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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. If theres an auckland granger store around, im sure they will have it. usually open till noon on saturdays. ps those bits are extremely expensive.
  2. Ive been there before , but you have easy access to it. You will need a left hand drill bit, one that cuts in reverse for starters( one thats about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch smaller than the max diameter of the plug) . A shop vac, and reduce the hose end to reach inside the cylindar bore. You already have a guide at the plug. A thin magnet. A can of Liquid Torch. A very good small sharp pointed chisel and a small hammer( just in case). Ive been lucky on a few cat. detroit 55 and 60 series, cummins and volvo engines with the same issue, except they were fuel line fittings seized in the head. Most times the heat generated from the left hand bit frees them up As for easy outs, I find most of them expands what your trying to free up. Snap on has the best Ive used.If it moves then use the easy out. Just my 1.9238 american cents worth.
  3. I did fail to mention that on monday, there was a call out on channel 16. I listened in to see if the issue was in my area, but it was out of bronte. A small 16ft vessel reported floating around with no one aboard. Thankfully it was only a stolen boat left out to drift. Kudos to the coast gaurd with their response time With 10 to 15 minutes they fly past me. I could surely use a boat that goes that fast
  4. Friday night I contimplated whether to head out, my buddy decided to cancel due to the storm that was headed our way. I saw a window of oppurntunity, so off I went to lake O for chromies I launched out with decent skies above me, the winds were just right I stopped at the location I wanted to fish, no fish on the finder but I knew they were there. So down the lines go, within a 1/2 hr one line goes off ,A shacker that shook himself off . I trolled for an hour or so afterwards, and my lines tripped a few times without anything to show for it . Now Im getting fustrated so I swithed to the dipsy. At this point it was starting rain and I knew I didnt have that much time. 3 times within 20 minutes my dipsies surfaced without them being in the released position very odd.After that I bee lined it for shore, and made it back in the nick of time. Saturdays outing was much nicer in the same area.I launched out of a different port with more to see, scenery wise . For that day I marked fish all around me and my lines only triggered twice, and nothing to show for I realized that I was trolling too deep for the hungry fish and my lure colours were off just a tad. For my third day, with my lessons learned and a new one to be presented within minutes of trolling I set up a little further out from the early season spot, no fish marked but what the heck 10 minutes into trolling I had a shacker on and self released I continued on, still not marking anything . Within minutes I hear zing and zing again A double header I took the closest rod and fought that fish while I loosened the drag on the other rod. Thank god! The fish released itself but decided to do the mambo with the other one I was still fighting, ouch, talk about a birds nest a the tip of my rod. Cutting away and hoping not to loose the fish, I cut the wrong line I quickly tied it back up and finally landed it 12lb female chinny. Okay now im excited, so off I go again trolling the same area my line goes off again and this ones a monster A 10 minute battle lost at the side of the boat MILLER, were your ears ringing?
  5. Awesome report Frank and Happy Birthday to you.
  6. Awesome report miller Some first ones ever and pbs One thing I do know, its not hard to get someone hooked on fishing, esp if its their first time at the technique
  7. Nice job jacques I like it
  8. design , just the way I purchased them. Tied off each handle on a short leash, just to tuck in tight at the corners of the stern. one thing I would to them is tie a tether to the base to reverse the bag while trying to pull it in. But its only 3 to 6 ft away from the boat For a buck who cares
  9. Best thing brian is that its tucked closely to the corners without interfering with any lines
  10. I was trying out a few things in the way of drift socks this morning. I needed to slow my troll down at least 1/2 to 1 mph. Yes I could have purchased 2 drift socks but seeing them in use, it would take up valiable space needed behind my boat. This am I had a brain fart at metro(5am), I asked for 2 eco shopping bags and nothing else besides some water. She looked at me a little odd and i told the quity pie its for the boat Anyhoo. I gave it a go,one on each side and it put me to the speed I wanted Call me cheap but they worked 2 bucks compared to 100 plus. Everyone told me it wouldnt work, haha!!!!!
  11. Leaving hamilton early in the am and heading east. Just had a last minute cancelation. Pending waves, i may head a further east. pm me if interested, leaving at 5 am
  12. Lightning rod accompanied with an abu stamina drag.
  13. Binbrook c a and valens ca rents out boats.
  14. True enough, when he shows up, show him the 4 wheeler(Perhaps at a friends place with a dog) then you both goto the bank and cash the cheque. If hes unwilling, then say good bye. Thats what a friend of mine does, after he was robbed once of an item just after showing him, at his place.
  15. Last night I was talking to a young good looking women She asked me if I prefer legs or breasts I told her what I really wanted was a shaved thinggy. Unfortunitly, I am no longer welcome at KFC That one I had to share
  16. Has anyone ever been there, its around the montreal river and elk lake area. Just need some input for now as to the lodge. I hear its a great place to stay. Thanks in advance for your input. V
  17. The best way I found was with the ff on at max including the light, was to move the antanae around while on a weak station. Once you found a decent reception then stay near to a sutible mount for it.
  18. I tried that line once way back when
  19. What a hawg Bruce Nice catch
  20. I received my notice today Now what really tees me off is that service canada has a copy of the signed( by both partiies) receipt. No taxes paid because the boat was for free. I really didnt want the boat anyway. But I took it anyway for free and fixed her up. The engine was blown, the floor was shot, the transom was rotted out. It wasnt worth a dime to anyone at the time. I paid enough taxes in fixing it up And service canada has the records and my explination, which was allowed to go through without a hitch. Now I see this carp in the mail, I guess I have a fight on my hands in which I plan on winning. Revenue Canada and Service Canada should start exchanging notes We pay their wages
  21. Well I was out again today with miller in big lake O, and my engine ran great It was nice to finally have the boat out again We trolled for chromies, for the majority of the day without a hit Perhaps next time.
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