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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Having kids aboard I have a decent kit on hand, regardless. If I needed to stitch myself then a mikie and krazy glue will be added ,
  2. it sure does Albert, esp with the leather interior and comfort
  3. Possibly in the afternoon I can post a few pics
  4. nope new bearings, races, bearing buddies. I saved the spindle thank god, an hour of intense agony Going to PA for a new hub. After that a 4 wheel complete brake job, extra bolts for the hitch and im done for today. Theres fishing to be had
  5. I think Terrys luck went my way today I did manage to launch the boat and trolled for a while, with no luck. So heres what happened after putting the boat on the trailer. I go to pull away and my front calipar seizes up Ok I will drive slowly home. After 5 minutes of driving I feel a tug I looked back and I see the trailer wheel smoking I did nurse it home only to find out that I have a coolant leak now. Good thing I have a decent parts car and plenty of new parts to add today. 37 deg celsius and 6 wheels to pull. I feel your pain Terry
  6. in mint shape. I can hear the young pretty lady at timmies over the mike
  7. Another pic for you guys, I lost one day fishing but its worth it
  8. where do I sign up Thats awesome
  9. Nice shooting bucktail
  10. you taught him Way to go GMAN And happy bday
  11. What a sweat heart I have
  12. I purchased this new to me junker last night and brought her home. I tinkered around for a bit, but is was late. So this morning I woke up at 4 am as usuall. With only one thing in mind, GITIRDONE. Temp plates, insurance run, parts run etc, etc. I swapped the hitch from the old to the new one, what a pita that was. A quick wiring job for the trailer lights and voila, finally I can rest now for a tad. There is more work ahead of me but shes in tow mode for the next 2 days ps, my youngest made a little something for my hard work
  13. Welcome aboard Gman One thing I can really say is that your a trooper, well mannered, and fun to have on board. Ok thats three things. Keep up the good work, and for gods sake, dont outfish your dad too often
  14. Looks like it, fun to catch on an ultra light on the grand.
  15. My thoughts and prayers, Its very hard to deal with, just take it one day at a time and cherish it. Ive been there myself with my dad.
  16. Unbeleivably spectacular scenery,and happy 20 th anniversary to you and and the mrs'
  17. The poor jeep has done me so well in the past 3.5 to 4 years, it almost seen its doom then. I reserected it with mininal work to be done. Its taken us to tomagami, tobamory, port hope, lindsay, All along lake eries south shore, lake Os south and north shore, bell lake many times, g bay a million times and many more areas and lakes for a trip.Towed my boat without issues as well. The one thing I will not forget is trusting it on the ice last year at the fishing for tyler tourney and the next day I had trust in her and now its time to have her put down So if anyone needs parts for a 94 cherokee 4x4,pm me.Frame is cracked(5 cracks) just so you know.
  18. It was a promise I made to a friend of mine, to take his girlfriends boy out for a day of fishing. Yuppers, it made me happy alright. As for the lad, I didnt realize till a few days after how much it meant to him. So polite, he asked the captain if he can step aboard Hes going to make a great sea cadet one day, in my books.
  19. I had made a promise to take a young lad, to go out trolling for chromies last monday.So I did accompanied by his mom and her betterhalf.lol My good friend miller allowed him to take the first fish that hit on our second run out I personally didnt care to land a fish myself as long as some of the company did. Within dropping my 3rd line we struct chrome I made sure it was hooked and let the young lad hawl it in. Once it was close to the boat both I and miller handled the landing. I didnt want to disapoint the lad and made sure he had a pic of himself with the biggest of the day That there in itself made my long weekend complete. HE can continue on once he joins our wacky world of fishing
  20. the brown skin is working now, im not a chameleon lol. Blue skin is too bland for me. I prefer the rustic look, the same happened at a local bait shop that moved recently. Rustic to bland.
  21. I agree with shawn, ive hit maitland to crystal beach with no success on the eyes. Port burwell is the place to be Albert
  22. Sweet deal B
  23. Great report Paul and nice shooting Most of mine were caught with nothing on the screen and well before seeing a bait ball.
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