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Everything posted by mpt

  1. Snagging is only allowed if you're part of a treaty. I've never heard of eating lamprey i don't think they taste very good. Eel on the other hand are very tasty.
  2. Sheaphead is great tablefare. Your fish is about the minimum size to keep however. The only meat to keep is the tenderloin on top of the fish everything else is not worth the effort. The taste is mild and the texture is similar to lobster. Dip in butter and you won'y be able to tell much difference.
  3. If the bulb is very easy to squeeze the check valve may be bad.
  4. What make outboard is it? I had a similar problem with my Johnson 50 hp. The problem would come and go and to avoid a long story I ended up talking to the a dealer and was told the wiring harness was being pinched behind a board on the side of the motor. The wire was from the overtemp sensor and when it grounded out it shuts off a cylinder. Just something to keep in mind after checking all of the obvious could bees.
  5. Try this one. http://www.michigan-sportsman.com/forum/
  6. My son just had his replaced here in MI at GM. They heated the tip and it came right off. If your tip is broke off take the rod in with you so they can get the right size tip to fit the remaining piece of the rod. Any tackle shop should be able to do this.
  7. Did you read about Beans?
  8. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IF?????????? fishsuit.pdf
  9. This is the only place I could find to re-sharpen Mora ice fishing auger blades. They did a great job on mine.
  10. Piez bugem
  11. mpt

    Fish suit

    I don't know what your preferences are there sirfish but I'll only spawn with hens. I'm happy in the pic because we took 2nd place behind the fighting coke driver/pepsi drivers it's just that the picture takers were laughing so hard I was confused.
  12. Will be taking any and all offers for this. Not sure of the regs getting across the border. fishsuit.pdf
  13. Green water is healthy water. I'm not sure what algae disks are but I'm sure there're adding algae to your water. The pleco will eat the algae that grows on the glass and other surfaces but the stuff that colors your water has to be filtered out. I'm not sure the size rating for your filter but in time the algae will be filtered out and the excess will start to die. The water should cloud up again from the dead algae. In a few days it should clear and if you don't overfeed again it should line out. I think you were overfeeding but I'm not sure how much so 1 green/ cloudy cycle may take care of it. Do not disturb the bottom layer, vacuum the bottom but don't go into the substrate at all. This is where the algae bloom is coming from and where the good bacteria will eliminate the excess algae and eventually clear the water. PM me if you have any problems.
  14. mpt


    Nice post TJ and what a wonderfull place you have there. I'm jealouse.
  15. Buck, Take it easy. Wait 2 more days. Once you disturb the bacteria layer it takes a while to clear. There may also be decomposing food still in the tank which has to get broken down. I think the tubidity is from dead bacteria and they need to get broken down also. The filter won't filter them out it has to run it's course. If the fish look health just wait, if they are breathing hard or in active then you may have to try something different. Don't go over 10-15% water changes that really stresses the fish unless you do it quite often to try to get the fish to spawn but they need to get used to it. Good luck and just relax.
  16. Uncle buck, Just stop feeding the bacteria in the tank and you should be fine. A fish's stomach is as big as it's eye. Cut back to 6-8 pellets a day and do half a disk every other day. Tank sould clear in 3 days at that temp. Lower temp to 75 if you keep the pleco and want to add more tropicals. Live plants are great if you can get them to take, just keep trying by buying new ones if they die. Try to find some java moss and throw in, it's hardy and should help with the water chemistry. Don't disturb the gravel at all unless you're moving the tank. Once the layer of bacteria starts working they'll keep your tank clear. That's a nice looking tank and at 1" of fish per gal water you could add a few inches. With the koi stay away from aggresive fish or fin nippers. Most gouramies should be good.
  17. They aren't the only fish to spawn under the ice but they are the only fish that you can eat the livers of. The Fins of the Upper Peninsula of MI would cook them inside bread dough like a calzone.
  18. The decision of what to get make take some time. In the interum get a cheap DVD recorder and learn how to use and maybe learn what you would want for a higher cost model. I got mine on Sam's club auction site. Total with shipping was about $65. Once you get used to it it's just like using VCR just make sure you get the right DVDs for your unit, ie DVD-R or DVD+R and get RW rewriteables and you can recoed and delete at your hearts content.
  19. St. Clair River. Not sure exactly where. Check out this thread and maybe make a few PMs. http://www.michigan-sportsman.com/forum/sh...ad.php?t=197890
  20. The foam in a can is just as good as the foam in a boat if it's the yellow kind. The white, pink or blue foam is more closed cell but the yellow is used in the hard to get places or where it's molded right into the boat. If the yellow foam in a can was all open cell in wouldn't insulate at all which is usually what it's used for.
  21. I like my Pfluger Presidential. 10 ball bearings!
  22. Thanks for the report Shakes. I heard they were active over the weekend with the new moon and all...
  23. Definately use the tommatillos. It really adds a unique flavor.
  24. Cracked corn should make them happy.
  25. Try right out from the Belle River. There's a long hump that holds fish. If no luck there troll to Peche Isl. where they've been catching a few. Check out http://www.michigan-sportsman.com/forum/fo...isplay.php?f=58. Good luck!
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