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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. From my recolection it ran pretty smooth. I would just leave it alone, its at its max rating anyway.
  2. Well Folks I figured I would post this very early just as a reminder to all . Our Boss T.J and the admins, allowed me to do this again this year Last years contest was extremely fun for both I and my girls. And Im sure for many others here. I want to do this again this year, and with as much or more fun and pics to be added. If anyone would like to donate a prize, that would be apreciated. All you need to do is pm me. This is only for fun and for all to enjoy, laugh etc. I will have a prize package ready, and if anyone wishs to donate something. I may be able to swing a 2nd or 3rd prize. My Girls will be the judges again, and it will be their say This is just a heads up for all here, theres plenty of soft water to be had in the meantime. I will post again/bump as a reminder or if donations have been made, etc. Our last years winner was Irishfield Donaters where, myself, my kids, Bigugli and snapon tools Who will be this years winner/winners Good luck to all
  3. Mid to late 30s. Nice fish BTW Heres something I posted not too long ago. The lure is 4.25 inchs. You do the math Take 10 percent off for good measure. I figured I would share, cause im in skii hungry mode thats all
  4. Flip a rock or two over, never know what you will find there. You may have it your arsinal If not then you know what the next step will be. if need so.
  5. From what I heard on the radio(vhf) this morning, they are still searching from my understanding. I kept thinking about it today while fishing in an area. Seeing something floating around, I dread it esp if it looks our worst fears. Even the life jacket that I found 6 miles out last week in the shore shores. I hope the person is found soon. But I do fear the worst unfortunitly.
  6. This was a misfortune for the person that went missing on saturday. I heard the call from prescott this morning There was another in my vicinity while trolling that was stranded, two on board a vessel stranded. I heard the replies to assist them. I was ready to go without hesitation. To all here on OFC , if im out there, I will assist in any manner possible.Ive been there and its not fun at all. And I listen in. For some of you guys for future reference. Bronte harbour has had a call out for assistace, a charter captain from another board did assist untill the ccg arrived, venturing out of port weller. Time of arrival within1.25 hrs. Half way in between there is another 2 vessels that should of assisted, and should of been on alert Sorry for my little rant.
  7. So you enjoyed your new boat, neglected a few things on top of that. So cut the lawn early in the am, at night you can pic dew worms for the next ams outing. Dont forget to water the lawn Another thing to keep in mind is be very generous to your neighbours, it pays off. May save you from cutting your own lawn, just saying
  8. I heard the same while I was pulling my lines up, told the gals to stay quit so I can hear. I was ready to go there. Then another was on their way to help them Also on a sadder note , there is a missing fisherman/boater between toronto and oshawa area. That i did hear early in am, went missing saturday, a call out today as well from prescott . I hope him/her is ok, keeping my hopes up in the meantime
  9. My other misfit
  10. Thanks B I meant to add how my gals start a fishing venture in the am Its peaceful
  11. I dearly wanted to fish the usuall area for chromies, instead I opted for the west end lake O. My girls were with me and I figured, why not hit two birds with one stone. So off we went to see this schooner that was setting sail today. Then we ventured off to some known stomping grounds. Sadly enough all I managed was a line twitch, thats all. My favorite lure that have produced were dedicated to mooching set up. Anyhow, upon that twitch I seen, I pulled the rod up to unclip it. It broke immediatelyNo fish either So I swithed that reel to another rod in hopes for a lunker, that didnt happened either. So all in all, it was a fantastic day on the water and very relaxing as well
  12. I remember that day to a tee, correct me if I am wrong. It was a thursday, early in the morning. I was starting all over again, my oldest was 2 1/2 weeks old then as well. I was preping for my 2nd day of class of my aprenticeship. I had the tv on, on low. Samantha was beside me in her seat. I was studying and my now ex was sleeping as usuall I looked up and saw the footage on chch, holy cow, I was almost in tears. Then came the second crash. No need to disclose how I feel, but what the inocent folks dealt with that day. I cannot put into words. I show my girls a few vids from you tube once in a while. Yes, they were in tears alright, particularily for all that suffered that day. So to all that lost a friend, a family member, a coworker, my sincere condolences to you all. It just seems like it happened yesterday
  13. Itsa da Luigi, look a da skeeny necka. he getta dat froama benda la spaghetti. O DIO! Queste gente no sabe niende Look at the shoulders
  14. I havent read any of the replies yet, but I did ask about the same thing not too long ago, We did catch them on a regular basis on an erie trib way back when. They were common and small, very tasty as well. I still pitch a line to this day in a particular hole to catch one, once again. With no luck at all since then But there were other picks to be had in lieu of it
  15. BRB MERC Hang on Almost there, yup, nope Ok , AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are right, three bucks down the drain TGIF
  16. I have an aqua view scout underwater camera, with 100 ft of cable. I do know they sell the hardware to rig it up to the down riggers as well. Has anyone tried it/have one. View points are needed as to the hassles I may fear while doing this. Cable drag, keeping the camera straight while its swimming in reverse. I do know I have to let the cable out and retreive it manually, thats is a pita on its own. But other than that, any input will be apreciated. Thanks a ton
  17. Happy Aniversary Mon ami Congrats to the both of you
  18. Nice photo shots and observation Wayne It sure does look like the niagara pool in slow motion. Curious to find out if there is some sort of tide there, even if its miniscual If so, it should be fairly simple to locate where the fish are holding
  19. That was a spectacular report Frank A trip for all of you that will never be forgotten
  20. Thanks Simon, I will give it a go soon. And for you gbw, mooching is another members best talent on the water Not you or I. Thats for another board
  21. That was awesome aaron I recall a guy out west doing shows as such. charlie wright if im correct. Cool vid BTW Soon enough I will be rigged up the same, camera wise.
  22. All is good
  23. Its been mooched
  24. Thanks for your inputs guys I know what I may have to deal with, but the experience in itself will be rewarding. In mind not on the flesh/knuckles.
  25. Never know what can be found at the culverts and ditchs. Last season, i seen a lady fly fishing at a ditch, yes she was fishing, I ventured further up stream, 2 conscessions up I wasnt disapointed that day, for brookies.
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