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Everything posted by mpt

  1. This will wake you up. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZcuYjDR2tSg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. From your original pic it looks like the motor is trimmed too far down. You should be nose diving not porposing. Was the motor position adjusted after this pic?
  3. Motor working?

  4. Erie Dearies and blade lures are said to mimic the hatch.
  5. Meguiar’s All Purpose Cleaner
  6. Lew, couldn't you tell you were ripping grass instead of cutting it?
  7. Most have been mentioned but how about : sun glasses, a lighter, antacid tabs, aspirin, prep H, sunscreen and a candy bar. The prep H is great for bug bites, relieves itching. Also splurge on extra toothpaste to wash hands after fish cleaning to eliminate that smell.
  8. The current should't be a problem except for under the Ambasador Bridge. The problem is wake from larger boats. Kayaks even have problems at times. From LaSalle to Turkey Island is a good area.
  9. Be careful if using the bag method as wild turkey doesn't have the fat content as the domesticated ones do. I used the bag and cooked it for the prescribed time for a regular turkey and well the 3 stooges come to mind when they were spitting out feathers after eating something. Sahara dry would be the description. Fried with a coating of egg wash and panko or ground up chips would be good.
  10. Check this idea. http://www.dwfonline.org/Articles/poor_mans_glyde_ryde_seats.htm
  11. Club soda is quick and fishane.
  12. I believe there's a city launch just south of the Ambassador bridge. Great morning bite there. I launch across the way.
  13. Emeril's is good and not cajun hot.
  14. Grimace, I was alluding to the great numbers of birds that aren't counted because they're considered juviniles. Anything south of the UP isn't counted and that's why we assumed the report forms would change that but I don't think anyone is collecting the data. I believe it's a funding problem where ulness there's a big uproar, like the perch in the se UP, it's out of site out of mind and nothing is done. You can see by this thread the uproar is starting and things may get done. First off is a solid population number.
  15. I'm concerned about these birds my self. All the Fish and Wildlife types say they don't even make a dent in fish populations but they are trying to reduce their numbers in northern Michigan with nest oiling and more severe measures and fish populations are making a comeback. A cormorant eats at least a pound of fish per day. This doesn't seem like much but they can only eat smaller fish which reduces the total numbers of a fish population quickly and effects of reproduction may not be noticed for years and then it's too late. I wrote this last year. http://drdownriveroutdoors.blogspot.com/2011/04/cormorants.html The following month after I was told the birds in the Detroit River were only juveniles and weren't mating I posted this(middle of article) http://drdownriveroutdoors.blogspot.com/2011/05/river-trip.html I was urging people to report sightings of these birds which we were urged to do as part of the Downriver Walleye Federation but the same person that told me there was no mating in the area also told me the reports weren't compiled or followed up on so don't waste your time. We're told there's only about 20K mating pairs in Michigan but I think that number is very low.
  16. I'm writing a blog for the local paper. No pay involved. They want me to write more and try to do it on the same days of the week. This supposedly generates more interest. My son told me to blog like a social media entry instead of me trying to write magazine articles all of the time. The articles are in my head but don't get on paper often enough. It's a constant juggling match with myself.
  17. Nice fish and post.
  18. It wasn't Reagan that was the S+ L meltdown that was just a drop compared to Bush's effort. W isn't smart enough to think this stuff up but just bear with me. A big effort was pushed to create as many mortgages as possible, 29 states tried to stop it but were shot down by the FED. The DOW rose to 14000 and everyone was happy. When the bubble burst the artificially inflated DOW dropped to 6500. The DOW is at 11000 now which may be low but with the near depression it may not change much for a while. Many lost their good jobs and half of their home's value. Have you found anything to protest yet? I would like to know where all the money went. Just using a rule of thumb that at 10000 the DOW is worth 1 trillion per every 1000 points. So if you were in the know and took advantage of inflating the DOW to 14K is worth ~ 4 trill, selling short (which was just expanded to unlimited during W's years but would have been stopped by anyone with a brain) down to 7K is worth 7 trill and then investing back to DOW 11K would be another 4 trill. Any insider playing it correctly could have had part of the 18 trillion dollars that were to be had. They were just "making markets" according to the CEO of Goldman Sach's talking to the US Congress. Anything to protest yet...
  19. Thought this was fitting....
  20. Great report, when a plan comes together...
  21. Bob is great but for something different try Jon Bondy. Jigging for muskies is exhilarating. http://bondybaitcompany.com/
  22. These are great even without injecting anything which is the only way I'm allowed to cook. FIL hates any spices. First put the frozen turkey in the pot and fill with water until the bird is underwater then take the bird out and mark the spot where the water line is. Dump water and wipe dry then fill with oil to mark. Thaw bird completely and hopefully you got a hanger with the cooker, this goes in the bird and lets you hook the bird securely. I have a 3 ft. gaff I use to hook the bird but you could attach a hook to a broomstick with hose clamps instead. Now get a good thermometer for the oil temp, start cooking between 350-375 F slowly lower the bird you will get a lot of boiling and frothing at the top. Once the bird is in crank up the heat to get back to temp then adjust the burner to maintain the temp range. Around 3 min/lb is a good time to check the temp of the thigh, have a large pan on hand to lay the bird in to check temp 180 F at the thickest part of the thigh is about right. Sometimes they're overdone and sometimes the thigh is reddish but the rest of the bird tastes great. Enjoy.
  23. Great report, wish I was there.
  24. I write a blog, does that count. http://drdownriveroutdoors.blogspot.com/, If it's fishing related I'll test it out in Canadian waters on the Detroit River.
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