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Everything posted by cwpowell

  1. Personally, I'd be throwing it to the eagles.
  2. Usually any Shimano authorized dealer will replace it for you for the cost of shipping. Usually 10-15 bucks. I always buy Shimano rods, I love them, I recently bought a St Croix rod of equal value to one of my Shimano rods and the St. Croix is much lighter but the Shimano feels much nicer when you're fishing with it.
  3. Hey y'all I'm headed up to Arnprior this weekend to fish the Ottawa river on the Quebec side. I'm kind of blind as to where I'll be fishing exactly, but i'm going up to a friends cottage. Anyway what I'm getting to is what kind of tackle should I be packing here. Is the water tea stained? what should I expect? Will the bugs be out in full force?
  4. Copy wha Irish said. Do you have a paypal account?
  5. I think ol' Mercman just bought a princecraft. As far as I can see, which is not very far without my glasses, especially on a dark, wet day, he loves it.
  6. Hey guys, I found an old Popeil Pocket Fisherman. My plan was to give it to my old man because I always hear him talking about them and blah blah kind of like a childhood memory. Anyway I took it apart to put some new line on it and oh lord! Big mistake! There are so many crazy little parts in this thing to take out just to get at the line. Anyway if anyone can give me some help on how to put it back together that would be great. I just need to know how the little bail spring thing goes in and which way the little copper 'u' holder thingy goes in! Thanks in advance! I know someone around here has played with these things!
  7. You dye your hair, trim, your armpit hair, goto a salon and not a barber. Say bye to your card!
  8. Yep, don't need a card to buy gas at the rez. In caledonia. IT's about 10-20 cents cheaper per litre. but the natives get an even better price.
  9. I payed 1.04 on the res yesterday.
  10. My rates are great with them.
  11. Yep, definitely go. you're going to pay your respects and support your daughter! don't think for a second you shouldnt be there especially if he meant as much as you say he did to you.
  12. Yep, as Solo said, can't beat a honda. but you might pay a few more bucks for it.
  13. Have used the cub cadet have used the lawn boy and now have a toro. they are all used a lot! the cub cadet is very loud. the lawn boy seemed to fall apart not motor wise but the handle and wheels and all that stuff. the deck actually cracked near the back wheel. and the toro is great so far. pretty solid. not as loud as the lawnboy or the cub cadet. i'd go with the toro personally.
  14. As my father always says. "A happy wife is a happy life." And, "Marriage is grand, divorce is a hundred grand."
  15. sticky the regs!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. If you decide to goto home depot for a design, ask for ken leach at the pro desk, he's a friggen guru. and get him to draw you one up and give you a list of materials. and then buy your materials from turkstra.
  17. I worked at Home Depot for 2 years. And built a lot of customers decks while I was there! Even though we weren't supposed to, they really didn't like that. Thats kind of the reason why i'm not there anymore haha. But one thing I know for sure, the program skeeter is talking about is a great program and a really bad program, some of the people there arent very good with it. but when they give you the quote, usually cut your cost and materials by about 40%-50%.
  18. Recently bought a couple live target lures. But my go to is a white tube jig or a pink senko. I also love the rapala j-9's i have one in a discontinued colour that works for me everytime!
  19. Hope Diesel goes down. $1.04 is nicer than the $1.35 gasoline. But under a dollar would be beauty.
  20. Let me know if you need a hand. I can free up some time. Just built a nice deck for a customer of mine 3 weeks ago.
  21. Locktite permabond works great too. Also if you mess up, acetone will get rid of it.
  22. Does anyone know about this derby, and if its happening again this year? My neighbour likes to take his kids every year and hasn't heard anything about it.
  23. I love the albright knot for joining two materials.
  24. We have a few of these kicking around at the beer store I work at. And a box full of caps. The caps are lined with cork.
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