltr mercruiser inboard engine, I have rebuilt it from top to bottom. I had my boat out last week as she ran like a dream As usuall I run the engine the night before an outing as I tried tonight and it wont start. I have spark and replaced the plugs tonight. I have plenty of fuel pressure and delivery to the carb I replaced the carb fuel filter as well. Main filter at the pump is good. Now I tried pouring fuel down the carb, and I didnt even get a back fire or a burp out of it.This tells me that my carb is plugged, or im sucking up seperated fuel. Possibly a stuck float Any opinions would be appreciated Thanks in advance V
  10. I have two of them as well, but I thought they tire valve removers
  11. I will take 4 of them 2 for the jeep and 2 for the boat
  12. True enough but the labour rate sticks
  13. You said it Wayne, and I have 2 if them
  14. There are many places I want to spend a few bucks in Jos is next in line when im up that way. But I like my local guys I bring them a timmies every time I go in. Why not! As one of them said, quote. Were in it for the long hawl Thats what I like to hear So enthusiastic about what they do, who cant resist to shop there. Kudos to Tim and Greg at Bills Bait
  15. I use the same oil and it does not look like that. The milky colour in the oil is an indicator of water/moisture. The only time ive seen this is when I rebuilt my engine and using engine assembly lube.
  16. I have 2 ponds that need to be cleaned up What was bob barkers famous saying
  17. My stuff per week, other things by the hour, drives me
  18. Nice truck but I bet it doesnt have one of these Its a terrible pic from the cell phone
  19. I really dont get this scrapbook thing that the girls like to do. But im not going to knock it, for their sake Even though they goofed around with a whitefish pic I had, thanks Destroyed my keyboard and mouse yesterday, thanks Broke the tips off 2 of my rods, geeze thanks I cant wait to see what happens next I guess this makes up for it, geeze thanks Who can complain, my kids are the best BTW those are my labour rates
  20. Im on my forth clarus 6.6 baitcasting rod The first 3 broke in the same spot on the rod under the same circumstances I almost did it again on sunday.Those rocks sure put up a good fight Regardless, I give the clarus a 10 out of 10.
  21. Welcome aboard
  22. She was very thick and healthly Dan, I had to let her go
  23. This morning I smelt something in the air, and off I went to target walters. Knowing that the area was low in walter population but I took the chance. Within a half hour I had one on, softly hooked. It managed to get away , fine by me there must others around that are more hungry. Yah right, I missed my opurtunity alright Casting away, I caught a few smallies about a lbs or2, threw them back in a continued casting, then I hollored FISH ON!!! THIS ONES BIG!!! A 29.25 inch Gator Why am I happy about a little gator? Because I havent scene nor caught one with a girth like this in years in this area. It reassures me that things are good in the river For the better part she swam away quickly and unharmed
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