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Everything posted by cwpowell

  1. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xEAHJvwZ_XI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. It's also more of a winter season thing for me. Once you can put shorts on you won't catch me in the house. I'll be on the boat or on the bike.
  3. Hehe, I like to play the game here and there. I've had it for about 3 weeks and I just got the 5 hour playing time notice. So that tells you how much I play. But I do enjoy playing it as the day winds down. Of course I don't skip work or school to play, And while my girlfriend is home from school Thursday to Sunday, the game system doesn't get touched.
  4. Add me to your friends lists if you play on ps3 my psn name is cwpowell
  5. Anyone onn the board play?
  6. My dog has the same thing in her eye, had it since she was born. Vet said it is just a loss of pigmentation or something.
  7. Yup seen this before, still amazes me.
  8. Mercers not Italian though?
  9. Good to hear that the kids enjoyed it. Even if the price is a little high I'll probably hit the show at some point this weekend with my old man.
  10. Beauty yeah I've been looking for one. shoot me a pm or e-mail if anyone see's one for sale.
  11. Thank you sir.
  12. Anyone have any experience with these? Any things I should look out for. Bad or good. Thank you.
  13. Shouldn't be a problem to take pics.
  14. Pics of the vette please!
  15. My girlfriends dad is the operations manager for cbc radio in toronto so he has a big job there. i will definitely be signing this.
  16. Whats with the price hike?! Anyone know where you can get cheaper tickets?
  17. Like damn! They told people to stop calling. wimpy montreal cry babies.
  18. Ha that was good.
  19. I have one I love it. Caught lots of walleye on it this past summer. It's pretty much my main rod. I would by another in a heartbeat.
  20. Hey guys, I am from the Hamilton area, and I am looking to try and catch a new species. I understand there are a lot of steel headers around here and I would like to try my luck at catching one or two. I don't get out a lot because of school and work but if anyone would take the opportunity to take me out and give me a lesson or just hang out and fish that would be really cool. I have lots of gear, and it wouldnt be a problem to pick up a few new things. Thanks again guys. Also travel is not a problem really I have a car and don't mind a short drive.
  21. Nice fish dude, and welcome to the club. You'll learn a lot here!
  22. The 29.99 and 39.99 combos from your local bait and tackle are usually not too bad. Especially the Diawas.
  23. Gross, skin on haddock!
  24. BTW no offence to Dave Mercer or Aaron Shirley or any of the other pro dudes. I understand they contribute a lot to fishing and conservation efforts. I appreciate everything you guys do for the fishing world.
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