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Everything posted by Dartee

  1. I travel into the states daily (for work) and a passport is a must. It is also required for my work visa. The border crossing i use does recognize the enhanced licence but will not except it in my case, it must be a passport since i'm working and not travelling for recreation.
  2. Technical Program Manager (account Manager) for a contract electronics manufacture.....
  3. I'm with Gore Mutual and have all year coverage. And I'm covered for all risks (fire/Theft /Collision, on and off the water which includes contents) with $1Mill liability. Premium is $220 for a 162 Prince with 40hp strk.
  4. As Whopper noted, a good installer will be able to make the seam disappear. Besides there is already a seam at or near the doorway to the room and if the room is wider then 12 ft there is likely a second seam in the room as well. The only catch will be finding the same carpet/dye lot, but since the house is only 2.3yrs old, odds are pretty good. Good Luck
  5. Born in Soest Germany 1yr Sudbury 1yr Bells Corners (Ottawa) 3 yrs Corkery (Between Carp and Almonte) 14yrs Westport 4 yrs Waterloo 1 yr Toronto 4 yrs Brampton 7 yrs Lyn (near Brockville) 8 yrs
  6. TinBanger The heater cable in the Trough and down into the down spout should do the trick. I have a similar issue where during the day snow melts at the top of the valley (when in the sun) (south east exposure) but when it gets to the ice-cold aluminum trough it freezes and slowly builds up eventually becoming a solid block of ice. (no ice on the roof) The wire solves this. I only have it plugged in when the temp will be between -2C and -10C, when its colder then that no issue.
  7. Not a snow flake here, just -8'C, sun is shining. Happy shoveling..
  8. "Under the new bill, teenage drivers in Ontario would only be allowed one passenger aged 16 to 19 - although there would be exemptions for brothers and sisters. Studies show just one teenage passenger with a teen driver doubles the chances of an accident." I agree with most, but the no-passenger thing is a load of ...... If that had been in place back in high school... there never would have been football or soccer teams. Most kids lived more then a 15-40 min country drive and practices always went passed the "Late bus". Everyone car pooled. 1 day 1 person, next day someone else. (gave time for the car/truck to air out before it was your turn again ).Also saved a load of $ on gas.
  9. There are plans to sink one in the St.Lawrence to take dive pressure off the wood wrecks. (Between Gan and Brockville I believe) The Eastern Ontario Artificial Reef Association says it hopes to sink the decommissioned HMCS Tera Nova by late 2009.
  10. Fill up in Brockville on the way by... was 77.9 @ the ultramar (2 lights north of the 401) this morning.
  11. Was $1.007/liter in Brockville this morn.
  12. Need to add Lakers as well
  13. For me, I take the saver off when in the garage over the season, if the boat is outside, I leave it on. It comes down to available space. When on, I can't close the garage door. For storing over the winter, I take it off
  14. Are you able to lock it in the raised position so the prop wont be in the water ? Cant get to far then...
  15. Nice Job CCMT..so when does the tour start...
  16. Great Report. Looks like every one had a good time... (some more then others ) "Saw this interesting sight as well....can you find the bird that doesn't belong in this pic???? LOL" I know I know....Dang Cormorants... poor Gull is out numbered..
  17. Rizzo Sounds like the prop is slipping,,,
  18. I have a 2000 162sc with a 40hp 4st rude. Does 31mph with 1 person. It actually trolls too fast @ 900rpm, needed to put on plate. 2 ft waves can be rough. Paid $11k 3 yrs ago, included fishfinder and 35 lbd bow mount. I'd agree that the its a little narrow on the inside but I fish mostly by my self. As far as the console being too far forward. It works well for me since I do alot of down rigging and tend to use the back more then the front. Also is a place to put the tube when heading out to pull the kids. The next boat will likely be the 169.
  19. WOW Nice Job CCMT
  20. What are you tring to say by "hold down a bobber" ? It sort of reads like your trying to pull the bobber under. The bobber needs to float on the surface and suspend the bait at the chosen depth. I hope your not putting so much weight on that the bobber is sinking. A jig head should be sufficient weight.
  21. I use the same CTC cover on my 162 princecraft. I have used if for 3yrs now (its on for storage and longer road trips). The only issue I had was one of the buckels broke (easily replaced).
  22. I have a 2005 Civic 4dr 5spd. The last 2 times I checked the milage I'm getting 39-42 MPG (hwy)but only if I stay between 100- 110 km/hr . If I'm pushing 120km/hr the milage drops considerably (in the low 30 range). 95% of my driving is hwy so I can't say for sure on the city .
  23. Wendel If you are not in a hurry and can wait till November eye-tracker (Sheldon Hatch) is selling his rig. http://www.fish-hawk.net/hawktalk/viewtopic.php?t=28586 Its a very nice walleye rig
  24. Cant answer on the winter fishing for the GTA But if your wanting a secluded park your going to have to go further then 100 KM. I would assume your are looking for a Nature Park as opposed to a Rec park. Are you looking for something that allows motor boats ? < 20hp, > 20HP, canoe ? http://www.ontarioparks.com/english/locator.html
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