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Everything posted by cwpowell

  1. Praying for you my friend.
  2. Were you floating or on the fly?
  3. Nice photos my friend. I like the bleeding hearts.
  4. Went fishin for crappie today in Caledonia, boy was it a crappy day... Anyone been fishing for crappie lately?
  5. Nice fish dude. Stache is nasty! Suits you!
  6. I mean the thread containing this info.
  7. mind pointing me in the right direction?
  8. Hey guys, I don't know if anyone would be interested but I would like to purchase lures or floats or any kind of fishing products that people from the board make or manufacture themselves. Maybe we could make a list of who makes some cool stuff possibly available for purchase or trade? I know we have a rod builder by the name of Spiel actually in the same city I am in.
  9. I think you should mock up the gas insert in the whole and see how it looks with the black soot still there? Might make for a cool effect?
  10. Is there anyone from or familiar with this area? Could PM me?
  11. Thats great Jay. My girlfriends old man is rockin one too, she said she hasn't seen facial hair on his face in 22 years. He's the head honcho for CBC Radio. He deals with a lot of the higher ups as well as many levels of government so that will be pretty funny.
  12. Did you create a Movember.com page Harrison?
  13. haha jet ski for 800km?!
  14. Purchased this reel today from Bills Bait in Hamilton for a great price. Anyone have any experience with the reels? $49.99 for the reel, feels pretttttty smooth.
  15. Outback sports does not carry Fishinstuff products, they are listed as a retailer on Fishingstuff's website.
  16. It wont let my buy a 3 year sport license? The only options I receive are 1 year conservation for 2010 and 1 year sport for 2010 Nothing for 2011...
  17. Hey guys and gals, any members of the halton sportsman association on here?
  18. Sweet, are there any reps on the board?
  19. I have no beef I am just wondering. Like what do they consider a sponsorship? Thats all.
  20. A sponsor from Quebec sponsoring the Ontario fishing site? How are they sponsoring? Are they contributing money to keep the site up in running so that they can advertise? Are they offering a discount? Can we purchase their product anywhere here?
  21. Thank you sir good on ya! I will post before and afters photos!
  22. that looks like a really light rod you're using there?
  23. Hey guys I dunno if I am allowed to do this on here, but my cousin died last year from Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma as well as prostate cancer last year and in the recent months my uncle was diagnosed with prostate cancer, so many of you may know November is prostate cancer awareness month, in turn they call it Movember because people grow a mustache to raise awareness for prostate cancer, this november. I am accepting donations of any amount through my Movember Canada "mo-space" web page. here is the link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/622352/ In 2010 tragically more than 4,400 men will die as a direct result of prostate cancer. Go get checked! Thanks all!
  24. why do their heads look detatched?
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